Chapter 7

A delicious breakfast is the perfect start to the day.

Chi Jiajia was full of energy all day long, and her high work efficiency made the team leader look at her bewildered, wondering if she was actually on steroids.

Oblivious to the strange thought in her superior's mind, as soon as the off-duty time came, Chi Jiajia couldn't wait to pack up her backpack and rush out.

Recalling the shredded carrot cake in the morning, her foodie blood boiled with excitement, thinking about what kind of surprise the little restaurant would have for dinner.

Speaking of which, she felt a sense of dejavu when she saw the boss this morning. Her face was kind of familiar, but she couldn't recall where she had seen or met the young chef before.

Before entering the store, Chi Jiajia's nose was smacked by the complex aroma coming towards her, and after taking a deep breath on the spot, she exclaimed with emotion, "It's meat! The smell is so good…"

The weather was a bit overcast, and the air was humid and sticky, as if it could rain at any moment.

It was definitely a challenge to cook meat dishes in this weather because for office workers who were already spent from working all day long, the greasy nature of meat was very bad for the appetite.

But now, Chi Jiajia felt that she could swallow half a pig alone.

After entering the door, she found that there were already guests. One was the landlord, Aunt Zhao, and the other was a party of five high school students in sportswear, sitting on a large table of six people, playing with and teasing the little girl of the boss that she saw this morning.

One of the teenagers with slightly tanned skin weighed the basketball in his right hand and suddenly tossed it up. The basketball obediently landed on the tip of the index finger and spun. When the boy flicked his left hand hard, the basketball spun even faster.

The little girl let out a big wow, her big black grape-like eyes full of amazement.

The black-skinned boy motioned her to stretch out his finger.

The little girl did as she was asked, and raised her short, tender index finger, which looked like asparagus that had been peeled off by the boy.

The size of the basketball is in stark contrast to her fingers, like a toothpick under a giant pill...

The basketball stopped on the little girl's fingertips for about half a second, then rolled away.

"Ah..." she sighed regretfully. "Ball, don't go!"

The crowd chuckled.

The black-skinned boy bent over to pick up the basketball, put it on his fingers and swished it. His expression became more and more smug. He leaned over and sent the ball to the little girl, "How is it? Isn't this big brother amazing?"

The little girl nodded, but after looking back at the shop owner, she immediately shook her head and changed her words firmly, "Auntie is the best!"

"Hehehe… little girl, you break your brother Ji Peng's heart." Ji Peng, the basketball boy, clutches her chest dramatically.

"But it's true…" Baobao stuck her tongue out playfully.

The crowd suddenly burst into laughter.

After everyone laughed enough, Chi Jiajia finally had time to ask, "Boss, do you still have radish cake from this morning?"

Liu Yan shook his head, "No, that's only for breakfast."

Chi Jiajia couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Ji Peng was shocked, "Boss, you even sell breakfast in your store!"

Liu Yan nodded and pointed upstairs, "I live there temporarily, so if there is no accident, I will cook three meals a day."

Ji Peng turned to look at Chi Jiajia and asked curiously, "Sister, is the radish cake delicious?"

Chi Jiajia smiled mysteriously, "Guess."

The group of teenagers suddenly booed, while Jiajia giggled softly in amusement.

People often realize the value of their school days only after they enter society. Looking at these younger brothers, Chi Jiajia also feels that she had suddenly become a little bit younger.

"Boss, what's for dinner tonight? Is it braised pork?"

"Strictly speaking, it is roasted pork," Liu Yan said, taking a few pieces of dough from the basin on the side. "I added a little of my own recipe, which can be eaten alone or with noodles and rice or wrapped in bread."

As she talked, a big ball of dough quickly changed shape under her fingers. After being folded and stretched several times, it turned into a ball of long, thin noodles.

Liu Yan flicked her wrist and the excess flour fell like snowflakes.

With another shake, the noodles thumped into the boiling water pot next to them, churning and dancing, like a white dragon in the water.

"Which do you prefer? Noodles or bread? Both are delicious." She looked at Chi Jiajia and asked.

In the past few days, she mostly spent her time researching the preferences and tastes of the customers in this area and found that noodles and bread were quite popular as staple foods.

Chi Jiajia rubbed her temples, looking so conflicted as if making the most important decision in her life, "Ah, ah, ah, noodle or bread? Noodle or bread?!"

[Satisfaction value -1]

Hearing the voice in her mind, Liu Yan suddenly stiffened. "Why negative value?"

"A good chef should have the ability to observe in detail. The customer should be given the most pleasant experience. Please don't make the customer feel distressed."

The voice that only she could hear calmly prompted.

Liu Yan frowned, 'Shouldn't this kind of thing be forewarned?'

Why is her system so unreliable?

The other party immediately replied, "Isn't this kind of thing the basic quality of a mature chef?"

Liu Yan: "..."

So, this is my fault?!

Liu Yan quickly ignored the unpleasant system in her mind.

Chi Jiajia turned to look at the high school students and asked their opinion, "You guys, what do you think?"

When adults are hesitant, they often habitually turn to those around them for help, but usually to no avail.

Ji Peng sneered, "Only children pick. I'm an adult, so I take it all!"

I'm already sixteen, you know?!

Baobao's eyes suddenly lit up as bright as a 100-watt lightbulb. 'This baby is an adult too!'

Chi Jiajia gasped and showed envious eyes.

It's nice to be young!

It was easy to worry about getting fat when eating late at night, especially after twenty-five. Younger people tend to be more active and quickly burn calories.

Aunt Zhao looked at the laughing and playful children in front of her and the corners of her lips curled up subconciously.