Ch 3: The Cataclysmic Disparity.....[1]

'A friend is the one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow'

--------William Shakespeare

So after the prodigal efforts I made in the past chapter.. now I'm here in the first week of March still scheming a plan to make a comrade in the world of the wicked..

And once again Im Mohit. Supposedly the main character of the story, living my daily life with only one aide in my life,which is… the stupidest creature on this planet.

#3 march 2011

The month of march(named after the roman god of war)... the month just before spring, the month of new year for the roman calendar, the month in which many animal wake from their protracted slumber and.... the month in which most schools conduct their exams.... The time of year I love the most....

#8:00 AM

As I enter the class I saw one of the supporting sprinting in the hall like she saw Aaroush, but well it sure wasn't aaroush she was running from, he was with me so if anything she was running toward him which was really odd. Like seriously. In a run she crashed into me, falling like the inferior she was(like everyone), but I wasn't that wicked during that time…so I decided to leave and let her pick herself up, coz I'm a true advocate of gender equality... and I start moving without saying a word, but as I walked past her in her trembling voice she said

"No…..don't... if you go there you'll lose your innocence…"

Unable to interpret the words I curiously asked

" Whaat.. dho you mhean… Big Shis?"

But rather than answering she grabbed my and the shitheads yoke and started dragging us towards the assembly hall..

The moron still not knowing the reason he was being recklessly pulled, started using his little Sherlock mind to interpret the situation… Well it was obvious, But to make things easier I'll explain the situation

In reality the chairman of the fallox franchise 'Liam Edward' had come for daily inspection of the school. But why was it so problematic if a student were too meet him?

The reason was that the chairman actually against the school to have made one of it's substructures in the small town of Gwalior. He absolutely had come to despise this city, one of the reason being that the city had less population density with less youngsters and less companies resulting to less students joining the school. Which was true, even while living in this city my dad worked abroad for a AMERICAN company.

And also 3rd march was his daughter's birthday which he is now celebrating with couple of old ladies(principal and vice principal) with no teeth. He also recently got divorced and had to take care of his daughter being a single dad. His daughter was mad at him for not being there on her 6th birthday. Seriously this is what we would call a tensed man. In the given circumstances the principal predicted if he were to see any kid of his daughter's age, it would just remind him of his daughter and make him furious on the fact that he is spending her birthday in an outdoor city with a couple of ladies with no teeth, atleast they embrace their flaws..

And a little more information the inferior who took dragged us has a pedestal called the *Head Girl* (like other cultures fallox had a system of equipositioning the school's leading male and female by this title mostly the head girl had more power over head boy[sigh]..which is obvious) her name is ' Wakio Saki'..She is considered by far the most least confident head girl.( two superlatives together... wicked aint I)Yeah well unlike other leader she doesn't have a shred of confidence, self esteem, ego. She was elected by teachers and students as she excelled in practically every subject, and by far the kindest spirit around the campus. She is also a push over so when the role was offered she didn't want to embarrass the principal by rejecting it, so said yes. Which she later regretted after she met the current *Head Boy- 'Ryoma Trench'* he was the complete opposite of her, a narcissist with the most confidence in the world. He was elected as most of the girls went crazy for him, his grades were upto the mark for him to sign for election [usually 95%+ after 5th grade]. He used to look down on literally everyone, and Wakio at most. Which he later realized were the feelings of love towards her..

So back to the topic I was dragged by miss Wakio towards the assembly hall, to be protected from the chairman Liam Edward.

" Listen little boy, don't go anywhere! I will bring other students too"

Me still unable to understand why was I brought here in the assembly hall.

" chou..ld you ex.phlain whaat's gh.ooing onn?"

" Now's not the time madam Principal ordered me to bring all the students to the assembly hall or something terrible might happen!... I'll be going." She said as she started running towards the place we were at..

" Plh.ease.. I wan..nha he.lph" I exclaimed stopping her…

On my constant insisting she finally told me what was going on..

" So please you and you're friend please be here." She said finally leaving..

On her spotting I noticed that the shithead was also being dragged. So I turned around to see what this moron was upto.. and not surprisingly turned out 'he was up to nothing'.. This moron had his one hand on his

chin and the other making a pose as to holding a hat. He was still trying to figure out what was happening even after Miss Wakio's explaination… Just how hopeless can someone be!....

As miss Wakio said I sat down on the floor of the assembly hall. After 15 minutes a thought emerged in my head about what my dad had said to me once about how 'Any man shall help a woman in need, specially when the woman had helped him before'.. So I looked at the shithead again and he was in the same position but in a pinch he turned to me

"I thi.nkh. I k.nhow. wh..y mh..iss Wh.akio dra..agged!" He exclaimed with a serious look, which I questionfully shaked my head to

" I th..nk, I thi..nk…... sh..e's fh.allen fh.or mhe"

Whattttttttttttttt!!!!! How can anyone…. Anyone in the world come to this conclusion about a kind person who us saved us from stranger danger…. As these thought rushed in my mind…

" Pl..heashe shhuth up..." I said in an annoyed tone..

"The..en mhaybe she.e's ihn whith youu?" He came again in a confused tone..

" sh.uth uph" I confronted leaving the shithead behind and running off too the crime scene(the entrance I mean)…..

But as I ran by the assembly hall I noticed a large presence just in front of me….. Well not surprisingly it was none other than... 'Liam Edward'..

#Chronicles of Mohit Adoni#