Chapter 200

When going to bed at night, Liu Yan told Yuyu about Zao'er's mother. Yu Yu was both moved and embarrassed. 

"Six years old, it's time to go to school." 

"The previous doctor gave the address," the two conversed, "He said after she should be able to enter school normally in September." 

The nine-year compulsory education in public schools for child with disability is basically free, and because of the special circumstances of the children, there are few requirements for household registration. 

As long as the children can take care of themselves, immigrant who have been working locally for a long time can also sign up. 

Yu Yu breathed a sigh of relief. 

She was suddenly moved. 

The story of the mother and daughter is like a relay race of kindness. Although it didn't start well, there are strangers showing kindness relentlessly along the way.