Just a Little Inconvenience

"It is just me. Breathe Portia," She heard Vintas say in her ear. She took a breath and the hand eased on her mouth. From the darker spot she was in now she saw Marvin go shooting by, and then not a minute later Chase. He was indeed bleeding horribly. 

"I believe that I told you to call to me if you were in trouble." Portia glanced over her shoulder at Vintas. She felt so relieved to see him. He was looking past her and toward where the other two had run. His grip around her midsection was keeping her back against him. She very much took note of the firm body holding her there. 

"Sorry. It just wasn't the first thing I thought of. I just started running," Portia said and oddly noticed this sweet spice-like scent. She hadn't noticed it before but suddenly she thought it was from him. What a strange thing to notice at a time like this. 

"Did you get your things?" He asked her.