One Bland, One Spicy

"Thank you, thank you so much," Bryva's mother said clasping Carter's hands and a little bit of tears in her eyes. Bryva was standing next to her father, looking just a little tired. She was going home today. Her father held a small jar.

"You are welcome and remember Bryva will need one spoonful daily until this is gone. You have yours?" Cater asked her mother who nodded. Her father was clear of the virus for sure. 

"Yes, thank you so much."

"Anything you ever need healer you have but so ask. Janti has been working hard for us all, but you brought us an answer. A way to heal, thank you," Her father said and Carter just gave them a nod. They left the room and Carter went to the lab room to put a few more jars together. It was a mix of things specific to the species hybridization and he also noted that if Tazani put a drop of their blood in the medicine it magnified the potency.