
Dimension Ripped

Back in Synthwave's home dimension, a portal opened up, and a knight landed from it to the ground with his metallic feet. And a sword. He then begins to walk from the forest to the city.

Meanwhile, Synthwave and Farshtey were visiting Annie… And her smelly food. The former had his eyes wide open, and the latter was looking normally at the meal.

Synthwave then put his fingers in between his eyes. He wasn't wearing his sunglasses at the time.


"Yes, Stevie?"

"You know… I'm full, Farshtey can't eat… So… This food is all yours"

"Got it!"

Farshtey then asked her "Do you need help in the kitchen, my lady?"

"Oh, no, thanks! You are such a gentleman!"

Then Synthwave's phone started to ring.


"Hey, Steve, It's me, Howard… We got problems"

Synthwave stood up "Problems?"

"That's right. A woman was stabbed by a huge sword"

"We'll be on our way"

Synthwave and Farshtey arrived at Howard's house. He was busy looking at giant swords online.

"So, what did the autopsy say?" Asked Synthwave

"It was a huge stab wound," Replied Howard.




"Listen, Steve, I would love to go through dimensions, but I have to do things here"

"Killing criminals?"

Howard then replies "Last time was on self defence"

"Slicing him in half is hardly self defence"

Howard then came closer to Synthwave and said "If you were on my situation, you would have done the same thing"

Synthwave kept quiet for some moments, and stared at him. Neither one of them flinched.

"Maybe. Maybe not"

Farshtey then intervened "Folks, let's not forget that we have a killer on the loose"

"Right. If possible: No killing" replied Synthwave.

Howard said "Alright… Alright"

Midnight came and Vaporwave was looking downwards keeping an eye on the city, when all of a sudden, he saw a knight walking, and he noticed his giant, metallic sword. He then gave Synthwave a message that he's already here.

"You are not going anywhere!" Screamed Vaporwave as he landed on the ground.

"One side. I have things to do" replied the knight.

"Killing people? Yeah… I don't think so"

"Not just any people. Now, as I've said… You will let me pass"

"Sure! Sure… I will let you pass, let you murder people, and…" Vaporwave started running towards the knight, using his laser sword to strike him. However, the knight also defended himself with his sword. Then vapour summons around Vaporwave.

The knight didn't even react to it.

Vaporwave then tried to strike him, but it was futile because he defended himself. Vaporwave then tried to give quick sword attacks, scratching the knight's armour.

"Vapour isn't new to me" replied the knight, while his armour regenerated.

Synthwave and Farshtey then arrived. The knight then looked at them.

"YOU…" said the knight.

"Very well, outlaw! Hands in the air, drop that sword, and we can do this nice and easy!" said Farshtey.

"That weapon of yours will not work again"

"Again?" asked Synthwave.

The knight walked towards both of them while putting his sword away. Farshtey shot him, but it wasn't effective, so Synthwave ran towards him and tried to kick him, but he barely flinched, making him grab Synthwave by the leg, and toss him aside. The latter landed on his feet.

The three of them cornered the knight while he just stood there.

"Try and stop me now like you did before. This time, it won't work" said the knight.

"Wait a second… That voice…" noticed Synthwave.

"Now you remember me?" said the knight while he took his visor up…

Revealing a very familiar face:

Dark green skin, completely white eyes, and a monocle.

Killer Jack arrived in another dimension.

Synthwave widened his eyes for a bit "What are you doing here?"

"Thanks to my new friends, I am here"

Synthwave kept quiet for five seconds, then his mouth sort of smiled.

"Farshtey, Vaporwave… Try with deal with him"

"Even if my attacks are useless?! Got it!" screamed Farshtey.

Killer Jack then put his visor on and Farshtey and Vaporwave started to fight against him with Synthwave shooting his grappling gun.

Vaporwave and Jack were in a sword fight while Farshtey tried to hit him with his shots, but to no avail. Vaporwave then noticed the visor's appearance, with its vertical lines as holes, so he jumped and tried to stab him through the visor, but it had a force field. Jack smiled, and then he tossed aside Vaporwave with his sword, but not with the sharp part.

"VAPORWAVE!" screamed Farshtey. Then Killer Jack looked at him going after his ally, and he tried to walk… Only to fall.

Then the grappling gun retracted, with Synthwave running to try to get his helmet off, but the helmet was part of the armour. So Jack got up, and jumped to land on his back, knocking Synthwave unconscious.

"Kid!" "Steve!" screamed Farshtey and Vaporwave respectively.

Jack then got up from the ground, and saw them busy with their friend.

Vaporwave said "Get Steve to safety Farsh, I'll deal with-" and then he saw he was gone.

Synthwave then woke up in his house, seeing Farshtey, Howard, and a teary eyed Annie looking above him. Upon looking that his eyes were awake, Annie smiled.

"Are you alright?" asked Farshtey.

"Thankfully… Yes" said Synthwave while getting up.

Annie sniffs. "I can't allow anything to happen to you, Stevie!"

"Thanks, Annie… Actually… I think we need your help here"

"Sure… What is it…?"

Howard then explained to her "You see, we have this… Strong knight who kicked our butts, and…"

Synthwave then interrupted him "Actually, if possible, we need electric weapons. Like a taser"

"Oh, yeah, Steve, I have to ask, you fought this guy before?" asked Howard.

"As a matter of fact, yes. He's pretty much an alternate dimension's Jack The Ripper, but zombified"

"That explains some stuff…"

"Wait, Jack The Ripper?" asked Annie, shocked.

"Yes" replied Synthwave.

"What can I do for you three?" Annie asks.

"I need your strength to hold him. Jack's probably the most physically strongest opponent we ever fought" replied Synthwave.

"Oh, got it!" replied Annie. "I prepared some food for-"

"Thanks, I am good, Ann"

"Kid, you should rest" said Farshtey "Let us handle him"

"I… I have a way to recover myself. I'll be back"

Synthwave then went to the RV, travelled, and for some minutes he returned, and entered his house.

"Now I'm better"

Howard then replied "I don't get it. Why travel to another dimension when you can have a healing gun here?"

"The healing gun isn't exactly PERFECT here…"

"Good point… Wait a second, where did you get the rest of your stuff? Like those sunglasses and that battle suit, for example"

"Another dimension. I felt to go there at the moment"

"... Ok"

"Now, if I were him, where would I go?"

"... Well, near the site we recently fought him on there's a street containing a lot of women who-"

"Of course!"

Synthwave, Farshtey, Vaporwave, and Annie arrived at those streets. They walk until Synthwave suddenly discovers a woman lying on the ground with gruesome injuries, making his face have a somewhat shocked expression. He decided to cover her with his trenchcoat.

"What… Just… Don't look. It's awful" said Synthwave.

Farshtey and Howard showed concern with their faces.

Howard then asked him "Are you alright? Do you need to-?"

"Let's… Let's focus on saving women"

"What did you find, Stevie?" Annie asked, and a second later, Killer Jack showed up in front of them.

"You have one of those demonic beings as someone close to you?" asked Jack.

"Watch your mouth…" said Synthwave "You won't get to harm Annie-"

"Annie? Well… For your information, I've already killed someone named Annie once"

Synthwave then looked at the wires and told "Vaporwave, help Annie out" and then whispered a strategy to use against Jack.

"Got it"

"Farshtey, we need to help these women to get out of here"

"Immediately, kid"

Farshtey grabbed Synthwave, and Synthwave used his grappling gun to go to a building.

Jack then tried to go to the building to destroy it, but Annie held his punch and threw him to a lamp post.

Jack got up, and prepared his sword to attack both Vaporwave and Annie.

"Observe, swordsman, as how I am going to destroy your friend" said Jack with a proud tone. He started to run towards them, while Vaporwave and Annie did the same thing. Jack tried to swing his sword towards Annie, but she managed to grab it and punch him.

Jack's completely white eyes widened up. He then tried to grab her, but Annie also tried to grab him, making them hold their hands trying to overpower the other. Vaporwave jumps and cuts a wire.

"Annie! Release him!" said Vaporwave!

"Ok!" She replied and released him, making him impulse to the wire, electrocuting him and making him fall to the ground. Vaporwave and Annie looked at him.

"If only… If only I can die for real this time…" said Jack before he turned into dust, leaving only the armour behind.

Meanwhile Synthwave and Farshtey tried to get those women to safety, but after a call from Vaporwave, it was no longer necessary.

Synthwave then sat down, hearing Farshtey, Howard, and Annie talk to each other, looking blankly at a distance. Farshtey made him listen.

"Are you alright, kid?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I am just… Forget about it"

Then he went inside the RV, and tried to get some sleep.


He then decided to grab his clothes, and go walking in his city until he found a bar. He then goes inside it.

Meanwhile, in another dimension, a reporter is recording an experience he has with a lizard who is terrorizing an area of Chicago… It wasn't the first monster encounter that he survived.