Chapter 198

The heaven and the earth are big, and the food is the biggest. 

The shepherd's purse just dug out from the ground is juicy and has the fragrance of soil. 

Liu Yan took a large basin and filled it with water to wash it. 

Yu Yu found it interesting and came over to help. 

Boss Liu was very moved. She turned around skillfully and bowed her head. Just as she was about to "repay with his own body", two small cannonballs rushed over from behind. 

"Auntie! I want to play in the water too." 

Liu Yan pursed her lips and beat the water surface hard. 

Yu Yu lowered her head and suppressed a smile. 

Surrounded by the cubs, Boss Liu was very depressed, so she had to leave the work of cleaning the wild vegetables to them, while she dragged Liu Xi to chop the meat. 

Liu Xi asked the sky speechlessly, why is it always me? 


Well, you're the only man!