06 Dangerous.

"What the matter, Mise-chan? Are you going to cry right now? It doesn't look a bit weak, does it? Where was the attitude when you spoke badly to Mika-chan? Or that you are only good at badmouthing?"

Izumi kept on mocking, even though Mise had strange behavior. Before long, Mise grabbed a wooden chair and threw it to Izumi. It flew up and almost crashed into Izumi's face. Fortunately, she swayed and narrowly avoided it, but Izumi was shocked by what had happened. Her eyes were fixed on the chair in amazement.

Suddenly, footsteps ran towards Izumi with great speed. Izumi turned to look, but it was too late. She was punched by Mise in the stomach with unbelievable force. Izumi clenches her stomach in agony. Her head was bowed to the ground with saliva falling down because she couldn't shut her mouth from being punched in the stomach.

Later, Mise kicked into Izumi's chest until her back hit the wall so hard, Izumi couldn't stand it any longer. She fell and sat on the ground, but Mise continued banging Izumi's head into the wall once, which was enough to give her a headache that she had to hold her head with her hand.

Mise stared with an angry look in her eyes at Izumi, who was still in pain. She inhales and exhales violently and with continuity. It was clear that she was angry to the point of insane.

Mise bent down and pecked Izumi's hair until she had to hold Mise's arm out of pain and fear that her own hair would be torn, but she couldn't fight back at all. Mise then moved her face closer to Izumi's face, hoping to speak to her clearly.

"You think you're tough, huh?!, Izumi!! I warned you, but you didn't even want to listen to me!! I've been mad at you since lunch break, but I'm trying my best to be patient because I know that you will join our club. I tried, I really tried!! I tried to come in and talk to you nicely, but you made the simple things difficult!! Did you want me to kill you so badly?!!!""

Mise spoke out of her heart while she tried to control her anger. She clenched her teeth, wriggling her head, her gaze staring unblinkingly at Izumi and putting her hand on her head like she had a headache. Izumi, who was watching, felt a fear like she had never experienced it before. Her eyes were filled with terror. It was like she was staring at a humanoid monster that was in front of her right now.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Heh~ I didn't expect that you could speak politely, even though you were still speaking rudely just a short time ago!! But unfortunately, it's too late!! You shouldn't have made me angry in the first place!!!"

Mise, whose fury shows no signs of easing. She let go of Izumi's hair, then got up and walked to the desk near the classroom door. She used the force that came from her anger to effortlessly raise the desk. Izumi, who was sitting near the window, could only look in shock and immediately realized that she was now in danger, but the fear and pain that she suffered caused her to have no strength to even stand up.

"N-no!! Please don't!!"

"I already said that word, but you didn't listen to me at all!!!"

Mise intends to throw the desk she is holding at Izumi in anger, but Itsuka suddenly appears on the other side of the classroom door, which is quite a distance from Mise and Izumi. Itsuka understands the situation and immediately thinks that she must protect Izumi, but because she doesn't have enough time to think, Itsuka decides to use her body to protect Izumi from any attack.

Mise threw the school desk away without noticing Izuka's arrival, causing it to lunge towards and slam on Itsuka's back, causing her to cry out in pain. She then fell to the ground without Izumi taking any damage. What happened caused Izumi and Mise to be very shocked.

"I-Izumi... Are you alright?"

Itsuka continued to question Izumi's condition with concern, even though she was injured right now.


Izumi tried to approach Itsuka, but was pushed away by Mise inconsiderate, causing Izumi's head to hit the wall for the second time, making her head hurt again.

"Itsuka-san!! Itsuka-san!! Why are you doing this?! Why would you have to protect this girl?!"

Mise ran over to see Izuka's condition with a worried expression on her face and tears leaking from her eyes.

"... S-sorry..."

"Don't apologize!! I'll take you to the infirmary right now!"

Mise was holding Itsuka up to get up and was about to walk out of the classroom, but Itsuka nudged Mise to stop first for a minute.

"M-Mise... Can I speak to Izumi for a minute?"


Mise didn't say anything, just stood there because she did not dare disobey Izuka's request. Izumi hears that Itsuka has something to say to her, causing her to turn to look at Izuka with curious.

"Izumi... I'm sorry for what happened... I hope you will forgive... Mise's actions... today... and I still hope... that we will meet again... in the Conversation Club room..."


Izumi didn't reply, but Itsuka still smiled at her and walked away with Mise's support.

Izumi sat still because she was still shocked by the incident until everything around her became silent and the sun's light was about to go out. Izumi decided to get up. She was injured, but it's not anything serious, just a little pain. She was able to walk without any problems. In the end, Izumi walked home alone.


During the night, Itsuka and Mise sat down on a public bench. The two were silent, with Mise trying to avert Itsuka's gaze, and Itsuka's expression was slightly troubling. But in the end, Itsuka was the one who opened her mouth to speak first, as usual.

"Mise... Did you know that Izumi will be our new member club?"

"... I know..."

"Then why are you going to hurt Izumi like that?! What did she do to you that made you have to do that much? Can you tell me please?"


"If I don't accidentally pass by that area, something really bad might happen. Do you understand?"


Mise remained silent, looking down at the ground like a person who had repented. Izuka just sighed and didn't know what to do either. At that moment, Amakuji passed by and accidentally saw both of them, so he decided to say hi to both of them.

"Itsuka... and Mise?... What are you two doing here? Especially Mise... Your house is in another place, isn't it?"

When Mise saw Amakuchi's presence, she scurried, which makes it look suspicious. As for Itsuka, her face is like she has something troubling, causing Amakuji to immediately recognize that surely something must have happened.

"What happened? Can you tell me please?"

Itsuka and Mise looked at each other in oppressive silence. But it seems that Mise accepts her fate. Itsuka understands and decides to tell Amakuji everything about how Mise has attacked Izumi.

"Ha~ So that's what happened... Mise is here to help you, right? Itsuka... And how is your condition now?"

"I have received initial treatment. It's just a little bit painful right now, and I don't think there is any problem."

"You're always really amazing, Itsuka."

"Thanks for the compliment, President."

Amakuji seemed a little upset with what had happened, but he didn't seem very angry. Even so, the atmosphere was tense. Mise still lowered her head to the ground in repentance, and Itsuka remained silent awkwardly, so Amakuji thought he had to do something.

"May I sit with you?"

"Uhh... Yes"

Amakuji asked to sit on a bench, which Itsuka and Mise did not refuse. They all moved to make Amakuji sit in the middle, so Amakuji sat down and sighed slightly, before asking.

"And to sum it up... What happened? Mise... What made you so angry that time?"

Mise, who just sat and looked at the floor in repentance, but when questioned by a person she respects, it's hard for her to sit still and remain silent.

"Izumi, she... intends to approach you to help her friend, who is secretly attracted to you. At lunch time, she tells her friend about our club, including the story of Itsuka-san. I sat there listening and felt very angry. So I made an appointment with her to talk privately. After talking for a while, we had an argument because I said bad things about her friends, which made her steal my phone... and delete my pictures... I can't stand what she has done... So I went in... I attacked her... I'm really sorry!!"

Mise tells Itsuka and Amakuji about what happened while her eyes are fixed on the ground, not daring to make eye contact with the person sitting next to her and keeping repeating, "I'm sorry."

"It sounds like Izumi is at fault for stealing your phone and deleting your picture, but I think what you did was a bit too much, Mise."

Itsuka commented with a straight face.

"The picture Izumi deleted... What was it?"

Amakuji ask.

"It's a picture of you and me... It's a picture that we took when we hung out together during our first year..."

"That picture..."

"Yes... that picture... and now it's... Ugh!... disappears..."

Mise spoke in a low voice. She sobbed and cried out in sorrow as soon as he mentioned that picture, which Amakuji seemed to know about immediately.

"Uh... don't cry... What to say... Actually, there is a way to recover deleted pictures."

"Eh?!! Is that true, Itsuka-san?!"

When Mise heard that, she stared at Itsuka with a confused and hopeful look in her eyes.

"Even though I know it can, I don't know how to do it. We must have the president's help."

Itsuka and Mise looked at Amakuji with expectant eyes. Amakuji sat in silence for a moment before replying.

"There's an easier way."


Both girls were shocked, while Amakuchi suddenly blushed with embarrassment. He picked up his phone and pressed something a little. Not long after, a notification sounded on Mise's phone, so she checked it out.

"E-Eh?! Amakuji-san's message?!"

"Open it."


Mise opened and read the message Amakuji had sent, to which she was shocked because what was sent was the picture that had just been deleted.

"T-This is... a picture of me and Amakuji-san that has been deleted... This means that A-Amakuji-san..."

"Heh~ did you keep this kind of picture as well? President? I didn't expect it."

"W-Well... the picture is good...  S-So... I keep it."

"Heh~ is that so? You should have told us from the beginning."

"J-Just forget it!"

"Thank you very much! Amakuji-san!"

Mise shed tears of joy. In addition to getting the picture back, she also learned that Amakuji, the person she loved with all her heart, secretly kept a picture of them as well.

"The picture has already passed... But what's worrying is about Izumi... I don't know what she thinks of our club now. Plus, if we can't find a new club member, our club will also be disbanded..."

When Itsuka said that, the atmosphere became tense again. They all sat staring at the ground and trying to figure out a way. It seems that Amakuji has finally made up his mind.

"I'm going to have a chat with Izumi... on my own."



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