Concerning Matter

"Hey Tuya, you alright?" Tuya looked over at Ayde who came over where Tuya was sitting. She was actually down in the bathing area just sitting and looking at the flower that Carter gave her. It was off to the side in a shallower part of the pool. She just came down here to think and the sound of water was nice.

"Yes, I was just down here thinking. Did you need the use of it?" Tuya asked standing up and moving over toward her.

"Oh, no," Ayde said with a smile as Tuya came toward her and the entryway. "I actually came to make sure you were okay. I know yesterday was a lot, and the others told me that you and Carter are mates," Tuya made a gesture to go up and Ayde moved with her to go back upstairs. 

"We are, but we are not letting others know yet. They won't understand," Tuya stated, and Ayde nodded.

"I know," Ayde said as they went up the stairs and to the exterior stairs that would lead them up.