13 Peeking.

In her free time inside the school fence, Izumi was wandering around as if searching for someone.

(Sigh~...I don't know why I couldn't shake my thoughts about Amakuji-san. When he approaches, I don't give a damn, but when he doesn't come, it was me who was concerned about him instead? Forget it, I will just take a look at him for a little and then go back...but where is Amakuji-san? I went to his classroom and couldn't find him.)

Izumi walked for a while, and finally she saw Amakuji from afar, but Izumi didn't seem to want Amakuji to see her. She hurriedly hid behind the pillar of the school building.

"That's Amakuji-san! He seemed to be looking for someone, and his face looked very tense. Is he looking for club members? Ah! It looks like he's talking to someone."

Izumi stared at Amakuji while he was talking to someone. She kept peeking until they finished talking.

"Looks like they're done talking, but Amakuji-san doesn't look good. What happened?"

"Maybe because those people wasn't the people he was looking for."

"Ahhh!! I-Itsuka-san?!"

"Long time no see, Izumi."

Itsuka smiles a friendly greeting, while Izumi is shocked by Itsuka's unexpected appearance.

"Hah~ Itsuka-san, what are you doing?! I was completely scared, you know?"

"Sorry, but why are you peeking at the president like that, Izumi?"

"Uh... I just heard that Amakuji-san has been busy lately, so I just want to know what's going on."

"Oh… are you worried about him, Izumi?"

"N-No. I'm just curious, just curious okay?"

Izumi spoke with an embarrassed expression while Itsuka stared at Izumi in wonder.

"B-By the way, what is he doing?"

Izumi asked curiously.

"Probably he was randomly chatting with people in order to find the right person to join the Conversation Club?"

"Eh? Why did he have to do that? Aren't you all agreed to let the club disband?"

Izumi spoke without thinking, but Itsuka's face was serious, as if she was thinking about something important, which made Izumi also feel stressed.

"Izumi… you probably don't know yet, but that club is more than a club or more than a place. It was filled with so many precious memories. Even though Amakuji-san was deeply grateful for what happened that day, he didn't want to give up on letting his creations collapse. If possible, he would like it to last until the day he graduates and say goodbye to it appreciatively."

When Izumi heard what Itsuka had said, it made her have a worried expression.

"Did the others also help him?"

Izumi asked

"No, the others have already given up, and the president himself didn't tell them anything. The president has been secretly looking for a new club member alone for a while now."

"Then Itsuka-san… how do you know?"

"I peeked at him like you're doing right now, Izumi~"

Itsuka spoke with a smile on her face, which made Izumi feel like she was being ridiculed.

"Hmm… looks like the president has gone somewhere else."

"Eh?! S-So, should we follow him?"

"No, there is no need to bother him. Let him do what he wants."


"And besides… I have something I want you to see."

"Huh? What is it?"

"...One of my favorite artwork..."

Itsuka spoke as she tried to hide her excited smile, but Izumi still saw it with both her eyes.

"I think I'd better go peeking at Amakuji-san."

Without hesitation, Izumi tried to walk away with a scared expression, but Itsuka grabbed her arm to hold her back.

"W-Wait a minute. Let's watch it together just a moment please."

"No way! No way! I can't look at pictures like that!"

"Don't worry. This time it wasn't as scary as that time."

"Itsuka-san's fear standard and ordinary people are not the same! You can't be so sure!"

"No, the art I'm going to show you isn't really scary according to international standards, and it's also very pretty, please believe me!"


"Actually, I promise. Give it a try please. I'm begging you."

Itsuka's begging with puppy eyes, which made Izumi begin to feel oppressive.

"J-Just a little, okay?"

Izumi spoke with a hesitant expression, but that was enough to make Itsuka smile with joy.

"Thank you very much, Izumi."

Itsuka smiled cheerfully, but Izumi remained silent with a worried look on her face.


After an agreement, Itsuka led Izumi to sit down in a quiet place separate from the people, so that the two of them could watch the artwork in a way that no one would bother. It clearly shows how much Itsuka wants Izumi to see those artwork.

"Please, wait a minute."

Itsuka searches for pictures of the artwork in her phone.

"J-Just a little, okay?"

At the same time, Izumi sits miserably next to Itsuka because she is still afraid of those horrifying images. Even though it's been a long time.

"I found it, Izumi."

"I-Is that so?"

"Okay, Izumi, let's take a look at these artwork. I'm sure you must like it."

"I-I'll just take a peek, okay?"

Izumi looked worried for a moment, before she decided to close her eyes while leaning closer to Itsuka's phone. After that, she slowly opened her eyes in order to have a quick look at those artworks as Itsuka wanted. But when she opened her eyes, instead of seeing horrifying images, she saw something she hadn't expected.

"T-This is…"

Izumi was stunned at the sight in front of her. The look in her eyes clearly indicated that she was impressed by the sight that she had seen, which made Itsuka, who was watching Izumi, smile with joy.

"It's very beautiful, right?"

"So beautiful! I've never seen anything like this before."

Izumi looked at Itsuka with sparkling eyes as if she was impressed by the look of artwork. After seeing Izumi's expression, Itsuka herself clearly had a happy expression on her face like she had completed something. She was very grateful that Izumi liked the artwork she showed.

"I'm glad you like it."

"By the way, what are these artwork called?"

Izumi asked excitedly.

"I don't know what the official name is, but for me, I call it...Red Art."

"R-Red Art..."



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