Unsavory Thoughts

"Have you reached out to your family yet Davina? I am unsure how you came to be on the ship or if there are others here." Rue asked as they walked. The forest was growing darker, both of them really hoping that they found food quickly, those that they could feed from. Davina glanced at him, he could see a bit of confusion in her eyes.

"Weren't you captured and put on the ship?" Davina asked confused, instead of answering. He would know better than her if there were dragons here. Though from what she'd been learning back home, it sounded like there were none here. At least that they knew of, that the dragons had all left their sister world to help protect the other one. Her fathers had been the last, and he had not known much about the darkness until recently. He'd lost his family and all he knew at a young age. Knowing all of this, she admired her fathers and how lonely it must have been as the last of their kind.