
" First of all. I'm glad you took the incident so well, and was not traumatized," he said standing up from a revolving chair and walking towards the station.

"Oh!...please. I've gone through so much already, in the past couple of days. Maybe that's why I'm not fazed. I don't think anything can shock me for a while. I think this rush will wear off after a while and u could later be shocked, if not traumatized. So I think I'm good for now" They were quite shocked from her statement. She was actually quite bold. "Wow! she's fierce. I like it" the yellow haired guy said with a grin " Oh! Shut up.." The green eyed girl hit his head and he yelped, like it was really painful. It didn't look like it was suppose to be that painful. No offense but she looked like the cheery-weak kind of girl. Well like the popular saying goes, 'don't judge a book by its cover '.

The first which looked like a leader said " I guess some introduction and explanation would be in order".

"Honestly, yeah!" She didn't know why she was quite patient.

"Oh, oh, I'll go first," the fun bubble of a girl said " my name is fiona~ its a pleasure to meet you".

"My name is Zera, as you would already know by now" the violet coloured eye girl said, looking less impressed and bored. Attitude much.

"My name is Brandon, milady" the yellow haired guy joked.

"I'm Raymond. The leader" the dark-brown haired guy said.

"Leader? Leader for what?" Selena was now quiet confused. Where they a gang? Who were this people.

"How am I gonna put it for you Selena" he said, using his hands to massage his temples.

Selena mind went blank for a moment "H-how do you know my name." Selena asked, now taking a step backwards. Its not like she could even run away, even if she tried. "How do you-" she tried to repay herself, but was interrupted by the girl named Zera "You're one of us."

Selena looked at zera with a question mark on her head, " I-i'm sorry, I'm one of w-what now?"

She don't know what crazy going on now, not she doesn't want to be part of any crazy. The one referee to as 'leader' ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"It's true Selena. You're one of us. You are the fifth one among the chosen people".

"Hold up, hold up! I didn't say I wanna be part if any of this. My life has always been simple. I don't think I'm ready for this kind of step". The cold looking girl zera said " YOUR life. None of OUR life has ever been normal. You might not know of somethings . But you'll know them soon enough,"

She then continued " ....or are you scared of the possibility of your life never being normal, as you thought. Selena did not reply to that, but truthfully, she was scared of the possibility, the possibility of her whole life being a lie. She felt so opened and exposed and she wanted to leave.

"Please, I wanna go...I don't want to be part of this. Please take me back" she pleaded.

" sigh. I had a feeling you would say this" Raymond said. He walked to the side of the station. He pulled a drawer open and took something inside. He then waled towards Selena, and upon reaching her, he strapped the watch like thing on her and said " if you ever need help or us. We'll be there" he took a step back and looked at her. Selena started to feel guilty for some reason. But you couldn't blame her. This seems crazy.

"And when you do come back, we'll tell you more then,"

Selena frowned and said "why would I want to come back,"

Bit he didn't reply instead he said " when you are ready, simply tap the middle beeping red light and you'll be able to leave" he instructed Selena.

" How would I be sure you guys won't use this to bring me back" she said referring to the watch like thing on her wrist, raising an eyebrow at him. This all felt surreal.

"That something you could at least trust us for. We won't , until you're ready". He said sincerely.

"We hope to see you soon" Fiona said, looking a little sad.

Selena turned and started walking, "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll he back for any reason" she said as she walked away.

"Not even about your mother?" And Raymond dropped that bomb on her. She came to a halt but didn't say anything.

They could see that she stiffened at the sudden mention if her mother.

"What about your life? your past? Why all this is happening? Who you really are? Aren't you curious at all?" It would be a lie to say she wasn't dying of curiosity here.

"Okay. Your choice " he finally relented swing no reaction from her.

Raymond then sighed and said " please do us a favour and don't react in what you are going to be seeing from tomorrow morning when you look at people" huh? Selena was confused. Hasn't she seen people before. Why would she be afraid.

Bit she pushed that aside and gave a curt nod. Never once turning to see the people behind her. She pressed the beeping red light on the watch like thing , and under the gaze of everyone.... She disappeared.

"I'm worried Raymond. What if she doesn't come back" Fiona said concerned.

Raymond relaxed his back on the chair he just sat in and said " Don't worry. She would come back soon".

" How are you so sure?" It was zera that spoken this time. Raymond then folded his arms and closed His eye after relaxing his head in the chair. He said " I just know",and he didn't speak again.

The others just exchanges glances and Brandon shrugged. They would all just have to wait then.


The next morning Selena was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling and sighing.

Last night after she tap the beeping red light, she found herself in her room. It seems like she teleported. She just layer on her bed to sleep, she felt dizzy, but at least those people were right about the watch. but she couldn't help but think about what those people said to her. So out of partial caution, she decided not to go out the next day. She thought she could be over thinking the whole thing. But like they say 'prevention is better than cure'. Now the next day she was still in the bed staring at the ceiling, she thought about what she would do today, bow that she's not going out. Wait a minute, she hasn't talked about how she would see that mysterious figure that saved her life. She just couldn't stop thinking about him. Something just draws her...

Well, Selena had always been a normal girl. So she decided to just read some novels in her phone, especially the one she was currently reading called 'the immortal tyrant' it was a romance novel, full of mystery and sad back story, but it teaches about forgiveness, new beginning and change, self love. It was just beautiful . and she had so many other nice novels to read. Although she was an author, she admired other author work, their creativity, dedication and hardwork, some were even an inspiration to her. With that she started reading her novels.

She also glances at her story profile. There were a lot of comments, especially that some people know about the death if her editor and friend. She couldn't near to read them. It would just open the wound the most, so she gave a like as appreciation and to show sjw was still...well alive. Because some might be concerned about her well being.

After all that, that included doing her morning routine. She decide to watch some dramas. Seeing all the hot boys on the dramas, she was again reminded if the mysterious figure. Though she didn't see His face, she had a nagging feeling, he would look better than all those actors combine. Why was she dwelling on that figure so much. She needs to clear her head. She decided she would go out tomorrow, she would at least like to see what she could do. Maybe she might end up writing a thing or two I her novel.

So after watching her movies , having dinner, she decided to retire to bed early. So she crawled under her blanket and went to sleep. It came yo her sooner than she expected it to go. Well she hope tomorrow would be better than the other days, she has suffered enough of events to last a life time, according to her. Outside with the sun already set and her curled up on the bed asleep. Oh.. She didn't know the events and journey that awaits her tomorrow. How wrong it was for her to think it would be peaceful.


A/N: Hey my lovelies. What do you think is going yo happen the next day? How much will it impact Selena's life? I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I had a problem making it though, but I hope things would be better from now on. If you know you like the story so far, make sure to subscribe so you won't miss a single update. Make sure to comment and leave your reviews in my story and sorry for slow update, because I might be busy from bow on. But let see his thing go. So tale care if yourselves, love yourselves and have a nice day. Lots of live from author~