07 Negotiate.

early in the morning, on a walking path. Izumi takes this route for her usual school commute, and it doesn't seem like she's affected at all, even though she's just going through the bad things from yesterday.

She walked for a while but suddenly stopped when she met someone who she was familiar with. That person was Ayano Amakuji.

"Uh... good morning... Izumi."


Izumi was silent with a disgruntled expression on her face when she saw his face. She ignored him and tried to walk away, but Amakuji tried to follow her in order to talk to her.

"W-Wait a minute, Izumi! Let me talk to you first."

"What's there to talk about?"

"I-I mean, I know that maybe our meeting has some bad things happening. B-But believe me, it will definitely get better from now on."

"Really? Better? Did you mean worse? I just met two club members, but look what I've been through! What about the rest?!"

"Y-You've thought too much, Izumi! I believe that our club members have absolutely no intention of hurting you. Something just went wrong this time."

"Well, let's just say I was just unlucky to meet Itsuka-san and Mise-chan before anyone else."

"Well... y-yes! Maybe something like that, but you don't have to worry. I've talked to the two of them. They promised to improve. The next time you meet them, they will definitely act better."

"So that means, besides those two, it's considered that there's no one else who likes something like violence in the club, right?"

"A-Uh... about that..."

"Amakuchi was stunned and hesitant to answer. Izumi turned to look at him with a shocked expression."

"D-Don't tell me! There are more people like that?!"

"Well, there's a little more... B-But they never hurt anyone. They just like to be the audience."

"Oh, right?! So what is it that I just got hit with? Are you saying I'm just dreaming?"

"F-For Mise, it's a special case! because you did such bad things to her first..."

"Are you trying to say that I'm completely at fault, right?!"

"N-No!... In fact, for all the bad things that happened, everyone is at fault: you, Mise, Itsuka and...Me... I'm sorry..."

Amakuji finished speaking in a low voice while looking down at the ground with a guilty expression. Izumi, who had never seen Amakuji's expression like this before, made her feel somewhat weak. She began to slow down her feet and agreed to talk to Amakuji.

"And... Has Mise-chan already told you something about me?"

"Oh... Well, yes."

"So that means Amakuji-san already knows the hidden purpose, which made me decide to consider joining the club, right?"

"Yes... I know..."

"Sigh~ since you already know it all. Now I don't see any benefit to joining the club anymore."

"It exists, doesn't it?"

"Hmm? What is it?"

Izumi clearly showed that there was no reason for her to be involved in the club anymore, but Amakuji insisted that there was still one thing Izumi hadn't thought of, something she had always lacked. He breathed a sigh to make his mind at peace and began to express his opinions.

"Izumi... You're a pedophile, aren't you? You must have understood the feeling of being shunned by society... but in that place, in the Conversation Club room, there's no one to judge you. They all accepted each other's identity. At least this is something I'm sure of... They all have things in common with you. If you join our club, you will be able to share experiences, express your feelings, ask for advice, have a conversation about anything, and be friends with all of them. I believe that's what you're lacking right now, which you will receive if you agree to join our club... What do you think, Izumi?"

As Amakuji spoke with a sincere smile, Izumi, who listened carefully, seemed to conform, but suddenly, a bitter memory appeared in Izumi's head. It was a scene of her being surrounded by people of the same age. They're standing there pointing their finger at Izumi while insulting and harassing her.

"Uh... Izumi! What's going on? It's like you're floating on something."

"Ah?! I'm sorry, I was just thinking a little."

"And just now, did you listen to what I said?"

"Yes, I've heard it all, and it's all the same. I still don't find it interesting."

"Why?! Don't you feel lonely when you have to keep your true self alone?"

"I... I'm not alone... I... still have Mika-chan... I'm... not lonely a little bit..."

Izumi spoke while looking at Amakuji with a smile, but Amakuji saw her eyes that seemed to show that she was trying to hide her feelings.

"Is that so?..."

As the two were staring at each other, Izumi's friend Mika appeared out of the crossing path.

"E-Eh?! Izumi-chan a-and A-Amakuji-san?!"

When Izumi and Amakuji heard the call, they turned to look and were a little shocked to see that the person who called them was Mika.

"Eh?! It's Mika-chan?! It's such a coincidence."

"Uh... Did you just call me..."

"Ah! S-Sorry! I-I'm just accidentally called your first name! I-I'm really sorry."

"Oh, it's okay. I'm happy with someone calling me by my first name since the first time we met."

"Eh?! I-Is that alright?"

"Yes! I'm very happy because I don't really like people calling me Ayano, so you can call me by my first name."

"T-Then... W-With pleasure. A-Amakuji-san."

"So let me call you... Mika. Is that okay?"


Amakuji said with a smile, causing Mika to blush with embarrassment for a moment.

"By the way, do the two of you normally walk to school together?"

Mika asked curiously with a face that show she doesn't like what she see, which Izumi is aware of, and try to say something to avoid misunderstanding.

"No, we don't usually walk together like this. Just today, Amakuji-san, he has a little something he'd like to talk about."

"I-Is that true?"

"Well, I really have something to talk to Izumi about."

"D-Did I interrupt you two?"

"Oh no, we're done talking. Just for now, there are still a few things that need to be reconsidered."

Amakuji spoke as he looked at Izumi, indicating that he had not given up on persuading her to join his club, but Izumi avoided his gaze.

"S-So, may I talk to Izumi privately for a moment?"

"So let me go ahead, shall we?"

"M-No no no no! Please wait a moment, because I-I want to walk to school together with... you too..."

"I understand. Please feel free to take your time."

Mika spoke with an embarrassed expression and a flushed face. She didn't even dare make eye contact. She just looked down at the ground. Amakuji didn't mind; he was willing to wait. After that, she hurriedly led Izumi away from him in order to talk privately.

"What's wrong, Mika-chan?"

"How about Amakuji-san going? I saw him call your first name and you called his first name too. Are you and him already that close?"

"Well... a little bit. Why?"

"W-Well, I have a favor to ask."

"Hmm? What's it?"

"I-I want you to invite him over to have lunch with us, will you? Today I made two lunch boxes. S-So I want him to eat it."

"Hmm? Why did you make two lunch boxes in the first place?"

"I-I originally intended to give it to you, Izumi, but when I saw Amakuji-san, it made me think that I couldn't miss an opportunity like this... I'm sorry, Izumi-chan..."

"Mika spoke with tears of remorse, and that made Izumi feel affectionate. Besides, she herself didn't expect that lunch box from the beginning anyway.

"Well, alright! I'll help you."

"R-Really?! Thank you very much! Izumi-chan"

"It's okay, it's my pleasure."

"B-But don't tell him about that lunch box! I want to surprise him, and I still don't want him to know that I secretly like him... So, just invite him. Absolutely never say anything that is unnecessary."

"Yeah, yeah. You don't have to worry, hahaha."

"Izumi laughed out of delight because Amakuji actually knew all about Mika's secret crush on him. But Mika herself still doesn't seem to know yet."

Izumi walked over to Amakuji, where he was standing waiting while playing with his mobile phone.

"Hey! Amakuji-san, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Hmm? Is there anything shortly?"

"You haven't given up on inviting me to the club, have you?"

"Yes! Right now, I'm thinking about how to persuade you."

"Sigh~ Then I'll be willing to reconsider."


Amakuji smiled happily, while Izumi looked a little worried.

"But there is a condition."

"A condition? What condition?"

"At lunch break, I want you to come and have lunch with us, Mika-chan asked. You understand, right?"

"Oh... I get it. Is that all?"

"Hmmm... For Mika-chan, this is good enough. If I can request one more thing, I want you to be kind to her and never make her sad!"

Izumi stared at Amakuji with fierce and firm eyes. Amakuji, who was also staring at her, suddenly smiled, as if he was happy about something. That surprised Izumi a bit.

"You're... such a really good friend... I'm really glad for Mika that she has you as her friend."

"W-What's that attitude?! S-Such a creep."

Izumi seemed a little embarrassed by what Amakuji had said, causing her to blush lightly and have to avert his gaze.

"I-I'll go tell Mika-chan first."

After that, Izumi walked over to Mika, who was waiting anxiously.

"H-How is it, Izumi-chan?! What did Amakuji-san say?"

"He agreed. You can prepare yourself for lunch break, Mika-chan."

"R-Really? Thank you very much! Izumi-chan"

Mika is very happy. She took Izumi's hand with gratitude. She felt that she was getting closer and closer to her dream, which was thanks to her good friend, Sasaki Izumi.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we must hurry. We'll be late for class soon."

Amakuji intervened, causing Izumi and Mika to notice.

"T-That's right. S-Sorry to keep you waiting... Amakuji-san..."

"Mika-chan! However, before the lunch break, try to use this time to your advantage. Let's talk about a lot of things with him while you can."

"Eh?!... I-I'll try..."

"Mika said with a blush on her face, while Izumi gave a cheery smile."

The two of them walked towards Amakuji in order to go to school together as originally agreed upon. But because the distance is short, it makes them have less time, which wasn't enough to allow her to muster up her courage. In the end, Mika didn't say a single word to Amakuji; she only looked down at the ground in embarrassment.



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