'All humanity is not created equal, nor can one expect'
Sorry if I blow up somehow after saying such a cool line... but this line shows us the aspect of life that we tend to ignore…. The non fair part….
I know I already confronted my family….. but still I'll brag a little more so you can know how magnificent my heritage really is..... So,..on one hand you have a family filled with beautiful and intelligent people ,...and on other hand you have family having average people with a little less than average minds….. so the quote kinda makes sense now doesn't it….. So obviously the first family is mine… other family is of Aaroush….. Yup, thats right.....Dumbness runs in family….
#Mohit Adoni:
~Inherited trait: 'Bad' social life…
~Mutated trait: Super intelligence, Problem solving skills…
~Inherited trait: Dumbness, cluelessness, 'No' social life…..
~Mutated trait: Geogeousness(when he reaches teenage)...
So to start where I left off earlier... well about me and the moron enrolling to fallox... as one year has passed, and let's just say it wasn't quite wonderful.. Specially for this shithead. well not to degrade him but nothing is ever well for him..[sigh]but that's a story for other time. Auh! where was I.. yeah about this moron
Basically it's become a culture, when we enter the campus we are welcomed with some cute grimace.. which continues till we reach the class. And when we enter the class. What do we get….. more Grimace. Seriously who can hate someone to this extent. And rather fortunately or Unfortunately,This shithead hasn't realized it yet that no one is fond of him…. He thinks that everyone is like a 'tsundere' character that his mom used to tell him in stories.. And they are too shy to face their 'Prince'….. [Sigh] how more stupid can someone get. Tsudere and princes..who teaches their kids these stuff.... No wonder people come to hate this creature.
But, I somehow can be on the same page on how people from the school come to despise this creature…. First not to be a shamer but this creature has quite characteristic looks.. Pale face,black hair not cut evenly and not even washed, unevenly bitten nails(some bitten red and some overgrown), brown eyes, and he hated taking baths so he had a peculiar aroma. That isn't enough to hate someone right?.. Wait there's more to his actions...
He constantly has a runny nose and guess what… he doesn't even carry a napkin more like the only use he knows for paper napkin is to (you know what).. he usually cleans his runny nose when its too out of control.. And that's not even the most disgusting thing.. Imagine cleaning it with his tie and carrying it around all day carefully tissue culturing the cells he released….. heliked to think about himself as the founder of the correct use of tie… Atleast, his dress is tidy when he arrives school but becomes a snot estate with mud sticking till the time he reaches home…. Whenever his mother asks him what happens he always exclaims them as scars of 'tug of war'….. to which his mother wipes her tears of proudness of what a great soldier her little boy will become when he grows up…..(irony)
It was pretty clear to me that this dumbo wasnt quite capable of changing our situation at school.... so I took matters in my competent hands...When Aaroush comforted himself in the world of chaos…. Me on the other hand was fabricating a scheme on how to make my life easier(or to get a friend)(I mean it wouldn't hurt having a pair of hands to control it)….. Some one normal who would bring a balance to our crew... I didn't know how to start,so I decided to acquire help from some of the only people I knew in this planet...[sigh] My family....(which wasn't one of the greatest ideas I had)
So the first person I thought was capable was my dad... as he always had quite a air around him.(of atleast how to not have friends in the first place)..When I asked on some tricks to capture a friend, he told me about 'how a lone man can accomplish anything when he finds the right woman'…... Which didnt really make sense to me but like I said I'm a good boy who follows the instructions given by my parents... so like my dad had said I started a journey to find the right woman…..But something was missing in the information..... But rather than going back to him I went to 'his right woman'..... Smart aren't I...
Then...I asked my mother on how I could detect the right woman…. To which she cryingly replied, " Ohhhhh![sob] My little boy became so big[sob] … in so little time…[sob]…" and…. Ran away….
I was still deficient in information.....I had to gain more intel..... So, I reached the next person in my list for advise…. My kaka(big brother of my dad)…. Who seemed to have been far more experienced about this….
He was on his day off... as it was Sunday…. And on his day off he always used to lay on the bed in the main hall in a typical position..... Laying on one side with one hand on his head and another holding remote on his waist.....watching….. 'Duck tales'... yup coz apparently he didn't like all the trickery and deception all the tv serial had…..so on day offs like most families,… We always used to have conflicts on what to watch on the main hall T.V. as I only liked watching Doraemon, iron man, Batman and perman…..and like we would expect he didn't like them at all.. and my feelings were mutual for duck tales…. So we used to have cold blood wars for remotes and whoever lost always took the T.V. socket so the other couldn't watch(which is a trounce of sportsmanship... but who cares).... So the first reaction after he saw me was to hide the remote under the pillow of the bed he was sleeping…. But luckily for him I wasn't in the mood of a spar….. but he didn't knew that so as a moved towards him he started being more and more cautious of the surroundings…... but to avoid more confusion I showed a white flag that I made for days like these….. seeing which the relaxed a little…. And took out the remote he hid under the pillow….
" Yoo! Kaa..kaa ..... I whhaa..nt tho haa.ve shoome li..ph advise" I sweetly asked…
"wait!....what kind of advise….. are you in trouble already…. You are a true Adoni blood….. my dear nephew".. tears came out of his eyes saying this…..
Seriously,…What is with the adults in my life…. Sometimes they seem more kid to me… crying over every trivial issue…..
"Yea..h well soo.me thin.gh lhike that!...." … " The thing ish…. I wha..naa findh.. the rhight.. womhan…." I exclaimed like it was nothing…. But suddenly the room became more tense... and kaka started looking at me with death stare...
"A man must always be true to himself…." He said making a straight face…
" Trlue to hhimshelf…. You shay?"
" well like say what you want to say…. With your heart..!" he explained...
Well not to intrupt but a gentle reminder heart is just a blood pumping organ…. It seriously had nothing to do with the hormones of human adoration…. But I was too young to understand it then…. So those words pushed me to my limit(in some ways atleast)….
So the only thing to figure out now was How to make heart speak….. The best idea that came to me was to understand heart language I mean there had to have been a code encrypted in the beats heart made…..so I started reading basic biology…. But I wasn't able to find anything so I searched more and more….To the extent that I could ace any medical entrance…. Then too,.. I still wasn't able to find the correct code…. But I didn't give up I was determined to make my life better..….. so I started reading ancient scripts… to the extent I was able to send complex languages through morse code... even than I wasn't able to understand the language of heart….. so with a through defeat I went back to my kaka with a gloomy face….
By this point it had been a week….. he barely remembered anything he said….. it was a Sunday again…. So he was on his typical position watching duck tales…. When he saw me with a dull face he became vigilant of the surroundings and hid the remote under his pillow...Once again I repeated the process showing I was harmless... barely containing my emotions I reached to him….
"I ah.m sh..oo sh..ooryy[sob].." and I started crying….. "I Ah..m sh.cuh [sob]..[sob]… a dish..grachee… to yh.o.u all…[sob]…" well after seeing this he wasnt sure of what I was blabbing, so rather than talking me out of it, he took me inside his sheet..... and made me watch Duck Tales.....
So this was the first time....
*I cried*
and also....[sigh] watched Duck Tales... (and again made me realize just how much I cant toleterate shit )
#The Chronicles of Mohit Adoni#