Chapter 12

Today's main dishes were sauced beef, cold noodles, and chilled noodles served in broth.

For the first time, there were three kinds of dishes, which is simply gratifying.

The cook's pot had been turned off, and the snow-white beef broth exuded a delightful fragrance.

On the plate next to it was a hill of sauced beef with a beautiful reddish-brown color, with translucent beef tendons in the middle, like a half-covered beauty.

"Ah, give me a bowl of chilled noodles!" Chi Jiajia screamed happily, "The colder the better! and also a portion of sauced beef! "

There's nothing more pleasurable than chilled noodles in the summer!

"Baobao also wants chilled noodles." The little girl said impatiently, stroking the counter.

But she was greeted only with cruel rejection.

"Children can only eat cold noodles."

"I'm not a child anymore!"

Wuwuwu… I'm almost 4 years old, you know?!

Baobao felt wronged.

While talking, Liu Yan scooped the cooked noodles and ran them under cold water.

In the meantime, she quickly fried an omelette, shredded cucumbers, carrots, and other vegetables, then put the kimchi and bean sprouts into a bowl and cut a few more pieces of fragrant sauced beef.

As for cold noodles, what she made today was cold noodles with sesame sauce.

In order to make a bowl of delicious cold noodles, in addition to sesame sauce, the chef's personal sauce was also essential.

Balsamic vinegar, a little soy sauce, a little pepper water, a little extract of sweet emotional fruit...

It was best for children to eat less spicy food, so she didn't add pepper to this bowl.

The moment the sauce was poured, the alluring fragrance pervaded the room.

Each ingredient had its own flavour, and when mixed together, instead of being hidden, they stimulated each other, like a grand concert, intertwined into a harmony.

The customers who came to order and pay all swallowed as they whiffed the irresistible aroma.

Too fragrant, right?

It was almost like magic.

Baobao was delightful.

The little girl left with a bowl that was bigger than her head, and the rest of the customers looked at each other.

What to do? This cold noodle looks super delicious!

After finishing Baobao's dish, Liu Yan moved to Jiajia's order.

She used a different kind of noodle from the one she used in the previous dish.

The chilled noodles with broth this time were inspired by Korean mul-nangmyeon. There were several types of noodles generally used in cold noodle dishes: flour noodles, buckwheat noodles, potato noodles, corn noodles, and so on and so forth.

The noodles used for cold noodles and chilled noodles were, of course, different.

The former could be made with ordinary noodles, but the latter used the best buckwheat noodles.

Buckwheat noodles had low water absorption and were not easily broken. It could maintain a smooth taste for a long time and be easier to slurp in one go.

It was a perfect match for the refreshing pursuit of chilled noodles.

Liu Yuan bought buckwheat in advance, made it into noodles and stored them neatly in the back.

For this dinner, she only needed to take it out and cook it a little bit, and then serve it in a bowl with another ingredient.

Along with shredded cucumber, apples and pears are used for their sweetness to improve the taste.

She scooped out a big spoon of beef broth that had been chilled with ice beforehand and poured it into the noodle bowl.

A crackle noise leaked out as the noodles shimmered in the ice broth.

Not long after Chi Jiajia entered, Ji Peng's family came.

The tanned-skinned boy also discovered the small fishbowl newly placed at the door and a coin lying alone in it, which somewhat looked lonely.

Ji Peng found it unbearable and pitiable.

Even dogs were all in pairs. Can't this coin get a companion?

But these days, everyone paid electronically, and they didn't carry much cash, let alone coin.

How could you make a wish without a coin? It wouldn't be valid.

In the end, Ji Peng snatched two coins from his brother's trouser pocket. This was what the children earned for cleaning the house in their spare time.

Ji Xiaojie, who had just gone to elementary school, pursed his lips, turned his head and opened his mouth while his eyes turned watery.


"Be obedient. I'll give you something good later." Ji Peng said perfunctorily, and then threw the coins into the fishbowl.

The silver-white coins swirled a few times in the water, swaying to the bottom with the surging water waves, making a dull thud.

Ji Peng immediately put his hands together and prayed, "I hope I can get a good grade in the monthly exam, and my father agrees to buy me new sneakers..."

The news of the upcoming monthly exam before the summer vacation made the students feel terrified.

Although grades and rankings are not publicly announced in name, in the end, the college entrance examination was still based on grades, so the parents were very strict.

Ji Peng loved to play basketball, and the father and son had many quarrels because of this until finally, each took a step back.

If he got a good grade, Father Ji would buy him a new sneaker.

Ji's parents asked for chilled noodles, but the two little ones wanted cold noodles.

Father Ji frowned, "Don't spoil your stomach just because you're young. It's so hot outside and you're eating something so cold. You won't know your stomach hurts until you're old..."

Ji Peng took his younger brother to snort and eat beef with big chopsticks. He didn't listen at all.

Mrs. Ji gently kicked her husband under the table, "eat yours."

Ji's father frowned and said nothing.

Mrs. Ji breathed a sigh of relief. She put a few slices of sauced beef in the father and sons' bowl and, after that, took a bite of them herself.

As soon as she chewed the meat, her eyebrows stretched slightly.

The beef was very tasty, and the heat was just right. It was neither laborious nor soft. It had a slightly elastic taste.

There is also a translucent beef tendon in the middle, which was her favorite.

It was absolutely amazing. It was clearly sauced beef, but there was an illusion of eating a high-quality steak!

Mrs. Ji nudged her husband and said, "This beef is really good. I'll buy some for grandpa and grandma."

Ji's father swallowed the cold noodles in his mouth, got up to look for Liu Yan, and said, "Cut another four portions of sauced beef, and pack each two portions separately."

Today's business had made Liu Yan deeply aware of how much mood affected customers' satisfaction.

Chi Jiajia, who was in good spirits, contributed 10 satisfaction points, while the four Ji families who were almost caught in a dispute added up to only 10 points...

The restaurant had just opened for a few days and had not advertised, so there were not many customers.

After Chi Jiajia and the Ji family left, a few more came one after another, contributing 27 points, and then the store was empty.

In the middle, there were a couple of young couples looking at it. The girl wanted to eat cold noodles with beef, but the boy didn't think it was foreign enough, so he insisted on eating western food.

[Satisfaction points -5]

The system said in a slightly revengeful voice.

Liu Yan: "..."

Baobao exhaled.

The little girl ran out and shouted loudly, "Auntie's cooking is delicious!"

"Pfft," Liu Yan couldn't hold her laughter.

She earned 18 hours of net profit today, and the remaining lifespan finally exceeded 1 year and 5 months, and it increased to 5 months, 1 day and 14 hours.

Obviously only a few more hours, but because there was an addition of one "day", the whole feeling was very different.

It's like... the difference between 99 yuan and 100. Great sense of accomplishment.

There was always a time to live a hundred years.

It was raining again outside—first pattering, then drizzling, and then pouring.

The torrential rain roared along with the thunder and lightning, weaving a hazy rain curtain, and the street scene a few steps away could not be seen clearly.

Baobao shouted anxiously, "Goldfish, the goldfish is wet!"

Liu Yan laughed, "Goldfish aren't afraid of getting wet."

However, the rain was a little heavy, and she was worried that the fishbowl would overflow and wash away the goldfish when it was full, so she moved in anyway.

As she carried the fishbowl inside, she accidentally caught a glimpse of coins inside the bowl.

Where did the shiny coins come from?

Baobao stretched her head to look and saw that the goldfish was still swimming vigorously, so she felt relieved.

"Sister Jiajia threw it. She said she wanted to make a wish!"

Liu Yan: "..."

This is all a mess.