Chapter 202

It takes at least one day for two people to paint the walls of the milk tea shop. 

Just leave it to dry thoroughly at night, and brush again the next morning. 

Baobao came home from school in the evening and met another young girl. 

She pulled Yu Yu and squatted on the ground with Zao'yi to catch stones. 

This is her new game. 

Unexpectedly, Zao'yi, who has been traveling with the adults to various construction site shacks all year round, seems to have a natural control over stones. 

She played the game like hell! 

Baobao is full of admiration: 

That's great. 

Zao'yi's tanned skin darkened with excitement, and her eyes were full of happiness. 

I have friends! 

very nice! 

Every time it ends, Yu Yu draws on the ground with colored chalk.