12 Farewell to Peaceful Life.

At evening, as the sun was about to set, Amakuji and Izumi walked together, because their house is on the same road.

"Sigh~ even though I was the one who got invited, they chased me away, like I'm a piece of trash, Amakuji-san, you have to take responsibility!"

"Sorry, I didn't even think it was going to turn out like this."

"Sigh~ well, anyway, now I don't have to worry about that club anymore, right?"

"Yeah, from now on, I probably won't disturb you anymore."

"Ah~ I feel like lifting a mountain from my chest. Ever since I met you, Amakuji-san, my life has been full of chaos. But from now on, I will be able to live in peace."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Eh? What are you trying to say?"

"The thing I warned you about, I hope you haven't forgotten about it."

Izumi tried to think for a moment, before realizing it and being displeased at Amakuchi's words.

"Don't worry about that, okay?! I'm definitely not going to be to what you said."

"So? Then don't use those videos to masturbate again, okay?"

Amakuji said with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was teasing Izumi.

"Amakuji-san! Don't say such embarrassing things like that in public!"

Izumi said frantically with a red face of embarrassment.

"Sorry, hahaha."

"Did you have intended to indirectly expose me?!"

"Why would I do that? If I was thinking of exposing you, I would have given all of your secrets to the other club members already."

Amakuji spoke without thinking, but when Izumi heard that, she realized something.

"By the way, why didn't Amakuji-san tell them my secret? If you do, they will probably accept me as a member of the club, because they will have something to guarantee that I'm not going to share their secrets with anyone."

"Because I know you probably won't like that idea. Even though I want you to join the club, I would never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable."

Amakuji spoke with a serious expression, which made Izumi feel a little happy.

"Sigh~ you always like to act cool."

Amakuji stopped walking, causing Izumi to stop too. Then he was standing in front of her, along with looking at her with a serious expression and eyes, which made her feel a little nervous.

"Anyway, there's one more thing I want you to keep in mind."

"What is it?"

"Whether you're a member of the club or not. Just know that I'm always happy to help you. If you have something to worry about or need someone to be by your side, don't forget to call me when you need it. Although I may not be of much help, I'm ready to help you with the best I can."

Amakuji spoke with a gentle and sincere smile.

Amakuji spoke with a gentle and sincere smile, which made Izumi tremble as if no one had said such a thing to her before.

"I-I know! I know! I will remember that, okay? "

Izumi felt nervous and happy at the same time, causing her to avert his gaze and blush with embarrassment.

"Looks like it's about time we have to part ways."

"Oh...um...about the club, what will happen next?"

Izumi spoke with a slightly worried expression on her face.

"Eh~ Are you worried about us, Izumi?"

"I-I'm not worried! I'm just a little curious."

Amakuji teases her, and Izumi responds with embarrassment. It seemed that Amakuji was delighted to hear those words from Izumi.

"Don't worry, we just have to keep trying to find new members. If we can't find it, the club just be disbanded, but we can always gather together. We just have to find a new place."

"Oh...is that so?"

Amakuji spoke in a normal manner as if it wasn't a big deal, but Izumi was still a little worried.

"Anyway, we have to say goodbye. May you continue living happily. We will meet again when the opportunity comes. See ya."

"I understand. See you again, Amakuji-san!"

The two waved goodbye to each other as Amakuji walked the other way and Izumi could only stare at his back.

"Suddenly, it felt so lonely..."

Izumi muttered to herself, before walking home alone beneath the setting sun.


( It has been a week already since I haven't seen Amakuij-san and Conversation Clum members... ever since that day, I have been able to live my peaceful school life with my friend Mika-chan. Life is going smoothly and peacefully, but sometimes I secretly feel so bored that I want something exciting to happen as well.)

Izumi was sitting at a desk in her classroom and looking out the windows while pondering

"Hey Izumi-chan, which glasses do you think are the most stylish? Help me choose please."

A girl with long black hair wearing glasses named Mika had talked to Izumi in a close manner.

"Huh? Mika-chan, will you buy new glasses? Why would you buy them when your old glasses are still in good shape?"

"I-It's just...I want to have some options according to the situation..."


Mika's face flushed red with a visibly embarrassed expression. When Izumi saw Mika's expression, she realized something.

"By the way, how about your relationship with Amakuji-san, is it going well?"

"Eh?! A-About that... since the day we ate lunch together, we didn't talk at all."

"Eh!! Why didn't you do anything?!"

"I-I'm so scared! I don't know what to talk to him about and, currently, he looks very busy. So I don't want to interfere..."

"Sigh~ you're such...and how would it progress if you were still be like that?"

"S-Sorry about that..."

Izumi sighed wearily at her friend's cowardice, but when Izumi thought for a moment instead, she was more interested in Amakuji's story.

(Amakuji-san has been really busy lately? Or will it be about finding a new club member? But isn't he already giving up?)

While Izumi was drowning in thought, she was awakened by Mika's voice.

"A-About Amakuji-san, just forget it, okay? Now, will you help me choose a glasses or not?"

"O-Oh, about that? Well, I will help you."

After that, Izumi stared at the picture of Mika's chosen glasses, but she seemed to be stuck with Amakuji's story.

(Amakuji-san...I haven't seen him in a long time. How will he be now...and why should I care about him? It's...it has nothing to do with me anyway...)

Izumi tried to shake the thoughts in her head and focused on what was in front of her instead.



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