A Dragon With No Manners

Tuya felt happier than she had in a while. There was this lightness about the oasis at the moment. The solstice was upon them. Just another couple of days and so many were preparing for it. The fear of getting sick was not dampening the mood this time. Not with the fact that they were treating it and not a single person had died since Carter and Tazani had begun to help. 

It really made people brighten, and it also helped Tazani and Carter's case. Which, Tuya was happy about. She had spent her day talking with others. Feeling out who she could trust and whom she could get to help stand up to those attempting to take over leadership. To force a change, she was mildly surprised by the number that was receptive to her requests about stopping the mandate and registry.  She used that to test the waters and see who might be willing to go up against them.