
Face to Face

Somewhere, in another dimension, after killing a golem, the hunter pulls out the blade from it's chest, opens up a portal, and returns to his invisible ship.

Hunter: WDPK, access trophy room.

A trophy room showed up, he put the blade as a trophy with his black gloved hands encased with some golden shells. He then looks upwards.

Hunter: Did I perform well?

A day later, the hunter still remained in the forest, pretty much everything was made of stone, except the sky.

Hunter: Nice night. Isn't it?

He then saw with his visor a humanoid stone run away, and later, he saw two other people chasing after it.

Hunter: Hurm.

Synthwave and Farshtey were chasing down the humanoid, which the latter stopped running.

Humanoid: You are not going to interfere with my plans, boy!

Synthwave: Hurm. We'll see about that.

The humanoid shoots rocks out of nowhere to the other two, but they dodged it, Synthwave using his grappling gun to go up a stone tree.

Synthwave: Let's see... You're incredibly strong at close range, you're also formidable at long range... But...

The humanoid also throws another rock to Synthwave, but he also dodges it by going to the ground.

Synthwave: Isn't that a pigeon?

The humanoid turns his head back and looks upwards.

Humanoid: What?

Synthwave then proceeds to punch him straight in the face.

Humanoid: Ouch! You're going to pay for that!

The humanoid runs and tries to punch Synthwave, but he manages to dodge every single attack he makes. Synthwave doesn't try to grab him, but he follows up with two punches and a kick. Farshtey aims his handgun at the humanoid.

Farshtey: Alright, outlaw, you are under arrest!

Humanoid: Fine, a deal is a deal.

Synthwave and Farshtey proceeded to take the humanoid back to jail, and after that, they decided to leave, walking towards the RV.

Farshtey: How did you manage to humiliate that... Being the second time, kid?

Synthwave: Simple, he was quite strong, but he was very predictable.

Farshtey: Oh, understood. If I remember, I'll try to-

Synthwave and Farshtey stopped, and saw the body of a golem with a giant hole on his chest. They ran toward it to see what happened.

Farshtey: Oh no... Poor fella.

Synthwave: It's not normal for golems of this dimension to fight each other...

Synthwave then notices that one of its hands was ripped from the creature.

Farshtey: Who did this?

Synthwave: I don't know. But whatever's out there, we have to stop it.

Farshtey: I agree. How do you know another golem didn't do this?

Synthwave: Laurie, Annie, and I visited this dimension before. I know that this isn't normal.

On the invisible ship, the hunter is watching over Synthwave.

Hunter: Hurm. He is starting to suspect. Very clever. Adding another fact. The humanoid's attacks. Seemingly aware of them. Not to underestimate.

The hunter then notices at the distance the RV that belongs to Synthwave, he then tilts his head.

Synthwave and Farshtey spent the whole day trying to find the being responsible for this, but the hunter is not showing up.

Then night time happened, with a lantern, Synthwave and Farshtey sat down.

Farshtey: We should have found that son of a gun by now.

Synthwave: I agree. The other people may be terrorized, and if we let it roam around, it might kill them for one reason or another.

Farshtey: What if... We are talking about a person who just killed that golem out of self defense? That's actually legal. Worrying, but legal.

Synthwave: He ripped off the hand out of the golem, it's kind of difficult to call it self defense.

Farshtey: Oh... Good point.

Synthwave: We should split up, if we want to find the one responsible.

Farshtey: Great plan, kid. Shall we?

Synthwave: Of course.

Synthwave and Farshtey went in different directions. The hunter notices this.

Synthwave is walking to try and find the person, but then he notices something in the sky: The ship... It became visible to the eye, and Synthwave's dark memories resurfaced stronger than ever.

Synthwave: No...

Then a portal appeared behind him, and the hunter walked from it. The portal closes.

Hunter: Saw your fight today. Well done.

Synthwave then slowly turns his head to see who was behind him. He saw that red shirt with long sleeves, that tie, and that golden helmet before. He had a huge impact in his life, for the worse.

Hunter: Never seen your type here. In this dimension. Intriguing.

Synthwave slowly clenched his teeth, and slowly closed his fist.

Hunter: Name 's V2.

Synthwave: Why...?

V2: What?

Synthwave: You... YOU...

Synthwave ran as fast as he could to attack V2, but he shot his laser which struck Synthwave, making his back crash to a tree.

V2: That level of skill. The one you used today. Show me.

Synthwave then proceeded to use the same tactic, and V2 shoots another laser at him, Synthwave dodges it, but the laser chases him, and strikes him on his back. Synthwave then slowly stood up.

V2: Lasers. Tired of them. Close range combat. Shall we try?

Synthwave tried to punch him, but V2 dodged the attack, Synthwave also tried to kick him, but V2 opened up a portal behind him, teleported behind Synthwave, and proceeded to punch him twice, and then kick him, making Synthwave collapse on the ground.

V2: Hurm. You fought well.

V2 was preparing himself to deal a finishing blow, but Farshtey came in time and held V2 to gunpoint.

Farshtey: Get away from him. Now!

Synthwave gets back up yet again.

Farshtey: Kid, are you alright?

Synthwave didn't reply to Farshtey. He was busy staring at V2.

Synthwave: Stay here. I am not done with you yet. And when I will be done with you, your life will also be.

V2 stares at Farshtey, and then he stares at Synthwave. V2 opened another portal behind him, and went through it, Synthwave tried to grab him, but it was too late.

Farshtey: Who was he?

Synthwave again didn't reply. He then proceeded to punch a tree.

Meanwhile, V2 returned to the WDPK ship.

V2: WDPK, change dimensions.

V2's ship then went through another portal, going to another dimension. While this was happening, V2 was looking at his trophy room, among these trophies were familiar goggles.

Goggles that Laurie used to wear.

Synthwave and Farshtey then went to the RV.

Farshtey: So... We already know what he looks like... When we find him, we'll place him behind bars, right?

Synthwave didn't reply.

Farshtey: Kid... Are you alright?

Synthwave: I need some time alone.

Farshtey: I... Ok.

Farshtey was about to leave the room.

Synthwave: Actually... I need to tell you something in regards to V2.

Farshtey: Sure thing, tell me.

Synthwave: When he gets killed, I want to do it myself.

Farshtey: You just said "Killed" Didn't you mean arrested?

Synthwave then looks at Farshtey.

Farshtey: Right, I should leave... But if he gets killed, it better be because he acted in a very suspicious and dangerous manner.

Farshtey then leaves the room. Synthwave then receives a call...

It 's from Annie' s.