I Want to Meet You

It was so incredibly late by the time they got out of the cave system and back up to the surface. They'd been down there for hours and coming back out was slower than going back in it felt like. Especially with the climb that they had to do up the tube and then back up the wall. Not to mention Eliza was not ready to separate from Adina and Adina was feeling her exhaustion, plus both Mason and Liam were tired from using magic to protect the cave. 

Once they came out and were on the beach they all felt like laying down right there and just sleeping. Though the mental connection that Liam had with Athena sure sounded like things were getting heated with the valkyrie. They were talking about opening a small piece of barrier and going out to see if anything was out there. Adina had seen something was, and now a couple other oracles that were not as powerful as her were picking it up too.