Hot Water

"Adina! What is this, how dare you have a male in your room! You are once again breaking our laws, and so horridly might I add." This was from the female that was clearly in charge. Her dark hair was back in a severe braid, she did appear a warrior and there were these four white wings behind her. This must be a valkyrie. Mason wasn't impressed, but he did note the weapon at her side.

'Her wings are much smaller than ours, pathetic. Bet her flying is like a drunk dragon fly.' Mason mentally chuckled at Kaleer's comment. Second it was super fun to be spoke of like an object.

"I am not breaking rules! I found him, the law says that any male that is unclaimed and found can be claimed immediately by the finding female to keep the peace. I have done so." Adina said calmly. The first female that spoke in the hall had her arms crossed and a smile on her face. Clearly she was happy that Adina was getting in trouble.