Ready to Wake

'I am ready to wake now Tuya,' Tuya heard the soft voice in her head. The feminine voice was soft and she took in a deeper breath. Tuya felt herself pulling up from a very deep sleep. She felt like her body was made of lead. There was this strange lingering feeling from the light inside her. Like it was there making sure the connection was strong and aiding her in some way. However, as she woke, the feeling pulled away from her. 

'Lyria, I am far too tired yet. I am trying but it will take me a bit of time,' Tuya said. She just knew the name of her dragon. The name was decided for her when they entered back into this world. The knowledge just hitting them both. Tuya struggled to get her body to respond and slipped back into sleep for a moment. Though it was not as deep of sleep as she had been in.