Wura village people's market is a market where Wura village people sell and buy all the necessities of life. The market is very beautiful but traditional. In the market, there are various kinds of people's needs as well as books that are purchased directly from the center of the city of Wirata.
Dobe who is the village head, does his job to control the market as usual. Not long ago, he heard that the public was interested in novels about nymphs. A legendary figure who is very well-liked by the people of Wirata Country because she is considered a holy creature. When Dobe was busy checking the condition of the market, he suddenly gasped as if he felt the air of someone he knew was around the market.
Dobe immediately went in the direction where the air was coming from, then his gaze stopped at an old man who was choosing a book, Dobe had not seen him for a long time.
"Sir Pra-jo" Dobe stuttered.
Prajo looked at Dobe. He smirked looking at Dobe as if he wanted to meet him.
Dobe finally understands that Prajo deliberately didn't erase his presence as usual so that Dobe could find him. There must be something Prajo wants to say.
Dobe approached Prajo and lowered his head to greet him. Then Dobe invited Prajo to chat and drink tea at his house.
Arriving in the living room, they sat in silence for a long time. Prajo always looked at Dobe sharply. Dobe's daughter, Jessy, came with tea and cakes, Jessy felt strange at the meeting that had not said anything.
"Jessy, go play with your friends" Dobe held his daughter's shoulder.
Jessy nodded and left the room. The atmosphere in that room was very awkward. Dobe took the initiative to open the conversation first.
"Master, i-is that kid?"
Before Dobe finished speaking, Prajo suddenly showed an angry face.
"How dare your son!!" Prajo snapped and narrowed his eyebrows.
Dobe gasped, not understanding what Prajo meant.
"After he tried to peek at my child by accident with his friend, your son tried to make up a story about my child"
"W-what do you mean? Peek?" Dobe was surprised. He didn't know that at all. Dobe felt very ashamed and guilty knowing his son's actions.
"I was at the bookstore to buy some books, but I saw a novel that was selling well and being talked about by the villagers.
The title of the book is the red shawl nymph and lost youths. Did you know it was about my child?"
Dobe remembers that the public began to be interested in discussing novels that tell about the red shawl nymph and lost youths. It turns out that the author of the story is his son.
Dobe was silent, his lips were dry. He immediately sat down on his knees under Prajo and apologized.
Prajo saw Dobe who did that immediately felt bad.
"Never mind" Prajo sighed and tried to wake Dobe to sit back in his place.
"Your son is guilty, try to educate a good one" Prajo snorted in annoyance.
"Even though I wanted to keep his whereabouts a secret, whom I considered like my own child. I wanted to protect him. But now, it seems that I can't hide him anymore in Mount Wura, everyone will start asking who the nymph in the novel is."
Prajo panicked, he felt it is hard to protect his child. Shuu and his residence. Although he can control with his power to lock the road of Mount Wura so that no one can enter Mount Wura, no one knows the possibility ahead if he cannot control it anymore.
Dobe wanted to confirm who Prajo called him. Dobe could only ask in his heart and then looked at Prajo, hoping there was an answer he could get there.
"That's right Dobe, my son is the 81st Sang Hyang Witch. The holy leader of all lands"
Dobe gasped, suddenly he felt tightness in his chest and then remembered everything that used to happen between DobeC and Prajo.
"Master..." Dobe whimpered.
Dobe and Prajo have been through a lot. In the past, Prajo was the village head and a nobleman but he was also famous as a teacher. Prajo built a small school in his village and had several students, one of whom was Dobe.
(Comeback, year 540)
Before the war between Gezela and Arta. At that time, the land of Gezela was on good terms with the Land of Wirata which was at the easternmost tip of the mainland. While the country of Arta is at the western end. Gezela is a strategic land, it is in the middle of various lands because it allows the Gezela Country to cooperate with the surrounding countries to the far east, the Wirata Country.
The State of Gezela and the State of Wirata cooperate in the social, economic, and even political fields. The land of Wirata is very fertile and has a lot of food supply, while the land of Gezela is very advanced in science. In addition, the country of Gezela also has a lot of magicians compared to any other country. That's what makes the relationship and cooperation very good between Wirata and Gezela.
Until one day the leader of the Country of Gezela, Boba Jiza, gained high power because of his harsh ritual to the God Zilo, the God worshiped in the land of Gezela. After that power dropped, the power of the Gezela leaders and Gezela mages increased unnaturally drastically. It caused the Gezela Country to want to rule over all the Lands on the mainland even in a bad way. The leader of the Gezela uses black magic to win on behalf of their God, the God Zilo.
A lot of damage was done by the Gezela Country, even though they were willing to do anything to get great power. The power of the Gezela Country is getting bigger and bigger along with its ambitions. They even change all social activities, clothes, behavior, and many other things according to the teachings of the book of Gezela to please God and have great power. Finally, the leader of the land of Gezela lost a lot of their sanity, they lost their humanity and they didn't look like humans anymore.
War ensued between several countries adjacent to Gezela, including the land of Arta. However, the land of Arta is very difficult to conquer because it is more advanced and strong. While the country of Wirata is the easternmost country, the country of Wirata is not too affected during the war, but from the beginning, the majority of the people of the country of Wirata have greatly respected the country of Gezela and made a good historical impression that the two countries often cooperated harmoniously. While the rest of the people of Wirata sided with the country of Arta or were neutral. The people who sided with the State of Arta also received protection from the State of Arta which is a strong and advanced country, this continued to create many new understandings from outside which continued to erode the understanding of the ancestors of the Wirata country.
The Country of Wirata has a God who is worshiped named the God Tabi and several Gods who are worshiped in remote and remote areas. A few years later, the understanding of the land of Gezela and the land of Arta spread to various regions of the land of Wirata because of the progress of magicians and their knowledge which caused a shift in understanding in the Country of Wirata. Many began to believe in the God Zilo who was worshiped in the land of Gezela and the God Virna from the land of Arta, especially in urban communities and some high-ranking officials of the country of Wirata.
During the war between Gezela and Arta, the State of Wirata was not in conflict and was divided even though the pros and cons were widespread in society. This is because a long time ago, the Wirata community had many Gods so they were more tolerant of differences.
Until one day, when Prajo, who had finished teaching, found Dobe running crying into Prajo's lap with a sob.
"What happens?" Prajo looked down at Dobe's face and wiped his tears.
Dobe told that he had read several books that demonized the God Tabi.
Prajo was anxious to hear that, he had a feeling that something big was going to happen. Dobe is a student who loves to read books, especially novels, so he is a student of Prajo who knows everything. Prajo also calmed Dobe and accompanied him by telling him about outer space.
"You see those stars? From here they look small, don't they? They look smaller than us"
Dobe studied the light hanging on the dark horizon with puffy eyes and nodded.
"But if you look closely, even the actual size is that the star is very big, bigger than us, humans, and can even be bigger than this earth" Prajo reflexively took the soil with his magic and then grew moss around the lump of earth.
"We humans are used to concluding looks, without even wanting to look closely. You know why they dare insult other Gods?"
"Because they only see from afar, don't want to look up close. They only conclude from the lens of their own beliefs. They think that they are the most right and the others are wrong. Humans like that will find it difficult to learn. So if we are angry because our Gods are insulted, we will be the same as them because we unconsciously think we are the most correct. Try to look closely, learn a lot, and become wise "
Prajo looked at the stars and took a deep breath.
"I understand, you are hurt. Everything about trust is like that. It will go into the subconscious so when your trust is hurt, you will feel hurt. It's just how we are good at keeping our emotions in check. You're a good person aren't you?" Prajo put his arm around Dobe's shoulders.
"A lot of goodness, beauty. Don't focus on things that hurt it. This world needs more good energy, love, and compassion. Take part of that goodness," he continued.
Dobe was amazed by his teacher's explanation. He felt lucky to find a teacher who was very knowledgeable and wise.
"I'll just focus on spreading kindness, no matter what"
No matter what
Those words echoed and were always in Dobe's memory. Until one day, the nightmare came.