

A really long time ago, Steve and Laurie were sitting on the grass, watching the sun going down.

"Thanks for helping me out with Nazareth today, Stevie" Said Laurie.

"You're very welcome, Laurie!" Steve replied with an upbeat tone. Then Laurie proceeded to pet Steve's head, making the latter blush.

"You know… I was thinking, when you grow up… How about you also own the RV? Not just me and Annie, but… You too, Stevie?" Asked Laurie.

After a smile, Steve said" Oh, I would love to, Laurie! I can also get a suit of armour, and… Maybe then…"

He was about to say some words he wanted to say a long time ago, but he couldn't.

"Forget about it" Steve sighed.

Laurie then lied on her back, and Steve lied down with her.

"The Dimension Trio" Annie, you, and me. What do you think?" Laurie informed and asked

Steve said "Sounds nice… Really nice" and he closed his eyes, cuddling with his loved one.

Years later… Somewhere in another dimension…

A cat with huge buttcheeks was crawling down a wall, and when he reached the floor, he proceeded to stand up with his brown feet, run towards the glass, using his claws to open it, and grab… A picture that has the black text "Art" and makes it all his. Now, all the cat had to do was escape.

But then the cat hears some footsteps. The cat couldn't see much of it, but it was tall like a human, and for the cat to look at a human's face he had to look above them.

The cat then went to the shadows, hoping whatever is out there doesn't find him, and waiting until he leaves.

Eventually, that mysterious figure leaves. And the cat crawls back to the upper window, only to find…

A robot sheriff and a white armoured guy with a top hat and a cape.

"Alright you feline son of a gun! You're under arrest!" Farshtey shouted.

But then the cat tries to escape.

"Hey, wait!" Exclaimed both Farshtey and Vaporwave.

The cat jumps to another rooftop, with Vaporwave chasing after it while Farshtey trips after doing it, and continues to chase after him.

That odd cat was grinning, not maliciously, but still grinning. But then, in the midst of another jump to another rooftop…

A grappling gun strikes his head, and the cat lands on the other rooftop… In an unsuccessful way. The grappling gun does its thing, and out of the shadowy alleys, Synthwave gets to the rooftop, and lands to the side where the cat was running towards.

Synthwave asked "Can you put up a fight?"

The cat then sees that Farshtey and Vaporwave were behind him.

"Aw, man!" said that cat.

After he got arrested in his dimension, a sir whose glasses reflected the trio that stopped that menace, shook hands with Synthwave.

"Thanks a lot for stopping him" Said the bald museum owner.

Synthwave replied "You're welcome, Mr Q. Now if you excuse us, we're going to leave"

"Most certainly, have a good trip!" Replied Mr Q.

"Thanks" Synthwave replied.

And so, the three people that stopped the cat, went inside the RV.

Meanwhile, in an icy cave that's in another world, some ice piranhas are eating… Something. Looking over them with completely black eyes and red dots as pupils, is the one who gave them the meal with his icy hands.

"I'll… Be… Back… Stay… Here…" The monster said those words. Slowly.

As soon as he leaves, the piranhas have stopped eating, and a bone was left on the cold, sky blue earth of the pit's cave.

Meanwhile, in the travelling RV, Farshtey just finished doing his task he had been doing for some time.

"Alright Vaporwave, since you displayed good behaviour as of late, you ain't going to jail" Said the sheriff.

Howard replied "Oh, bummer! I wanted to go to jail so bad"

In a confused tone, Farshtey asked "Then… Why did you behave correctly?"

Howard raised an eyebrow and asked "Ever in your life heard of sarcasm?"

"What?" Asked in an even more confused tone.

Synthwave then interrupted the conversation "Alright gentlemen, would you rather have a heaty day or a cold day?"

Farshtey raised an eyebrow "Heaty or cold day? I'm… Not sure what that is, kid"

Howard replied "Cold day"

Synthwave hurmed "Let's see what dimension we can go to"

Farshtey scratched his metallic bald head and asked "What's a heaty or a cold day?"

Howard answered that question, finally. "Some… Beings just have reactions to temperatures, and I think that since you're a robot… It can't really affect you. At least as far as I'm aware of. Hopefully cold temperatures don't ruin your arm cannon"

Later, the RV's wheels landed on a snowy ground. They got out and they saw the typical snowy flora, with some weird tubes placed above them.

Synthwave then sees a newspaper on the floor, picks it up, cleans the snow out of it, and starts reading.

"Beware of Frostbiter. Recently there's a series of missing people and bones are scattered all in the area, and survivors saw a hooded being with red glowing pupils-

"WAIT, YOU?! BUT HOW?!" Asked Farshtey, shouting.

"I'm not the only one with red dots as pupils, Farshtey. Remember Spader?" Clarified Synthwave "Anyways, let me keep reading"

"This area is extremely dangerous. Don't come. The missing people are presumably deceased"

Synthwave then looked at the front, and went walking to the RV.

"Wait, kid! Where are you going?" Asked Farshtey while following him.

Synthwave replied "To the cave. I am seeing some potential thrill right there"

"But kid, it's probably a restricted area! And we can't come in legally!"

Howard then intervened "But consider the fact that there might have been some really smart people that decided to enter that cave, Farsh"

Synthwave started to grin "Exactly what Howard said"

"BUT KID, WHAT I'M SAYING IS-" Farshtey in a frustrated tone tries to communicate to his friend, but Howard interrupts him.

"You can give permission since you used to be a sheriff, right?"

"Oh, well thought about that"

Then Synthwave and company went walking to the RV. But later they see the high speed things and people moving inside the tubes, and later see a place made of ice cubes called "Tube Destination"

Howard smiled "Wanna do something different instead of using the RV?"

"Definitely" Synthwave agreed.

"Wait, where are we going?" Asked Farshtey.

Synthwave replied "To the cave"

So the three of them walked to the place, and grabbed a map. One of the destinations included the words "Restricted Area"

Then they both got into the watery but breathable tube, and started travelling at high speeds, they turned at the directions the map told them to, and eventually landed, and got outside of the tube.

Synthwave and Howard got out of there just fine, Farshtey was walking weird until he fell on the snowy ground.

Both of them went to check out on him.

"Are you ok?" Synthwave asked.

"Give me some minutes, kid, I'll be fine" Said Farshtey with his face on the snow.

Synthwave, Farshtey, and Howard then approached a police officer.

"Excuse us" Said Farshtey "So… I'm a sheriff from another dimension, and… We're here to bring down that monster you are referring to as Frostbiter, so…"

The police officer took off his yellow hat. "You may pass"

Farshtey said "Thanks"

Meanwhile Frostbiter is watching from a distance, and sees how Synthwave is talking to the police officer.

He then proceeds to open his huge mouth, revealing multiple, pointy icy teeth, without moving his mouth he talks with a creepy, and unemotional voice.

"Delicious… But… Risky…"

He sees another person walking on the snowy area. That person was going inside his house, and all the while he was preparing some hot chocolate with a purple colour. The next thing he saw was Frostbiter's face, and he managed to scream out loud, even if it didn't stop Frostbiter from freezing him.

Synthwave, Farshtey, and Howard had their eyes wide open after hearing that sound. The first one proceeds to grab his RV controller, says "I'll be back. Go to where the scream was heard" and go inside.

Then Synthwave travels to another dimension while Farshtey and Howard are running until they arrive.

Howard then runs to the back of the house and sees a broken window. Farshtey follows him afterwards.

"Someone broke a window!" Farshtey exclaimed.

"Thanks for letting me know, Farsh" Said Howard with a sarcastic tone. Howard then looks down, and sees foot steps that lead to somewhere else.

"Uh, Farsh? Looks like we got something important"

"Footsteps? Oh, thanks, Vaporwave. Ya know, I've been wondering, what is this white sand?"

"You don't have snowy biomes there in your home dimension, right? This is called snow"

"Snow. Thanks for letting me know"

"Wow, that rhymed"

"... What in the sam heck is a rhyme?"

Meanwhile in the cave, Frostbiter was carrying the frozen person. He looks over his piranhas.

"Don't… Worry… About… Me…" Said Frostbiter, then he went somewhere else, and sickening crunch noises were heard very loudly.

After he was done, he went to search for the rope. In the past, he just threw the ice, and the piranhas started to eat the ice, but he realises that his piranhas like it more when the ice slowly goes down.

The two heroes then follow the footsteps to a cave.


"Yes, Vaporwave?"

"I am not quite sure about this dimension's temperature, so, just in case, I won't transform"


"You never went to school?"


"I'll explain later. We got a beast to find"

They both went running until Farshtey unwillingly stopped. He had to experience for the first time getting encased in ice. Howard then stops after hearing a blizzard sound.


Howard then looks behind and sees him frozen, he then runs towards him. And after arriving, Frostbiter snuck up behind him and freezed him as well.

He then goes to his place, and puts both of them on the snow for a later snack. Frostbiter then went to where some frozen ants were, and ate them, but Frostbiter's stomach is always craving. No matter if it is tiny or huge, his stomach, as well as the piranhas, always want more.

He finally found the rope, and decided to tie his third to last most recent prey with it. He then ties the other end of the rope to a rock. And the ice was heavier than the rock.

Synthwave was following the tracks that Farshtey and Howard left. Only to find Frostbiter looking down a pit.

"It's you, isn't it?"

Frostbiter then looked behind him. He was starting to show his teeth.

"Looks… Like… I… Am… Lucky…"

The icy creature ran with his hands and feet, and tried to freeze his uninvited but welcome guest, but Synthwave dodged the blizzard and kicked the side of his body, with Frostbiter landing on a wall and cracking it… But unfortunately for Synthwave, on Frostbiter's right there was another part of the cave. Synthwave tried to chase him down but he couldn't see him. Meanwhile the frozen individual was falling slowly to the pit.

Synthwave entered and chased him down, but he was nowhere to be seen. His sunglasses feature aside from showing his red glowing pupils was that he could see all in black and red, but to see where he was… Wasn't that helpful. He decided to take out his grappling hook and a metal orange wand, and put it in his pant pockets.

Frostbiter then tried to freeze him, but Synthwave took away his coat and used it as a shield against the blizzard, and punched his opponent. Slowly he put his frozen coat on the floor. Frostbiter then hid again, and the frozen individual was slowly falling.

His satisfied expression slowly changed to one of worry once he saw the rope, and went running towards there, and saw the piranhas. He then jumped down and knocked them down, and the man went down slowly without getting cracked. Synthwave exhaled.

Frostbiter was looking above the pit, and after seeing his piranhas knocked out, his teeth showed, growled, and tackled Synthwave.

"You… Will… Pay… For… That…" Said Frostbiter, and Synthwave then pressed the button of the wand, Frostbiter backed off, and the latter got up.

"Find other things to eat" replied Synthwave.

"My… Palate… Is… Exquisite…" replied Frostbiter and then he got away. Synthwave then proceeded to chase him, after he jumped from the pit, and later he shot his grappling gun and it wrapped around Frostbiter's legs and pulled him to his side.

"Here's how we are going to do things: You're going to come with me, and if you try to do anything…" Said Synthwave before looking at the fire of his metal wand.

Synthwave then sent Frostbiter to a dimension he set foot on the ground three times already.

"It's not as bad as it seems, but you get to meet some messed up people here. However, if you like to eat living beings… I'll be right back" Said Synthwave. And he travelled to another dimension to give the villain something.

"It loves being eaten alive, besides, it can regenerate, so there's that" Said Synthwave. He was about to leave before Frostbiter asked just one more thing.

"Where… Are… My… Piranhas…?"

"Do they eat anything? Or are they just like you that prefer living beings?" Synthwave asked.

"Any… Thing…" Frostbiter replied.

After Frostbiter's piranhas joined him, he now had to hear the sound of multiple people screaming, and mayhem inside the order, but at least he had his beloved piranhas by his side, and a delicious bread worm.

Much later, Synthwave travelled to a fire dimension to unfreeze his coat, friends, and almost victim of Frostbiter, then he returned to the latter's home dimension to return him home.

"Thanks a lot!" He said.

"No… Problem" Synthwave replied.

Then the three dimension foreigners went inside the RV to travel somewhere. Howard asked "So… Where to now?"

Synthwave then followed up the question with "Where she is"

Then Synthwave decided to go back to his home dimension. He had to visit a graveyard, and placed a flower on the ground.

"So… This is the one you talked to me about?" Said Farshtey while tipping his hat towards the grave.

Howard answered the question "Yeah. Great woman"

"May I ask you two to leave?" Synthwave asked.

Farshtey replied "Sure" and they left him alone. Synthwave then sat on the side of the grave.

"I don't know how you do it, Laurie" Said Synthwave after patting the grass. "Hope you have a good time there"

Meanwhile, in another dimension, a robotic humanoid bird is using his chainsaw hands on a metallic surface until sparks come from the metal.