'Being meticulous isnt always bad'..... is the policy i work with..... [other words- this is the quote which makes me feel good about myself]....
Coz, I've always been picky in my everyday life.... and like too much picky.... for instance, the dinning chair was same for 18 years of my life (changed covers ones thou), I used same brand of toothpaste and same kind of fork and spoon.... I slept on the same bed(located in the hall).... The reason is quite simple I dont like change... and Also[sigh]
My family spoiled me quite a bit, like convincing my principal i had a major heart disease so I wont be able to attend P.E. periods(coz I hate physical activities... Duhh!!).... Looking back at it those periods were blasts of fun.... while all the other kids detoriated in the sun I was chillin the the classroom all by myself.... the teachers table quite large and the cold woods used to give me quite a nap...
So to reintroduce myself.... I'm Mohit Adoni.(just born)
#6 months after birth
*Mom taking me to general store to buy me diaper(even though my sphincter muscles were quite devoloped.... she just liked to think that she was keeping me clean which later resulted in me being a Neatnik)*
"Shhmoop!!" I shouted with my little voice..... as the truck just ran past her but she obviously she didnt notice...
Unlike other parents who would have loved their child spouting his/her first word.....
my mom replied, " Ooh! are you hungry baby boy.?.... Do you wanna get milk?....."
So my speaking ability remain hidden for yet another half year...But was finally detected When i was at my nanny's house...
*Mom feeding me 50*C soup*
"Hoptt!!" I scream
*everyone other than my parents wondering*...
"Oh! dear you are just one year and you are able to speak" Nanny smiled
"what!!!!!" my mom and dad noticed...
the normal reaction you would expect when your child speaks his first word would be proud... but again my parents are kinda wierd..
"Wait..... Why!.... why did you feed him hot soup..... his first words could have been 'Papa..'..." my dad sobbed....
"paa..apa" i said settling the conflict.... and making my parents burst into tears.........
I was always on someones shoulders or hands, so the first time i walked/crawled was when i was 2 years old...
#1 year later
*me crawling*- again at nanny's house(coz she was the only one who seemed to be perceptive abt these things)....
"Look Dep(mom) Mohit is crawling"....
What i believe is that not all children like crawling, they are mostly forced into doing so... by their parents.... like keeping their toys 2 meters away (which is more like proselytizing the kid).... forcing the toddler to crawl.....
well again same didnt happen in my case..... When my dad did the same to me i reacted ..... quite.... differently....
*Me calling the stuffed elephant by hand gestures*
" Come to paa..apa.. mimshter.. ele...phaa..nt"
" Aww!... he looks so cute..." my mom loving my minute hand gesturing
" Kindaa.. defeats the whole purpose of doing this... but who cares as long as you are happy...." my dad sighed....
#3 years later.....
Unlike other kids who get thier friends as soon as they are born.... i didnt get any... until I turned 5..... the reason was quite no brainer, I never liked going to public places... or to play in the estate of moronic dullheads ( simple term- children park) ... also that my mom and dad were quite the unique ones they werent quite compatible with others(loners to be precise)... its a relief that I am so easy going and compatible...
But on 5th march 2011 my mother came in with a newz that she perceived to have made a new freind and to top it that friend had a 6 year old kid..... Which seemed quite fishy to me but I trusted my mom.... So the next day, she took me to the park....
6th March 2011
*Me entering the park in a baby buggy with my mom*
As soon as i entered..... I saw some of those abominations(children).... some trying to make a poor excuse of ant house.... and throwing some inn..... some playing on slides forcefully making it more slippery... I mean do they even know if there werent any friction they would nearly reach terminal velocity given their weight.... but then.... I saw one of those abominations.... rolling in the mud, consuming it like a aschelmenthis....He seemed to be the dumbest out of all..... If it were up to me I would like to remain atleast a parsec away so i may not get infected by acquainting with this poor excuse of a homo sapein.... but... guess what not everything happen as we want it to happen.... I like to call it 'kismet'.....
when we crossed the playing area... a woman in her early thirties waved her hand at us like a kid calls to their friend looking like a total idiot, while I was too small to see my moms expression through the cover but i bet she had to have been a little embarrased... before long the woman approached us.... with quite an acceleration.... she didnt have any other moms around her..... I should've known this was a trap.... that woman was the dumbest kid's mother.... She started taking us to where that 'thing' was playing...
my mom hesistated a little moving towards him...but decided to go anyway...
A little spoiler.... this moron is gonna be quite a ladykiller in the near future...
*Mom put me down near that moron giving me a little push*
"why dont we have a talk till the time kids play,.. Mrs. Adoni" the woman said...
" Yeah sure..... why not..." my mother hesitated....
As my mom would want to, I ambled to him, why..obviously coz Im a good boy who listens to his old lady.....
"Sho.. What ish youl namee?' i asked with the sweet voice I had....
"Aa. .aaalo.. ushh.." he stammered...
this moron is still unable to speak.... but i still continued my prodigal efforts....
" dho you gho to schhool?"
" scchool?" he replied giving the stupidest expression
while i was splendidly enjoying my time, so was my mother....
"So which school is aaroush going for kindergarden?" Later my mom would regret asking this ...coz you know somethings are best kept hidden....
"Kindergardden?" his mother making the same face..
" I was going to enroll him to elementary school this year.." his mother proudly confronted....
" Is that so..... thats wonderful we were thinking of enrolling mohit to elementary school this year to.....!'
she is lying proper age of enrollment would have been 7 years.... even aaroush was a year younger..... but my mom wanted to befriend her mom so bad that it hurts to but my life was never the same after this shithead entered it....
so these old people decided to enroll us to the elite ' St. Aller elementary'..... but we didnt got in due to someones inacceptace... you can guess whose... our parents second choice was 'fallox public school' recently build by fallox franchise.... one of the best school.... in gwalior(observe the irony).....
Back to the main stream.... (about me)....Change wasnt always my forte, unlike my cold-bloodied body which could survive even 54*C in gwalior and as low as -5*C..... my mind wasnt so sure... i had build my area in the kindergarden in last 2 year I was more like a uncrowned king controlling the school from shadows like I was the one who made my teacher's marriage, I was also the only one who was invited... so created quite a cororundum... Also, I would really miss the lousy P.E. periods.... and the silent air around the place.....
#1 year passed....
The only friend i was able to make was this moronic shithead... all the class kinda shunned him and me for being around him...
this was coz of a scenerio that someone locked the door of the class from outside during english period.... which was actually done by me( coz she was starting with verbs.... which I already knew) but the class assumed it was him...
The other thing in life that i despised was 'responsibility'..... my dad always said that a man can never avoid his responsibility.... I avoided that talk(atleast that counts as something).... but seems like he was right... i didnt expect that I would have to take it this soon....
I was the only friend this dumb shithead could turn to.... so for the first time in my life.... *I took responsibility*
#The Chronicles of Mohit Adoni#