Chapter 197

Human nature is lazy. 

If you can play, who wants to work? 

Baobao's act of blowing dandelions seems to have opened a Pandora's box. 

In the next few minutes, the scene got out of control for a while: 

Everyone forgets about the weed digging and gets busy looking for dandelion bulbs instead. 

Liu Yan yelled a few times, but no one answered. 

It is clearly such a lively scene, but it has nothing to do with me. 

She was ignored! 

The cool spring breeze blew through Boss Liu's hair. 

A few strands were blown up and fell from the side, showing a bit of loneliness. 

With the shovel in her right hand and the canvas bag in her left hand, she stood there for a while, then left silently to dig wild vegetables beside her. 

Seeing those people is useless... 

After Yu Yu and the others played wildly for a while, their foreheads were sweating, and then they vaguely realized a problem: