
Another Green World

Somewhere, in another dimension, there's someone playing his saxophone with his grey metallic hands and yellow beak, with his robotic wings extending until they reach their limit… Until he hears his phone.

"Sky Saw? Are you there? There's something I'd like you to take care of" said the woman. Sky Saw walked with his robotic hawk feet, and grabbed the phone.

"Are my brilliant talents needed yet again?" He asked, with a serious tone.

The woman replied "Definitely. You see, there is someone who threatened to bring me down … Let's just… Reverse that, shall we?"

"Got it" said Sky Saw, and then before leaving he ate an apple.

In the RV, meanwhile, the dimension trio were talking about a TV show.

"And, expectedly… Turns out she has a twin" Said Howard "Ok, but to be honest, who saw that coming? I am not sure how the twin would come out, but I'll be looking forward to it. She's as beautiful as the one the audience knew"

"Hurm… A twin?" Asked Synthwave. "Interesting…"

Farshtey scratched his robotic head and added "I think all women are beautiful, to be honest. So, kid, where to now?"

The RV landed on a green land, when they came out, Howard noticed that everything was purely green. Except the sky. The three looked around and saw people made out of materials, but with colours that are expected from their home dimensions.

Synthwave took off his sunglasses for a bit, and knocked the floor "Green stone…"

"It almost looks like some artist's dream come true!" Added Howard.

Then the three walk in the city… And they see a green car going fast on the road.

"I am not sure about this dimension's law… But isn't this supposed to be illegal?" Asked Farshtey.

"Want to find out if that car contains bad people?" Asked Synthwave.

Then Synthwave pushes the button and summons his RV to enter it, and it starts floating, and chases the green car. The driver of the green car notices, and decides to go faster putting his plastic, transparent feet on the green pedal, but little did he know that the RV that was chasing him could teleport in front of him, as he would soon find out.

Synthwave, Farshtey, and Howard leave the RV, and start looking at the car. The plastic driver opens the car.

"Please! Don't do anything to us!" pleaded the plastic man.

"What's wrong?" Asked Synthwave.

"You're… You're not one of them, right?" The plastic man asked.

"We're the good guys, sir, we swear" Replied Farshtey.

A plastic woman and a plastic child came out of the car. The two men with hats and the man with white hair looked at them.

"Come inside the RV" Said Synthwave "You'll be safe there"

Then the family went inside the RV and the RV started to move on the streets.

"Thank you," said the plastic man.

Howard then asked "So… Is there any non important reason as to why you were speeding through the streets?"

The plastic man replied "Yes… I am about to get killed by a metallic winged man called Sky Saw"

"Sky Saw?" asked Howard "Like the-"

"Well, what happened in order for you to get killed by him?" asked Synthwave.

"I witnessed a woman… Ordering his men to kill someone. So I decided to warn her that I was going to tell the cops about what she did" said the plastic man.

"Smart" Added Howard with an ironic tone while patting the plastic child's head.

Farshtey then decided to ask him a question "The woman… What does she look like?"

Synthwave adds "And her name?"

"She's known as Mistress Burzum" replied the plastic man.

"Burzum… Can you get as obviously evil as that?" Asked Howard.

"Vaporwave, what are you talking about?" Asked Farshtey.

"There are children in here, Farshtey, so it's best if I don't explain it" replied Howard.

"Alright, how about me and my friends go out there and deal with this Sky Saw for you?" asked Synthwave.

The plastic man looked at his wife and son, and said "Sure"

"Alright, here's what we're going to do," said Synthwave. Until Howard interrupted him.

"Uh… Steve?" and they see the robot bird responsible for all of this, eating an apple.

"Hurm…" said Synthwave.

The RV stopped.

"This is the son of a gun that's going to kill you?" Asked Farshtey, while the plastic man nodded.

"Let's enact some justice, shall we?" said Howard.

"Howard, wait!" warned Synthwave.

Then the door opened quickly from the RV, vapour was coming, moving towards Sky Saw, whom he noticed, and Vaporwave punched him. Later noticing his giant chainsaw hands.

"Too bad I brought a wooden stick just to fight against you," said Vaporwave. "I wish there could be other weapons I bringed, like… I don't know… A laser sword!"

Synthwave and Farshtey were behind Sky Saw, with the latter pointing his arm cannon at him, with him saying "Freeze! Ya son of a gun!"

Sky Saw waited for the vapour to go away to see both opponents.

"Interesting. Never saw your kind before" said Sky Saw to Synthwave while throwing the apple to the green trash can. Synthwave hurmed.

"I'd love to play my saxophone, but it can wait. If you want a fight, I am ready when you are, pathetic fleshling" said the robotic bird.

"So be it" replied Synthwave.

Sky Saw flew towards Synthwave, but Farshtey was blasting his opponent, but he dodged the attacks, flying upwards.

"In case you aren't aware of it, I have a reputation for dodging shots. And I completely agree with it" said Sky Saw while he dodged the attacks.

"Vaporwave, try to go to the rooftop to try to get him down" said Synthwave discreetly.

"Got it" Vaporwave nodded.

So he went to the building while Sky Saw was distracted. Synthwave then whispered to Farshtey "Stop for a moment, I've got a plan"

Sky Saw notices it. And says "Why listen to this fleshling? He's beneath you"

Vaporwave jumped towards Sky Saw, and landed above his back, making Sky Saw's metallic grey chest land on the ground, and Vaporwave grabbed his bird-like head and slammed it to the green ground.

The plastic man's wife called on the phone for the cops to arrest the metallic bird. Then Synthwave approached the plastic man.

"Where is this Miss Burzum, sir?" He asked.

"She's in… Normally she lives in the Burzum House" the plastic man said.

"Got it" answered Synthwave. "Vaporwave, you stay here" and both Synthwave and Farshtey went to Burzum House.

Vaporwave is keeping an eye on the family, he goes and talks to the plastic child.

"Hey… Are you feeling alright?" Asks Vaporwave.

The child then looks kind of scared, but it wasn't because of the person wearing a white top hat with armour. It was because of the metallic bird that just raised up. He then looks at the plastic man, charges his chainsaw, and flies towards him. But his wife took the attack.

Her clothes and plastic transparent body were shredded. Everyone except Sky Saw were shocked with what just happened.

Sky Saw then slowly looked at the plastic man and said the words "Minor Casualties"

He tried to attack once again, but Vaporwave intervened with a kick.

After Sky Saw landed on his feet, he put on a battle pose. But Vaporwave was running towards him with the sword, and Sky Saw protected himself from it with his chainsaw hands.

"You… Will pay for that" Said Vaporwave in an angry tone.

"I will gain from that" replied Sky Saw.

Then Vaporwave summoned vapour around him and his opponent, jumped away from him, then jumped above him, and then he stabbed Sky Saw, raising his sword and slicing him in half.

Vaporwave heavily breathed. The vapour was gone, and the plastic man and his son were still in shock over what just happened. Later Vaporwave thought he saw something golden on the rooftop, but there was nothing there.

After a while, the Dimension Trio were travelling in the RV.

Howard told the rest of the group "He… Tried to kill me. So I killed him. In self defence"

Farshtey took a slight breath, and said "Oh, pal…"

Howard then assured "I am fine. But her immediate family…"

"Things like that always tend to happen, Vaporwave" said Farshtey. "But… You still have to do the best you can"

Synthwave was looking at Howard the entire time. Blankly. Howard then left the main room of the R.V.

Meanwhile in another dimension, a black and white vampire was getting to his black and white house, and started to read a script.