11 Refuse Part 2

"How about this? Let's open a vote on whether to accept Sasaki Izumi to join the club or not. Anyway, we have 7 of us now, which should be perfect."

Daisuke said the offer with an excited expression.

"Eh~ do we have to do that?"

Amakuji didn't seem to agree with the idea.

"Amakuji-kun~ Are you scared?"

Daisuke challenged Amakuji with an evil smile, as if he was happy, but Amakuji didn't mind anything about it.

"So what do you all think? Anyone have any other suggestions?"

Everyone sat in silence, waiting for Amakuji to decide.

"So let's go with that...Whoever disagrees with accepting Izumi as a member of the club… raise your hand."

After Amakuji finished speaking, there were both those who raised their hands and those who did not. The result of the vote was that there were 4 people who raised their hands, and 3 people who didn't raise their hands.

"It seems that the vote has been clear. Amakuji-kun~"

Daisuke smiled happily as he looked at Amakuji as if mocking him, but Amakujiwasn't angry. He just regretted that everything didn't go as smoothly as he had imagined.

"Daisuke, can you tell me why you don't want Izumi to join the club? Even though you seem to be friendly with her."

"I just thought it was fun and I just wanted to see you in trouble, that all."

"You're such..."

Amakuji face palm at Daisuke's answer, but he didn't seem very angry, more like he was already used to it.

"What about you, Tadachi, what's your problem? I see you look more chaotic than the others."

Amakuji asked a young man with short green hair named Tadachi.

"I don't really like bigmouthed people, especially this girl. I thought her face was very annoying."


Amakuji stared at Izumi's face.

"...That's true."


Izumi was a little shocked and very angry.

"What about you, Kazama, seeing that you've always been quiet, but why did you raise your hand?"

A man with short sea-colored hair named Kazama who hasn't played any role since joining the club. But when asked by the club president, he finally opened his mouth to speak.

"I-I'm afraid...I-I'm afraid that people close to me will know my secret...if they did...I would...I would die for sure... ..."

Kazama trembled like a sick person and clearly showing fear in his face. Amakuj saw such a sight and didn't know what to say to him, so he ignored him and stared at the person who seemed to be the most distressed for him.

"Kahoru... how about you? Is there any problem for you?"

"I just don't trust that girl."

Kahoru answered the question with a serious face and didn't even make eye contact with Amakuji, which made him feel very bad, until he had said something.

"You don't trust me too...Kahoru?"

Amakuji spoke in a low voice with a sad look on his face. Kahoru noticed that and turned to look at him solicitous.

"N-Not like that, Amakuji! We have been friends for a long time. We've been through so many things together, so I never thought of opposing your decision. Please believe me."

Kahoru replied in a panic, as if she didn't mean to make Amakuji feel bad, and also looked at him with a gentle and caring look, unlike how she looked at the other members. With that sight, even Amakuji himself was surprised.


"But this time… for the club and for you, I can't just let it pass. Thinking about it, just as soon as she found out Itsuka's secret, she immediately shared it with others. If she stays with us until she knows all of our secrets, how can you be sure that she won't share that secret with anyone else? For me it was too risky. If our secrets were to be revealed…we would have no place in society!!"

The words, tone of voice, and eyes of the short red-haired girl, Kahoru, were devoid of any harshness. It was filled with sensitivity and concern, which Amakuji also felt.

"I understand your concern... but if we can't find a new club member anytime soon, our club will be disbanded. Do you know about that?"

"Um... I already know."

"So is this okay? Now we can't find any new members other than Izumi. Will you let our club be disbanded like this?"

"Even though the club is disbanded, we can still group together, but if our secrets are revealed, there will be no more peace for us."

Even though Kahoru said that, Amakuji still felt not at ease.


"Even if there is no club anymore, we are still always friends. Why I'm still here until today is not because of this club! Not because of this room!! But because of you, Amakuji, because of you!! That's why we're all together, and that's how it is whether there is a club or not!!"

Those words caused Amakuji to tremble. He had never thought of something like that before. In his head, he only thought of protecting the club, but hearing those words from Kahoru made him feel confused.

"Everyone thinks so?"

"Just like Kahoru said."

Tadachi said.

"I-I just want everyone to still be friends with me. That's all I'm happy about."

Kazama said.

"It's a pity that this room is no longer being used, but as Kahoru said, that's it."

Daisuke said.

"Even though I don't want the club to be disbanded... if you start a new club, please don't forget about me."

Itsuka said.

"N-No matter where Amakuji-san goes, I will alway follow."

Mise said.

"Everyone… Um! I Got it. If everyone said so, I wouldn't have anything to offend anymore."

"I'm sorry... Amakuji."

"Don't need to apologize, I'm not mad or anything, and also, I created this club for everyone to be here together and talk comfortably. Even if there is no club, I want you to know that I will always be by your side."


Everyone looked at Amakuji with impressions.

(Why is the mood of these people so vary...Are they ignoring me? Do they see me as a nuisance or what?!!)

Izumi could only sit in thought, while lonely staring at the Conversation Club members who were deeply appreciating their friendship.



English is not my primary language, so it will look weird sometime. You can comment and help me improve. Also, You can support me to access early episode

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This story will become Manga, Anime and Game in the future! Please support me to make it possible.