
Rebooted At Last

Somewhere in another dimension, there's a vampire reading a script with his white as paper hands, and all the while this is happening, he has a huge grin on his face, with his vampire fang sticking out. He then decides to phone people.

"How are you doing, mister? This is Tom Wood speaking. Mmhmm, the same one. Listen, I got a script here that is going to make me win millions, and MILLIONS of dollars! And you know how I feel about making movies!" said Tom Wood with a huge smile "Alright, it's a deal, see ya around!" and then he hung up.

Some time later, Tom got a lot of actors working for him… Actors that made a severe mistake, considering a pattern with the currently two released movies Tom Wood made.

Tom Wood and a fish actress who was working for the movie were sitting in a restaurant. With Tom Wood wearing a director hat for his own safety.

Tom asks her "So… How do you feel about becoming a star with me helping you out?"

The fish lady replies "Are you kidding? Of course! It's been my dream for a long time! And-"

Her water suit started to make a beeping sound, and two water sprays came out and sprayed on her eyes.

"- You are one of my favourite directors so far! The two movies you made are simply masterpieces!" she said.

"Oh, thank you very much… I am just looking for the actor that would make our own cowboy main character… But who could it be? Because I can't find him anywhere" said Tom Wood.

Meanwhile, the RV has just arrived in the cartoony, black and white dimension, and the dimension trio stood out, much like the green world that they visited before, like a sore thumb.

Tom Wood and the fish lady were looking at the RV. Then a floating lightbulb with white light showed above Tom, and said to her actress "Alright, here's what we're going to do"

Meanwhile, the colourful strangers were looking around this dimension.

"This dimension looks… Odd, kid, as if it was from one of those cartoon things you showed me" said Farshtey.

"I mean, this is called the inkblot dimension. There's pretty much a dimension for everything, you know?" replied Synthwave.

"Yeah… You're right about that, kid" said Farshtey.

Howard then added "You know, there are a lot of cartoons I would love to recommend you to watch, Farshtey"

Farshtey then asked "Really?"

Howard says "Mmhmm. If you want to go to something more retro, there's Batman The Animated Series, which is a masterpiece, Regular Show is a big favourite of mine as well, and…"

Farshtey had a bag thrown above his head, and was carried away by a disguised fish lady, with Synthwave and Howard not noticing that happening while they were walking away.

"Scream all you want. They can't hear you" Said the fish lady in a monotone voice.

"HEY, KID! VAPORWAVE! HELP ME OUT!" Screamed Farshtey but to no avail. "Wow, you're right, no one heard me, right miss?"

But the fish lady with her stoic, literally white face, didn't say anything.

"Uh… Ma'am, can you please put me down?" Asked Farshtey, but she didn't reply.

"Told you. No one can hear you" she said in a monotone voice.

Farshtey arrived, was put on a chair, and had his bag removed, seeing the grey long haired fish with a fringe, and a plastic vertical headband with a star. She then looked closer at the cowboy robot and asked:

"How was my performance?" Dropping her stoic facade.

"Uh… You did a great job, ma'am!" Said Farshtey.

The fish lady then whispered to herself "Yes!" and a few moments later, she looked at him and said: "Oh my gosh, I am sorry if I made you scared, but… Sometimes you just have to stay in character"

Farshtey replied "Oh, don't worry my lady, I am just fine. If it was a MAN ON THE OTHER HAND…"

Then the film director himself walked towards the relatively colourful robot cowboy and the colourless goldfish actress. Tom looked at her with his inkblot eyes and screamed with his megaphone:


Then the fish lady put on her shocked face, she pulled a couch from her hair, with Farshtey saying in a toned down voice "What?"

Then the fish lady laid down on the couch, closed her inkblot eyes, and said "Oh no! I am going to be considered an utter joke of an actress!" Then some tears started to show up from her eyes "I am going to be the worst fish actress slash actor since… Since… SINCE!"

Then Farshtey put his robotic hand on her fishy shoulder and said "Don't worry ma'am, there's always room for improvement. Plus, again, I actually believed you were this stoic"

And then the fish lady put on a melancholic smile "Thanks a lot!"

Tom said "But if you're going to make a mistake like that again, I will kil- I mean, I will cast another actress"

Farshtey then glared at him. Tom noticed it.

"That glare… Looks like you're going to fit your character like a glove"

Farshtey replied "What are you talking about?"

"You see… I am going to make a movie here… And I thought… You would be perfect for that role" said Tom with his inkblot eyes turning into cash symbols.

"Listen, I appreciate the offer, but… I am a cowboy. I've got people to help, and acting… Isn't my thing" clarified Farshtey.

Then Tom Wood's cash symbol eyes shattered, and then he picks the shattered pieces, sticks it to his face, and turns it back to his inkblot eyes. The fish lady decides to intervene:

"Oh, but this is actually helping people, you know? I mean, I need money… He needs money, and… Can you imagine what would happen if you don't help us? WE ARE GOING TO BE BROKE, LIVING ON THE STREETS, AND-"

"Oh, don't worry ma'am! I'll help you two with the film of yours!" said Farshtey.

Then the fish lady's inkblot eyes opened wide and hugged Farshtey with her grey fishy arms.

"Oh, thank you Mr… What is your name again?" She asked.

"I am Farshtey! Nice to meet you!"

"I am…" The fish lady told him his name, but there was a loud horn obscuring the sound. "... Pleased to meet you too!"

Then Tom Wood grabbed a megaphone out of his pocket and screamed above him:

"SHUT UP!" And then he mumbles to himself "I swear, when it's finally their time to die off-screen, I am going to be so happy so I can kill them myself"

The other two in the room looked at him and asked him "What did you say?"

"Oh, nothing! I was just… Practising a line!"

Then the fish lady asks him "But you are directing the film, why were you practising a line?"

Tom Wood replies "I am trying to emulate Alfred… You know, make a cameo and… Ok, nevermind"

Then the three of them walked around the set, and Tom Wood told Farshtey to go to a room where he can practise his lines from the script.

"Go to a room, where you can practise your lines from the script"

"Ok!" Said Farshtey.

Then Farshtey went to the audition room, and saw some of the actors there. He then saw someone running, tripping on the robot, rolling, and crashing to a wall.


But then the actor decided to escape again, and Farshtey decided to chase him around.

"In the name of the law, stop running!" yelled Farshtey again, and the actor stopped as if he was pulling the breaks on the car.

"He's… He's going to kill me…" Said the actor.

"What? What are you talking about?" Asked Farshtey.

"Tom Wood! I shouldn't have done a movie with him!"

"Tom Wood?"

"Turns out my character died in the movie… And now I am going to be killed off because of it! To make it… I don't know, more artistic or something like that!"

"Don't worry, you're safe with me… Wait, does that mean the fish lady and the other actors are having the same problem?"

"YES! He always threatens to kill us!"

Farshtey then grabbed his phone and dialled Synthwave's number.

"Hello, kid?"

"Farshtey? Where were you? We couldn't find you"

"It's a long story. Listen, I've got this evil film director, and I want everyone to be safe from him, so can you please bring the RV?"

"Of course. Where's the location?"

"I don't know, I was brought here with a bag on my head"

"Can you ask someone?"

"Sure" and then Farshtey asked the actor "What location is this?"

"Tom Wood Studios-"

"Tom Wood Studios! Hurry up!" Then Farshtey hung up the phone and kept an eye on the actor while they both got away from the studio.

"Wait, there was another actress whose character was going to be killed off!" said the actor.

Farshtey then asked "Wait, who?"

"It was a goldfish… I am not sure what was her name"

Farshtey came to a realisation, and went inside the studios again. Then he went outside and told the actor "Come with me just in case!"

Then the both of them went inside and they were hearing the fish lady screaming.

"Oh no! Don't worry! I'll be there!" said Farshtey.

The fish lady was in trouble… Her hair was slightly dishevelled. She then passed her comb at high speeds until the hair was perfect.

Then an alarm sounded, water sprays extended and shovered water on her. The hair was still perfect despite the water.

Farshtey and the actor then arrived "Are you ok, my lady?"

Then the fish lady clarified "Oh, of course! It's already taken care of, don't worry!"

"You… You beat Tom Wood?" Asked both the robot and the other actor.

"What? Pfft, no!"

"Listen ma'am, I am told that you are on big trouble because your character is going to die on that movie you're working"

"Silly, you know that's just a movie, right?"

"But Tom Wood is going to kill you!"

The fish lady raised an eyebrow.

"Yes! Don't you find it odd that many actors in his movies have gone missing, and that those characters were also characters that died?" Added the actor.

Then the fish lady raised an eyebrow and came to that realisation "FIRST HAMSTERS TRY TO EAT ME ON THEIR SHOW AND NOW THIS?!"

Farshtey asks "Hamsters?"

"You see, there was one time when me and my friends went to this hamster city just so I could get my own show like… Ok, nevermind, WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!"

"I am afraid that is not going to happen…" Added Tom Wood who was watching them from a distance.

Farshtey then pointed his arm cannons at him. Tom Wood laughs. "You think THAT is going to have an effect on me?"

Farshtey then proceeded to ask "Why? Why try to kill your own actors, outlaw?"

Tom Wood then explained "You see… If the actors behind the characters die in real life, it's going to be twice as effective to the audience…"

Farshtey then replies "But everyone thinks they're missing!"

"Oh! Of course… That's just so I can get away with it"

Farshtey still held that deadly glare towards the evil vampire director, while pointing at him with his arm cannon. He shot him, but it didn't work.

"It was… Worth a shot, right?" Asked Tom jokingly while some drums played in the distance. Tom turned his head towards the noise, and stared menacingly.

Farshtey, the fish lady, and the actor stepped back a bit, before starting to run, while Tom Wood was chasing them. They went through doors. Tom was still chasing them. Farshtey and the actors thought they lost him, but he appeared through another door, and the chase continued.

Then Tom and his three prey stopped, and asked them "Do you want to do this somewhere? This has been done a lot of times"

The fish lady said "Outside? Sure!"

"Yeah, good idea miss-"

A horn was heard from a distance. "Let's do it outside!" Then Tom grabbed his megaphone and screamed in the direction the horn sounded "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT UP!"

While they went outside, the fish lady whispered something to Farshtey.

They were finally outside, with the white sun shining bright. Farshtey then proceeded to ask "Hey, outlaw, can I have that hat of yours?"

"Sure! Here you go!" and Tom took off his director hat from his black short hair and gave it to Farshtey.

The fish lady then proceeded to ask "Hey, aren't you supposed to wear that hat for protection from sunlight?"

Tom then asked "Yes, of course! You know I am a vampire and-"

His inkblot eyes got wide open.


Then he turned into dust, leaving his black clothes and grey director hat on the ground. Farshtey then proceeded to ask "Wait, sunlight is effective against those… Types of monsters?"

Then the fish lady replied "That's right! Hey, thanks for saving us out there"

"You're welcome, my fishy lady, it's my job"

Then the RV finally arrived, and Synthwave and Howard walked out of it.

"YOU'RE LATE! WHERE WERE YOU?!" Asked Farshtey.

"There were more than one studios that Tom Wood owned in this city, Tom Wood Studios 1, 2… And this one. 3" Replied Synthwave. Then he looked at the fish lady near his robot friend, and later raised an eyebrow "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

The fish lady then replied "Maybe… I worked on an indie film?"

"Wow, she kind of looks familiar but I am not sure from where" Added Howard. Then he snapped his fingers "Wait a second aren't you from a cartoon show called-"

Meanwhile in Synthwave's home dimension, a knight is walking around in the city where he lives, dragging a sword through the ground.