

Back in Synthwave's home dimension, a heavily injured criminal is crawling on the ground, and then, Vaporwave comes, and stomps softly on his back.

Vaporwave: Alright... Who sent you to capture that woman?

Criminal: I won't give any names.

Vaporwave looks at his left arm.

Vaporwave: May I?

Vaporwave was about to strike with his sword.

Criminal: No, no, no, wait, WAIT! DON BAZOOKA DID THIS!

Vaporwave: And where can I find this Don Bazooka?

Criminal: He- he's at the Saladio Mansion!

Vaporwave: Very well, thanks a lot! Now you're clearly going to live.

Criminal: Wait, really?

Vaporwave: Hehe... Nah.

Vaporwave then strikes the criminal with his sword.

Meanwhile Synthwave and Farshtey both arrive in the former's home dimension.

Farshtey: What... What happened?

Synthwave: I don't know. I hope it's nothing fatal.

Synthwave then knocks on the door.

Annie: Who is it?

Synthwave: It's me, Annie. Steve.

Annie then opened the door.

Annie: Hello Stevie, I'm glad you came.

Farshtey: Hello, ma'am.

Annie: Hello, Farsh.

Synthwave: What happened?

Synthwave and Farshtey both entered the house.

Annie: I talked with Howard.

Synthwave: Yeah?

Annie: And... I don't think he's Vaporwave.

Synthwave: Hurm... How many times, Annie?

Annie: Once. I mean, I am very sure it's not him. He seemed so normal when we got to talk.

Synthwave: I understand.

Annie: Plus... Even after the chat, Vaporwave is still out there.

Synthwave: Annie, you did the best you could. Maybe it's my turn to verify it.

Farshtey: Yeah! Count on us.

Annie: Thanks, Stevie, thanks Farsh.

Farshtey: Anytime!

Synthwave: Oh, and... Annie?

Annie: Yes?

Synthwave: Take care.

Synthwave and Farshtey went straight to Howard's house. Synthwave proceeded to knock on the door.

Synthwave: Howard? It 's me, Steve! Are you in there?

No one was home.

Synthwave: Hurm. I should try to see if he's inside the house.

Farshtey: No! That 's illegal! We need legal permission.

Synthwave: Good point. Then... We should just... Sit here.

Synthwave and Farshtey sitted down. Synthwave then came up with something, checked on his phone, and saw the news that there were a lot of criminals killed off. One of them did manage to survive, and confessed that Vaporwave was after the criminal Don Bazooka.

Synthwave: Don Bazooka... I've heard of him before. I know where he lives.

Farshtey: We are going there?

Synthwave: Of course.

Meanwhile, Vaporwave entered the mansion where Bazooka lived.

Vaporwave: Alright then, let's approach silently, not killing any criminals, and... Oh, who am I kidding.

Vaporwave then runned towards some guards, but those guards shot him with a plasma gun, he was quick to summon vapor around him and dodge it.

Vaporwave: FINALLY! You have stronger weapons that actually work against someone like me!

The guards couldn't see him, but Vaporwave then proceeded to slash through them.

Vaporwave: Too bad I am too slow to avoid them.

Don Bazooka: Who did this?!

Vaporwave then sees the don himself.

Vaporwave: Let me guess... Don Bazooka?

Don Bazooka: In the flesh! And you must be Vaporwave!

Vaporwave: You don't say?

Don Bazooka: Alright then, try to stop me for good! Let's see what you got.

Vaporwave: My pleasure.

Vaporwave then runs upstairs towards the Don, the Don shoots his plasma bazooka against Vaporwave, but he covers himself in vapor and dodges it. Then he proceeded to jump and strike him with his sword. But the Don protects himself with the bazooka, which was very resistant to this type of attack, and hitted Vaporwave with the bazooka itself. The don then aims at Vaporwave.

Don Bazooka: It's been fun... But I guess this is it for you.

The don was about to shoot Vaporwave when suddenly Synthwave jumps and punches Bazooka to his room. Vaporwave gets up.

Synthwave: Are you alright, Vaporwave?

Vaporwave: Thanks a lot.

Farshtey then goes where Synthwave is.

Vaporwave: Wait a second, I remember you!

Farshtey: You won't get away next time, you-

Synthwave: Let's focus more on the guy who has the bazooka.

The three of them enter the room where the Don crashed. Vaporwave was approaching faster towards him.

Vaporwave: End of the line, Don.

Farshtey: DON'T!

But then, suddenly, a little girl came running towards the don.

Little Girl: Daddy!

Vaporwave stopped.

Little Girl: Please don't hurt my daddy!

Vaporwave couldn't even move for some moments, the next thing he did was summon vapor around him and leave through the window. Synthwave and Farshtey proceeded to also leave, but this time going to the RV. Farshtey stopped momentarily just to look at the little girl, and then he left.

Howard then proceeded to walk on his house, trying to process what just happened. And when he arrives, he sees both Synthwave and Farshtey.

Synthwave: Hello, Howard.

Howard: Hello... Steve.

There was a moment of silence.

Howard: Who is that robot friend of yours?

Farshtey: Call me Farshtey.

Synthwave: Wanna talk?

Howard: Sure thing. Let 's go inside.

The three of them went inside.

Synthwave: Now you realize why it's wrong?

Howard: What are you talking about?

Synthwave: Come on, you named yourself after coming up with my nickname, you said something along the lines of "That's what they would have wanted" So, it's obvious what I am talking about.

Howard remained silent.

Synthwave: But... To be fair, I never told you that the criminals might have their own children who care a big deal about their parents.

Farshtey: Having any regrets, Vaporwave?

Howard closed his eyes in shame.

Farshtey: Alright, according to a law back in my dimension, to see if you truly regret this whole thing, I'm going to be near you so I can verify this. After that, you're good to go.

Synthwave: Your laws are weird, Farsh.

Farshtey: I didn't make them.

Howard: I just... Wanted to help.

Synthwave looks at his old friend.

Howard: We... Genuinely believed that if we got rid of the criminals, this would be a better place... I didn't know that they would also be...

Synthwave: Howie, listen, I know how you feel... Maybe... If you want, you can join me and Farsh. Help out others, just like Laurie, just like your parents... Just in a different way than what your parents did. What do you say? Vaporwave?

Howard didn't move for two seconds, but then shaked hands with his old friend.

Farshtey: OH, SNAP!

Synthwave: What is it?

Farshtey: I should have kept an eye on that outlaw! I'm a complete dumb robot...

Howard: Well, you... Ok, I just met you, so I can't come up with a sarcastic remark.

Synthwave: Let's go.

Howard: Why not?

The three of them went to the RV and tried to locate Bazooka.

Howard: As if arresting him wouldn't make him return on the street a week later.

Farshtey: What?

Howard: He's a gangster. All he needs is someone like Saul Goodman and he's back on the streets.

Farshtey: Who in the sam heck is Saul Goodman?

Howard: Oh, he's from a TV show.

Synthwave then witnesses an explosion.

Synthwave: I guess we found him.

Farshtey: Oh my god, hope that explosion didn't-

Synthwave: I'll go check it out, you can face the Don by yourselves. When I am done rescuing the others, I'll join you.

Farshtey smiled at Synthwave and nodded.

The three of them jumped to their respective ways, Synthwave to the building that exploded, and Farshtey and Howard to where Don Bazooka is.

Howard: Transform!

Howard gets engulfed in vapor and transforms into Vaporwave.

Vaporwave: Hey, Don!

Don Bazooka looks at them. Vaporwave sticks the landing, but Farshtey falls flat.

Farshtey: OUCH! I've never fell this high!

Vaporwave: Real smooth landing there.

Farshtey: Smooth? What?

Vaporwave: I'll explain later, right now we have a Don to arrest.

Farshtey: Didn't you say that-

Vaporwave: That's right. But there are other prisons in other dimensions, and other laws, so...

Don Bazooka: Can we fight?! Stop talking!

Vaporwave: Oh, right.

Farshtey shoots at the Don, and Vaporwave runs towards him, but Bazooka shoots at them, Vaporwave dodges, and Farshtey also does the same thing, but the latter not without falling on his back. Vaporwave tries to strike on his armor, but he protects himself again with the bazooka.

Don Bazooka: Haven't you learned anything?

Vaporwave: No.

Then he covers himself in vapor, disappears, and strikes his back with the sword, damaging the armor that he wore.

Meanwhile, Synthwave tried to find if there was someone who needed to be rescued.

Synthwave: A burning building... Of course.

Little Kid: HELP!

Synthwave heard the scream, and he went through that direction. He saw a little kid around the fire. Synthwave then saw a fire extinguisher, which the little kid was unable to use. So Synthwave uses it, and extinguishes the fire, and grabs the kid, but the floor was too unstable so they fell. But Synthwave was quick to use the grappling hook to save himself and the little kid. Then they slowly descended and went outside.

Little Kid: Wait, you're the guy who fought that spider?

Synthwave: That's right.

Little Kid: You're... You're my hero, you know that?

Synthwave: Thanks. Are there any other people in danger?

Little Kid: No, it was just me.

Synthwave: Good. If you excuse me, I am going to kick the butt of the one responsible for this, just stay here. The firemen will come.

Synthwave then teleports the RV and enters it, so he can teleport again to where Don Bazooka was. He was eager to fight against him.

Meanwhile, Farshtey and Vaporwave were managing pretty well against Don Bazooka.

Don Bazooka: Go ahead Vaporwave! Make the finishing blow!

Vaporwave: The definitive finishing blow? Sure!

Farshtey: Wait, WHAT?!

Vaporwave: I was being sarcastic.

Farshtey: Sarcastic?

Vaporwave: Again, I'll explain later.

Don Bazooka: What?

Farshtey then shoots with his plasma arm cannon on Bazooka's legs. Bazooka was too distracted.

Synthwave: Bazooka, it's time for-

Synthwave then sees how Bazooka is on the ground, and his allies are standing.

Don Bazooka: Don't kill me, Vaporwave...

Synthwave: No, you are going under arrest.

Don Bazooka laughs.

Don Bazooka: You know I can be free from jail by next week, right?

Synthwave half closed his eyes looking at the gangster.

The three of them placed Don Bazooka under arrest in a different dimension. Synthwave and the other two were in the RV.

Howard: Laurie would be so proud of you, Steve. I am sure of it.

Synthwave: Thanks, Howard.

Farshtey: So... Where to now?

Meanwhile, in other dimensions, there were brand new threats that Synthwave hasn't faced yet, threats that are preparing themselves to keep doing their evil deeds, and that have prepared in case Synthwave comes after them...

Howard: How about we have some dinner? I'm kind of hungry.

Synthwave: Sure thing. Just wait a second, I have to go to the bathroom.

Synthwave then went to the bathroom, closed the door, and stood there.

Synthwave: Should've been me... Should've been me...