Natural Progression

Vintas truly could not believe this world. Believe how much it changed, how badly they misused things. The pollution, the waste, his world at the time of Atlantis had been advanced even more so than this. Though their world had not been degraded like it was now. Thing was these humans seemed to think that electricity, harnessing energy in the form of archaic methods was the best. From what he was seeing those in charge were keeping the rest from progressing. It just seemed so backward, and it was clear that evil was in charge. Not good, the world was a darker place. 

Don't get him wrong, he did see the light in the people. It wasn't that these people were lost, but it was clear they were stuck. In his world they had found ways to use magic, a loose term in his opinion. Magic was just another way to manipulate energy. To make things do what you wanted, and instead of humans harnessing their internal ability and connection to it all, they now used machines.