Stubborness Kills

Once more they found themselves going up the temple steps. After they were inside they saw that the statues were normal again. Nothing sticking into the floor, but Mason glanced down and noted the holes in the floor as well. He kind of tipped his head and eyed it. Evidence that something more was at work here. 

"You did not need to bring your male Adina." Carmine snapped as the small group was gathered. Mason and Liam were two of four males here. Athena was looking rather ruffled this morning to say the least.

"On the contrary my mate needs to be here." Adina said and she could feel Eliza listening and learning. Looking in her mind for information about these people. She was told that she needed to stay quiet and could not come out. She seemed to understand this very well and wasn't even moving on Adina.

"I don't think…" Carimine started but Athena cut her off.