Chapter 201

In order to achieve the best effect, it usually takes two or even three times to scrape the wall. 

Many workers are lazy, and when the employer is not paying attention, they will go straight to the second time before the first time is dry. 

The wall surface made in this way can't be seen in a short time, but after a long time, it will basically crack and peel off in large areas. 

A lot of irresponsible workers do that. 

Anyway, is there a charge by piece rate? It's 1,000 yuan when I finish this job in one day, and 1,000 yuan when I finish it in three days. 

In this case, why not relax? 

Anyway, even if there was a problem later, I ran away early! 

But Liu Guoqiang and his group were not. 

In the middle, when Liu Yan went to deliver lunch to them, she found that the two of them were fanning each other, checking carefully to see if there were any mistakes, omissions or unevenness.