Learning Seduction

Adina felt the very sharp arousal that made her feel like her own skin was too sensitive. His fingers inched up her skirt, bunching it high on her thigh before letting his hand slide up her soft smooth skin. His mouth working very slowly at her throat. In her opinion the man was a natural at knowing how to touch her and coax a response. Her hand gripped his hair a little harder and her other hand rested on his side unsure if she wanted to hold and pull him tighter or not. 

His hand moved up higher to curve around and grip her backside pulling her even more into him. She felt his tongue slide up her neck, then again. He was making a very content sound and buried his face in her neck and hair to inhale for a moment. Adina shifted a bit, her clothes felt really confining, and even though the material was soft it felt scratchy to her aroused state.