Grated Radish Cake (1)

Liu Yan woke up early at five o'clock every day.

She stared at the white ceiling for a few seconds, rolled around a bit, and then got up from her bed and started her daily morning exercise.

After half an hour of exercise, Liu Yan took a quick shower, wiped her wet hair, and peeked through the window of her room.

Many early risers and old ladies were already out for a stroll, most of them walking their dogs.

They were all neighbors, and many of them knew each other. As the owner said good morning, their dogs did the same, wagging their tails and sniffing each other.

How are you, woof?

Woof woof, I'm doing great, woof!

The morning rays leaked in through the gaps of the blinds, reflecting the fine dust floating in the air, looking like a school of fishes or dancing fairies.

Baobao was still sleeping, her messy hair scattered like a static-charged feather duster. The part of her face illuminated by the sunlight frowns slightly like an annoyed cat.

Liu Yan couldn't even help but wonder: this non-human sleeping position really won't hurt the cervical spine, will it?

Before going to bed last night, she called the supplier for another delivery. Who knew that they were so eager that they'd already been in front of the house when she opened the door.

The supplier greeted Liu Yan with the best smile he could muster. He took the initiative to sell his meat product in addition to delivering the batch of vegetables.

"We also have high-quality premium pork meat with a lot of fat and marble. Are you interested?"

In recent years, the pig ranching business had been declining, and the quality of pork meat had also been affected. It was quite difficult to get a nice, fatty piece of pork meat nowadays.

Liu Yan glanced at it, and sure enough, the meat was thick and fat.

The layers of red and white pork belly are like a peerless beauty in the eyes of the chef.

She pondered for a while and said, "I'll take a half."

A lot of dishes appeared in her mind. It could be made into braised pork, which then could be used in Roujiamo, braised pork noodles, braised pork rice, and so on. All of them could make people drool.

Naturally, the delivery person took the initiative to help store the goods. Liu Yan took out a few large daikon radishes left over yesterday from the freezer, washed, and grated them.

She also didn't not forget to cut some shiitake mushrooms and onion leaves for condiments.

Actually, there was a convenient tool for grating vegetables on the market, but Liu Yan didn't like it.

Using those kinds of tools, the cutting would be too big, a lot of water content would spill out, the texture wouldn't be good, and the taste would be far less than that of hand cutting. So, she preferred to do it herself.

What Liu Yan wanted to make was a grated radish cake. A light delicacy suitable for breakfast.

She added an appropriate amount of water to the flour, beat an egg with one hand, and sprinkled a little salt into the mixture.

This made the crust soft, and it would be easy to bake it into a golden crispy crust.

And then she added the grated radish into the mixture, with the ratio of flour to radish of around 4 to 1, and threw in a handful of shiitake and onion leaves.

The steps for making grated radish cake were not that complicated, but it wasn't easy to make it delicious.

Anything done to the extreme was art.

Liu Yan had the dough in her left palm, and her right fingers pinched it quickly. She pushed and pulled with her thumb and, after a while, a round and plump shredded radish came into being.

Twenty folds bloomed evenly on the fair skin, like a shy little flower in the morning.

Then, the florets were squashed and transferred to a greased pan.


The simple and rich aroma spreads in the air, blowing into the street with the morning wind, and awakening people's appetites with the rising sun.


"It's over, it's over, I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late, full attendance!"

Chi Jiajia ran out of the community gate with a rubber band in her mouth. She skillfully tied her hair as she scurried off.

The neighbor had long been used to this scene. One of them teased her as she passed by, "Jiajia is late again?"

Chi Jiajia nodded with a gloomy face, and at the same time, her eyes quickly swept across the fronts of the restaurants on both sides of the road.

I ate this one yesterday. That one was not delicious. That one... No, no, I brought it to the office last month, and the boss not only refused to admit it, but also tried to throw the blame.

Damn, I got in a lot of trouble just because of food!


So fragrant!

Where does the scent come from?!

Chi Jiajia savoured the fragrance subconsciously. Her expression became more and more dreamy and she walked over unknowingly.

"Yan Bao Restaurant..." she read out in a low voice.

Is it new? The door seemed to be closed when I passed by it a few days ago.

The strong aroma continued to pour out. Chi Jiajia suddenly felt her stomach rioting, trying to rebel.

"Well, let's try it..."

The fragrance is so good. The taste won't be that bad, right?

She quickly calculated in her mind that the subway ran every five minutes during this time period, and she would go in quickly, grab a takeaway, and leave. Even if she missed this trip, as long as she could catch the next one, it was enough if she then sprinted to the office so she wouldn't be late.

She had convinced herself and walked in with confidence.

The place was very clean. There wasn't even a bit of dust in the gaps between the tiles. Chi Jiajia, who was a little bit of a clean freak, nodded secretly as soon as she entered.

She wished that the owner could maintain this performance in the future.

[Satisfaction value +2]

The sudden notification startled Liu Yan.

She walked out of the kitchen and saw the new customer come in and suddenly understood.

Oh… a hygienic eater.

"Hello, today's breakfast is grated radish cake and egg drop soup."