Grated Radish Cake (2)

"Hello, today's breakfast is grated radish cake and egg drop soup."

The young boss took the initiative to introduce the menu with a straight face.

Chi Jiajia gaped when she saw the owner. If not for the white chef's uniform worn by the woman in front of her, she would've mistaken the restaurant for a high-end boutique.

The woman had black shiny hair, tied neatly in a bun. The sharp eyebrows and a birth mark under her left eye compliment her clear black phoenix eyes beautifully. Her aloof expression made her beauty more enchanting.

A sudden thought flashed in her mind: it would be a pity to use this face to open a restaurant.

[Satisfaction value +3]

Um, what just happened now?

Liu Yan was a little puzzled by the sudden increase in satisfaction value.

Probably because it was a new store, there were no other customers in the store at the moment, and it was very quiet.

Chi Jiajia observed the counter and gave approval in her mind.

"I want a grated radish cake and… um… what ingredients for egg drop soup?"

"Sauté the lard residue at the bottom of the pot, stir-fry the shredded green vegetables, add tomato paste and egg drop. It smells of oil and is very refreshing."

Liu Yan usually didn't talk much, except when it came to cooking.

The green shredded cabbage, the looming strands of tomato pulp, and the pale yellow egg flower floated up and down, together with the golden lard residue on the surface... The rich colors gave a nice visual impact.

"Auntie, it smells so good. Baobao is hungry."

A little girl of three or four years old came downstairs rubbing her eyes with a pillow print on her face.

The action of going down the steps in a row was too difficult for her short legs. She had to firmly grasp the handrail, leaning on her side, and force her legs down.

Hey, hey, step on it!

The moment they successfully descended to the first floor, the young cub beamed a sense of pride.

"Have you washed your hands?" Liu Yan, who had been watching and ready to rush up to help at any time, also sighed in relief.

The steps in the front room were relatively high. She used to accompany the little girl going up and down the floor, but the little guy insisted on going by herself, afraid that she would be abandoned if she was too useless.

In desperation, Liu Yan had to buy a nice and soft furry carpet from Aunt Zhao's supermarket and spread it under the staircase just in case.

So even if she fell, it wouldn't hurt too much.

"Have!" Baobao waved her two little hands and there were still some crystal water droplets on them.

The short sleeves printed with the bear pattern rose with her movements, revealing a white, tender, and round belly.

Liu Yan looked at her visually striking sea urchin head, restrained her laughter, and combed her ponytail diligently.

Baobao raised her head and flashed her baby tooth at her cutely, "Auntie is the best!"

Liu Yan pinched her face, grabbed a grated radish cake, and filled a small bowl of egg drop soup, "Go and eat."

Baobao climbed onto the seat and obediently took the spoon to drink the soup.

'Wow, it's meat!' Baobao's eyes widened in surprise. Her little mouth was chewing the salty oil residue while her legs under the seat were swaying back and forth.

Chi Jiajia nodded secretly.

Restaurants that dared to feed their families with their food were generally trustworthy.

This was the experience she had gained from her gourmet adventures for so many years.

"Can I have a takeaway?"

Chi Jiajia gulped, looking at the little girls who were eating too deliciously. She couldn't contain her drooling.

Three minutes later, Chi Jiajia rushed into the subway station with a grated radish cake in her left hand and a cup of egg drop soup in her right.

Looking up at the display screen on the upper right, she let out a long breath when the next train arrived in two minutes. So far, so good.

Liu Yan looked at her quickly disappearing back and fell silent.

Here came the problem: the customer ran away... How was the satisfaction value going to be calculated?

Along the way, Chi Jiajia used her life to protect the fragile egg drop soup, but after successfully punching in the attendance machine in time, she looked below and saw that the round and lovely grated radish cake had long been squeezed into an irregular polyhedron.

It was so heartbreaking that she wanted to cry.

"What kind of breakfast did you bring, Jiajia?" The colleague at the back slid over to her seat.

Jiajia worked for a small but well-known local advertising company. Except for its strict discipline, the overall atmosphere was quite relaxed.

In order to maintain full attendance, most employees were used to taking breakfast from outside. Over time, the "breakfast exchange meeting" came into being.

And Chi Jiajia, who has always been picky about food, was the backbone of the group.

"It's a newly opened restaurant near my neighborhood," Chi Jiajia tried to fix the grated radish cake, but to no avail. "It looks clean and hygiene."

"It smells good too!" The colleague replied, "Hey, they put a paper in it. So attentive~"

Most of the general breakfast shops used plastic bags for the packages. After running all the way, they would be covered with water vapor and the original good taste would be greatly reduced.

But this shop not only used simple and cute paper bags but also put water and oil-absorbing table paper in them. When Chi Jiajia carefully took out one of the grated radish cakes, the crumbs fell off!

"Woah… it's so crispy!" Chi Jiajia exclaimed excitedly. She took a small bite and then her eyes widened in delight, "It's. so. delicious!"

It had been more than half an hour since she bought it, yet the outer skin was still so crispy.


Her pearly teeth crushed the crust, making a pleasant crunchy sound. The radish smell drew her in, and the savory juice gushed out of the inside. Both the juice and the smell of the radish teased her tongue.

"So goood~" Her face loosened up with every bite.

Chi Jiajia was undeniably a foodie, and her close colleagues were also like-minded people. Seeing her blissful expression, they instinctively swallowed a big gulp.

Chi Jiajia pressed her mouth down and pulled with a little force, and saw that the golden cake crust was continuously elongating under the eyes of the two of them, turning into thousands of layers that were like cicada wings.

What the hell!

It's so chewy!

The grated radish cake got off to a good start, and Chi Jiajia couldn't help but have high hopes for the next egg drop soup.

She poked a big hole with the straw, tested the temperature with the tip of her tongue, and then took a big mouthful.

The colleague was still waiting eagerly for feedback, but saw Chi Jiajia pause for a while, take another big mouthful, and then bite a few mouthfuls of grated radish cake sumptuously, sucking and biting again.

She had to give the boss a big thumbs up. The boss was really good at matching food!

Most people who get up early in the morning have little appetite. Jiajia wasn't an exception to this. But the savory, fragrant taste of grated radish cake and the sweet, buttery taste of egg drop soup quickly woke up her taste buds.

Not long after, she finished a piece of the radish cake and sighed in satisfaction. With a smile on her face, she happily went to get the second one.


She felt that inside the bag was empty.

Where have my radish cakes gone?!?


Chi Jiajia followed the sounds of crunching and saw that her coworkers were intoxicated and had breadcrumbs on their shiny lips.

She was stunned. Her expression turned into one of horror.

Isn't that HER grated radish cake in their mouth?!?

"Jiajia, don't you want to lose weight? One cake is enough, I'll take care of the rest for you..." one of her colleagues said shamelessly, with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Ahhh!!!! my cake!!! I'm going to kill you!"

Jiajia went ballistic that morning.