What You're Really Focused On

Portia didn't really look up at Vintas. She was a bit concerned that if she did she'd see something she wasn't prepared for. Though the question was what exactly wasn't she prepared to see? She was trying to decide if he did that on purpose or just to grab it as they spoke, letting her look. He then brought the book before him and flipped through it for a moment before opening it and laying it face down on the map. 

Vintas had watched Portia more from the corner of his eye as he didn't completely turn his head to look at her as he grabbed the book. He just wanted to see her reaction to him coming into her space. He did feel a little tense himself, Vintas had grown up with manners and etiquette drilled into him. That he should respect space and not be forward with a lady less she show that she wished for it first.