Ch 0 :The birth of the one

The word "ADONIS" in greek means group of handsome people... These days refered as Sigmas.... in mythology(greek) Adonis was the god of beauty and desire..... so the first thing that pops in your head after hearing this word will be a well made white Austrailian man or a spanish woman with black eyes.....

Well most of my family is indeed filled with beutiful people on par to these. astounding looks, different personnel and to top that all honest nature....

I cant speak for the ones before my grandmother(Ajii) but my sources say she was too perfect to be called a human, too pretty, pale skin brown eyes and melodious voice.... even in 65 she is still georgeous... She had three children my dad, uncle(kaka), Aunt(atya).... they were also beautiful and handsome... well my dad and kaka might have gone bald but they still look manly.. my mother and kaku(wife of kaka) are quite an artpiece..... even their kids are attractive....

#FUN FACT:- According to branch of heridity, the progeny which shows variation from family trend is termed as a *Mutant*..... yup like X- men... or teenage mutant ninja turtles who are supposedly talking creatures but actually are still turtles...

so despite my line of royal heritage of beauty.... i turned out a little diffrent... somewhat less stunning.... somewhat more witted than the others....

Scene: *Dad holds the child(supposedly me)*

As i came out of my mothers womb... some big hands held me they were a little rough as of a basketball player.. As that hand raised me high, I saw a smooth reflecting surface(dad's head).... it was sparkling and nice smelling which arose something which isnt quite normal.... i smiled(which ofc isnt normal for children just born)... watching my radiant face those tears which my dad had kept as my mother was sent to delivery room started to flow..... my mom who still had some energy also started crying as she fainted... the head doctor performed the delivery was speechless to the scenario as he looked at the nurse who was the same...

"The one who shall be loved *MOHIT*.." dad with a relieved face....

That day 18 jan 2006 at 08:18 am... marked the birth of a person who explored the world with a different perspective than others..... someone who would try to find a cause of all things.......

*doctor pulls the chair and rolls onto it*

"Please have a seat, sir..."

*dad sits on the side chair*

"look please dont panick but, I think there's something not usual that happened in this delivery....."

"Is something wrong with the boy?..." dad asked with a anxious face..

"I woundn't exactly call it wrong... how do i put this.... look at the face of the infant"...

"Yeah.... he looks okay... I dont see the problem?..." my father replied peeking a look at my sleeping face near my mom

"Thats the problem!.... normally the infants who arent crying after the births are usually non breathing ones... Infants cant smile right after coming out of womb!"

the doc continued "My concern is that this boy doesnt seem to have any neural damage..... their was absolutely no reason for the boy to have smiled even if not cry... See when babies are delivered the pressure veins relaxes causing them to cough out excess fluid making them cry... " "But in his case his veins were well osmolated..... this isnt something normally happens"

my concerned dad questioned "Can something happen to him?..."

"I'm not sure in my whole 10 year carrier i havent seen a case like this..... appears like he was already adapted to the stimulli.... which seems difficult even for a right grown mind.... .. infants are usually unable to open their eyes right after birth.... coz u know change in environment and all.... but he had his eyes open right after 2 sec of delivery... its not problematic its just seems too perfect...."

that line made my dad timid....

"If i were to say so he is kind of a upgraded human..... someone more cold bloodied, more advanced, more intelligent....."

"well it doesnt matter...." my dad said compassionately "just look at him he looks so peacefull while sleeping..... he is just normal.... and even if he is not I'll still love him no matter what..." well that was the one of the two times my dad said he loved me.....

Little did they know i turned out like a cranky old person.... who was resistant too change..... but who cares right know.... as Im just born....

#Chronicles of Mohit Adoni#