
Soda Virus

Somewhere, in another dimension, a serum dealer by the name of Cruz Margolis is going to the streets with two of his subordinates, he grabs a can of soda, drinks it, rolls on the ground a lot, and jumps and screams.

Meanwhile, Synthwave and Farshtey arrive in this dimension, it looks like New Mexico, but with hovering cars.

Synthwave: Hurm. Out of all the dimensions that we traveled, this is probably the one most similar to mine.

Farshtey: Are those some sort of cars?

Synthwave: They seem so. Name a concept, and there's a dimension based around it. Hovering cars in New Mexico? Bingo, here it is.

Farshtey: Kind of deviating from the subject, but is it just me, or there are a lot of things I don't quite understand in general?

Synthwave: From what I know of you, yes.

Farshtey: Yeah... At least I am intrigued by it, it helps me out.

Synthwave: Not that you are a student, but I feel that the best students are the ones that ask the teachers, and try to understand the subject in question.

Farshtey: Good point, I've never gone to school, though... Alright, shall we see if someone needs our help?

Synthwave: They probably will need it. Let's explore this place.

Meanwhile, somewhere not so far away, Cruz is calling her grandma.

Cruz: Don't worry, abuelita! I won't be- FIONIOAIOFNIOAGH, alright? Take care and enjoy the telenovela!

He finishes the call.

Mobster 1: Uh... Jefe, I don't know if we should be very much on the open, I mean, there might be too many cops, and-

Cruz punches his mobster with his almond skinned hand.

Cruz: MALDITO- IDONIEUGAAFALE! I told you, a true serum dealer has to be BRAVE!

Mobster 2: Shouldn't they be smart?

Cruz punches the other mobster twice, then after the beating he proceeds to grab a can of soda, and drinks it. Then he begins to make spontaneous, strange moves, like falling on the ground, then he jumps back up, all culminating in a scream of joy.


Synthwave and Farshtey are witnessing the action of the black domino masked man.

Farshtey: Who in the sam heck is that?

Synthwave: Someone weirdo attacking other people. Shall we, Farsh?

Farshtey: Sure, kid.

Then both of them start running towards Cruz.

Farshtey: Alright, ya son of a gun, hold it right there!

The other two mobsters start running away, and Cruz sees them running with the sky blue shades in his mask.


Farshtey: You won't hurt anyone else.

Cruz: I need to- ULIGNANO to make them stronger! They're like my hermanos to m-TIOMGOAUHG.

Farshtey: What? What are you saying?

Cruz: The serum's side effects, you know? It's making me say... MANGUENGALAMOEHRIOT and other stuff. I am a dealer, you know?

Synthwave facepalms at the short black haired person.

Synthwave: You just realized you said you were a dealer, right?

Cruz: Sip! I AM BRAVE!

Farshtey: Alright, for hitting innocent people, and for being a dealer, you are under arres-


Farshtey: Wait, really?

Cruz: Si!

Farshtey: Alright, then...

Synthwave: I'll find them, you can handle that Tuco knock off, if you want.

Synthwave chased the other members, while Farshtey had Cruz at gunpoint.

Farshtey: "Tuco Knock Off?" What's tha- Ok, I'll ask later. Alright, follow me to the R-

Cruz moved forward and kicked Farshtey to a wall.

Farshtey: OUCH, SON OF A GUN!

Cruz: Go ahead, vaquero hijo de- GUHIASIOMIOFMIOH... SHOOT CRUZ!

Farshtey: STAY. PUT.

Cruz decided to run towards the cowboy, and jumped, but Farshtey just managed to shoot him in the chest, and the dealer fell on the ground. Farshtey sighs in bitterness.

Farshtey: This is the first time in a long time that I had to kill a hu-

Cruz then gets back up, and makes a malicious grin.

Farshtey: Oh, son of a-

Cruz threw a rock at Farshtey, and escaped.


Farshtey gets up.

Farshtey: GET BACK HERE!

Synthwave: Uh... Farsh? I already caught the other two.

Farshtey: And their leader got away.

Mobster 1: Oh, time to go to carcel?

Farshtey: No, you're going to JAIL! Haven't you been arrested before, outlaw?

Mobster 2: That's what "Carcel" also means. Jail.

Farshtey: Oh... Sorry, thanks for letting me know.

Mobsters: Oh, gracias a dios we're going to jail!

Synthwave: What?

Mobster 1: We are so thankful we can go to jail, it's actually quite a nice place there. Instead of dealing with... Him.

Mobster 2: Yeah, he's kind of malo.

Farshtey: Alright... I shall chase him and-

Synthwave: Wait. Where is Cruz going?

Mobster 1: Going to his casa? Oh, let me give you the address.

Farshtey: Thanks a lot, outlaw!

Meanwhile, Cruz was running to his home with the cellphone on.

Cruz: Alright, abuelita! Yo también te quiero!

He then turns it off and then resumes running... Only for Synthwave and Farshtey waiting for him outside.

Cruz: You aga-IFOMIOMFOIE?!

Synthwave: Yeah.

Cruz: Wait, where are my mobsters? Are they ok?

Farshtey: In jail... They seemed to be ok.

Cruz: I am not going! I'll challenge you to a pelea, you- SOBOPORKOGIEHUGOMAIO!

Cruz opens another can of soda, drinks it, jumps, does a front flip, then a diagonal flip, and then lands on the ground on his feet.


Farshtey: What can I do against him, kid? He's kind of resistant to my shots.

Synthwave: Hurm... Must be of that serum, probably that's what makes him strong... And completely and utterly dumb.

Farshtey: Alright, then... Time to see what he's go-

Cruz tried to punch Synthwave, but the latter grabbed the punch, and then kicked him. Cruz tries to do the same thing again, and so does Synthwave, and again, and again.

Synthwave: Can you change tactics?

Cruz: This is impossible! No one could survive my- OGIJIOEMIOH.

Synthwave: I'll try to destroy his power source while you distract him.

Farshtey: Got it.

Synthwave runs somewhere else.

Farshtey: Hey, Cruz!

Cruz: QUE?!

Farshtey shoots Cruz, but he dodges, and he throws a fridge that was previously thrown by his house window for some reason or another, to Farshtey, it hitted him and he is caught inside of the fridge.

Farshtey: OUCH! Wait, what happened to the sun?


Cruz couldn't find his opponent. Farshtey then realizes he was inside the fridge, so he shoots a part of the fridge and he manages to get out. Cruz hears that.

Cruz: What the GUIOMIOAS happened to the fridge?!

Cruz then sees Farshtey getting out.

Cruz: Oh, ahí estás!

Cruz chases off the sheriff, and the sheriff stops and holds him at gunpoint.

Farshtey: Stop this at once, outlaw!

Cruz: What can that pathetic cañon do to me, eh? EH?!

Cruz ran and tried to punch Farshtey, but Farshtey managed to shoot him in the head, knocking him off.

Farshtey: Alright... I may have that in mind if there's a next time I fight someone like him.

Synthwave and Farshtey managed to put him in prison, and resumed traveling.

Farshtey: You know what I learned, kid?

Synthwave: Yes?

Farshtey: I learned that being brave is nice and all, but... There's being brave, and being stupid.

Synthwave: Well said.

Farshtey: Thanks a lot.

Synthwave: You're welcome. You know something? I feel that... In a way, you're the third person I can think of that I can call "Brother"

Farshtey: Brother? But you weren't created by my creator!

Synthwave: No, but... Who said that you have to have the same parents to consider someone their brother? In other words I mean that metaphorically.

Farshtey: Oh, right! Ok.

Synthwave: So... Where do you want to go?

Farshtey: Good question, let me think about it, kid.

Synthwave: Understood... Or, we can watch something on TV.

Farshtey: Hey, that's a nice idea!

So they went and watched some videos on TV.

Meanwhile, in another dimension...

There's a stone golem living in a stone forest. It had sharp blades for hands, it was busy looking for something to eat, but then it saw a portal, and someone coming from it. A hunter.

The golem got defensive, as it doesn't know who or what that being is. The hunter is standing there, observing the golem, and tilting his head. After tilting his head back to it's normal position, he proceeded to run towards the golem and jump. The golem tried to strike him with it's blades, but he teleported through another portal disappearing. Then another portal shows up behind the golem, and the hunter kicks his back, leaving a crack on it.

Hunter: Just as tested.

The golem turns back, and tries to strike him in a vertical way with his blades, but the hunter retreats, jumps, and punches it's head. Then he stood there, then the golem breathed fire to try and strike him, but he teleported, this time overhead the golem, and shot a laser on his head. Now the golem was tired of fighting.

Hunter: You did well. Expected from an alpha golem. Kept an eye on you. Impressive.

Then the hunter ripped off the blade from his arms, the golem screamed of pain.

Hunter: I'll take this.

The hunter stabbed the golem with its own blade. Then he takes off the blade from it's chest. The hunter observes what he just used.

Hunter: Hunt complete.