10 Refuse Part 1

At the time of the club activities, Izumi stood in front of the Conversation Club room, as she seemed to be having a lot of anxiety.

(Goddam it! Do I really have to go into this room? I don't want to go in... I don't want to face the psychos that are waiting inside... even though I myself can count as psychos too... But from the past events, I really can't help worrying... but I've already promised Amakuji-san, going back now doesn't going to be a good thing to do...)

While Izumi was hesitating, Itsuka opened the door from inside, causing the two to meet face to face unexpectedly.

"Eh?! Izumi! Are you already come?! I was about to go after you."

"Eh?! I-Itsuka-san?!"

"President! Izumi is here."

"I'm glad you came, Izumi."

Amakuji, who sits at the club president's desk, smiled with joy. Meanwhile, Itsuka took Izumi's hand, dragged her into the club room and made her sit on a nearby chair. Izumi could only follow the flow.

When Izumi sat on the chair, she began to sweep her eyes and look around. There were about 7 people in the room, 3 of whom Izumi was familiar with: Amakuji, Itsuka, and Mise, but the other 4 she had never known them before.

As Izumi swept her gaze over them, they were also staring at Izumi too, making her feel a little nervous. The atmosphere was quiet for a while, before Amakuji's speaking.

"As I already said to everyone, Sasaki Izumi will be joining our club, so then I hope everyone can get close to her. If there is anything you want to talk about with her, you can do it."

Amakuji's voice resounded throughout the club room, with his bright smile. It was as if he was excited.

"Hi, your name is Sasaki Izumi, right? My name is Kimino Daisuke. Nice to meet you."

"Y-Yeah, nice to meet you too."

A man with long dark blue hair with a ponytail, who had a smiling face like an adult and named Daisuke greeted Izumi with a friendly introduction, and Izumi also responded in a courteous manner.

"By the way, what classroom are you studying in?"

"Classroom 2C"

"As for me, I'm studying in classroom 3B, the same room as Amakuji-kun."

"Oh...is that so?"

Daisuke questioned Izumi in a friendly manner, but Izumi felt pressured for some reason. She felt that the atmosphere in the room was strangely tense. And when she tried to observe, she saw that besides Amakuji, Itsuka and Daisuke, everyone was staring at her with a look of displeasure on their faces.

"What's wrong? Izumi-chan."

Daisuke smiled at her the way he did from the beginning, but when Izumi looked at those smiles intently again, she felt that his smile was expressionless. She began to be unsure whether he was really friendly with her or not.


While Izumi was tense with the atmosphere of the club room, a tea was served in front of her. Its sweet appearance and scent made Izumi calm down for a moment.

"T-Thank you-"

Izumi looked up and tried to thank the person who served her tea, but she was immediately terrified, after learning that the person serving the tea was Mise, a small girl who had attacked her, and made it become a nightmare. She knew that, no matter what, she would meet Mise again, but didn't expect that Mise would come to serve tea to her like that.


Izumi had a visibly frightened expression, along with instinctive defensive postures, which Mise did not say anything. She walked back to her seat as if nothing had happened.

Izumi was a little surprised at Mise's expression, which was different from what he had seen recently. But that relieved her, so she could enjoy a cup of tea with ease.

"Hey... can I ask you something?"

While Izumi was enjoying the tea, Daisuke asked something, which made her have to turn to look at him.

"What are you going to ask?"

"It's something that... I and others in the club were skeptical about it."

"What's... the matter?"

Izumi felt a tenser atmosphere than before, which made her frighteningly. A man named Daisuke smiled at her with an unnatural smile, before speaking out of his heart,

"Why did you spread the information about our club to outsiders?"

Izumi felt the pressure in the room, which made her realize how serious the question was, and knew that the people in the room wanted an answer from her. This pressure made her feel very nervous.

"I-I mean... at that time... I just... wanted to tell my friends about what I saw…"

"Huh! That's what all the big mouths are like. Saying something whatever they want and never thinking of anyone else."

A young man with short green hair said in a harsh voice, and had a lot of dissatisfied expression about Izumi's answer.

"I-I don't think it's a big deal or anything."

"So you don't understand anything, huh?"

A soft and cold voice sounded in the club room from a girl with short red hair with a fierce face and eyes. Izumi saw that pair of eyes terrified, and could feel the awe of that young woman.

"Words are like the wind. Where it will pass, no one knows and no one can stop it. Today you just tell your friends, but the next day, your friends will tell the others."

"I-Is what I told my friend would be really that bad for you guys?"

"Just think, if I spread your secrets with the people outside, how would you feel? Will you still be able to sit comfortably like that?!"

"A-About that.... I-I'm really sorry."

When answered with a question like that, Izumi even gave in to apologizing, with a very fearful look towards the short red-haired girl.

"Uh… well… it has already happened, and Izumi apologized. I believe she understands the importance of that. And definitely won't do that again. In any case, please forgive her, Kahoru."

Amakuji has always been sitting quietly because he wants Izumi to have a close relationship with the members of the club. But from the atmosphere, it didn't look very good. He saw that he could no longer remain silent. So he tried to speak up for her. His words made the people in the club look calm, including a girl named Kahoru.

"So, what do you think, Itsuka... that your secret has been revealed to outsiders?"

"For me, it's been a thing of the past. I also don't even care what other people think. So I do not mind. Right now, I'm more worried about the future of our club."

Itsuka, who was asked for opinions from Kahoru, helped to defend Izumi because she also wanted Izumi to become a member of the club.

"What about you, Mise? You're having a problem with that girl, aren't you?"

"Yes, I was really angry with what she had done…but if from now on she doesn't do anything that bothers us again, accepting her as a part of us, it doesn't look so bad."

Mise also seemed to try to defend Izumi with a straight face. Izumi didn't know why, but she was a little happy.

"Is that so?"

After hearing that, Kahoru sat silently, as if giving up another argument, but at the same time.

"No, no, no, no! I can't trust her! I'm sure if this girl knew about our secret, she would spread it to the whole school! And then we'd all be devastated!!"

A young man with short green hair spoke out in an extreme manner, which made it seem annoying, but it caused the people in the room to sit quietly and ponder in their minds.



English is not my primary language, so it will look weird sometime. You can comment and help me improve. Also, You can support me to access early episode

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