Help and Enemies

"So where are we then? Do we have a direction or not? We have been sitting with our fingers in our ass for nearly a month! We lost where the dragons were, lost both tombs and the creatures inside of them. We are at war people, and what do we have to show for it!" Torrence the head of the facility Baker was now forced to work under, nearly shouted at the small group standing here. Ganner was just standing stoic and alert as always. Baker of course wanted to roll his eyes. Could he not just go back to the damn lab and work on his shit there? 

"We do have a hit, a submarine off the coast pinged something massive. We are pretty sure it is the Leviathan. So I took the liberty of having our tech and analysis team look into it." Newark said.Tech and analysis, just fancy words for technology spying and hacking into things that weren't theirs. Then again who knew how deep the pockets of this society were. Baker just looked at Newark as he continued to speak.