14 Red Art.

"Red Art... Ah! I like this name, it sounds really cool."

Izumi complimented the name with a smile on her face, and Itsuka's face flushed slightly with joy.

The pictures Izumi saw were paintings and photographs, with almost everything in red. Although most of the content of the picture is normal, such as pictures of young women, flowers and nature. But with the use of flashy reds, it makes those images have dimensions that are different from general images.

"So what makes Itsuka-san like them?"

"I like red."

"Because it's beautiful, isn't it?"

"That's another reason, but the main reason is because Red is similar to our blood. Blood can be seen as life and death. We are afraid to look at it because it reminds us of death, but we can't live without it because it is what keeps us alive. Therefore, Red can be used to create terrifying and beautiful images, according to the desire of the creator. Because of the complexity that makes me like them."

"Wow! How profound."

Itsuka narrates about Red with a serious expression and eyes, while Izumi listens with interest.

"Itsuka-san, you talk like an artist. Have you even painted?"

"Ah! I draw regularly."

"Heh~ Really? So, may I have a look at your painting?"

"Oh! Of course, I'm about to show you, by the way."

Itsuka searched in her bag to take out the picture she had drawn. At the same time, Izumi seemed to realize something, which made her begin to have a worried look on her face

"Uh…by the way…that isn't the art of death, right?"

"Don't worry. It's red art."

Izumi was relieved to know that it was Red Art. In the meantime, Itsuka picked up a piece of paper and handed it over to Izumi.

"Wow! Itsuka-san, did you draw it yourself?! It was even more beautiful than I thought."

"Thanks for the compliments."

Izumi looked at the painting in front of her with admiration, and Itsuka smiled happily.

"By the way, today you want me to look at red art especially, right?"

"Ah...that's right."

"So, what is your purpose? Or would you like to please me in order to ask me to join the club?"

"No, the president has already said that we are forbidden from disturbing you again."

"Oh...Is that so...H-How about today? What's the reason you invited me to see Red Art?"

"…to make amends that day…the day I made a mistake."

"Eh?! Just about that? But haven't you already apologized to me and I also forgive you?"

"But I've inflicted a wound on your heart that makes you look at art differently… Art should be something that makes an impression on the viewer, not scares them...But what I did was the opposite...I neglected the feelings of others and let them absorb fear...So today I want to make amend and impressing you with art again, as I'm an art enthusiast and may be regarded as an artist as well."

"I-I don't see the need to be remorseful that much. I may not understand and fear the art of death, but I still like other types of art. And I kind of forget about what happened. Itsuka-san, you don't have to consider that seriously."

"It's not just that. There's still one more reason I invited you here... so that we can talk privately just the two of us..."

Itsuka spoke with a slightly embarrassed expression, causing Izumi to be surprised.

"E-Eh?! W-What is it?"

"I… want to be friends with you…"


The two were silent for a moment before Izumi spoke.

"I-Is that really true?!"

"Yes… it's true."

"W-Why do you want to be friends with me? I'm not a Conversation Club member. I'm not interested in art at all. And I also don't like the art of death. What made Itsuka-san want to be friends with me?"

"That's because you have made me aware of others... Ever since I got to know the president, I've only met people who don't show much emotion. It made me wont and never consider the feelings of others when I showed them the art of death."

"I-It meant until now, you never met someone who clearly doesn't like the art of death?"

"Of course there is, but it was a long time ago, before I met the president. And those people, in addition to expressing their dislike for the art of death, they also showed their hatred towards me...that made me not even bother to pay attention to them either, but you're different. You're terrified of the art of death, but you don't have a hatred towards me, you are good to me instead."

"And what's so special about who I am? I think it looks very normal."

"Of course it's special. You being like that made me want to know what I did wrong. I want to make amends for my mistake. I want to get to know you better. And I want to impress you with my favorite art that I like…Simply put, you are my artistic inspiration."

"E-Eh… Am I that special?"

After hearing those words from Itsuka's mouth, it made Izumi feel unbearably embarrassed.

"So what do you say…would you like to be friends with me?"

"I-I don't mind. I'm also grateful to you, Itsuka-san. You came to protect me when I was attacked by Mise-chan...So if Itsuka-san wanted to be my friend. I would be very pleased."

"Thank you, Izumi."

The two girls smiled at each other friendly. It clearly shows that they both accept each other as friends.

"By the way, I have one more thing I want to ask you."

"What is it?"

"What do you think of coming to see art with me today?"

"I thought it was a wonderful experience!"

"So? So I've accomplished one thing."

"And what will you do next?"

"I was going to let you slowly absorb the art of death bit by bit."

"E-Eh?! Will it be alright...?"

"What I showed you that day was the ultimate art of death. So I think I'll start with the lightest art of death first, and hope that someday you will like it."

"U-Uh…with pleasure..."

"Don't worry, it's not scary."

"Since Itsuka-san said that, I would have to believe it hahaha."

The two girls laughed merrily, and after that, they said goodbye along with the friendship that formed between them.



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