
The Night Reporter

Somewhere in another dimension, a reporter by the name of Carl McGavin, sits down, and starts recording.

"My friends, this… Was something that I had expected to happen at some point. I had dealt with sort of mysterious things not only in Chicago, but also in Las Vegas, and in Washington… But I never had to deal with two.

May 24th. Resident Tom Laguzzi was walking to see a science fiction movie in the cinemas, however, what he ended up seeing… Made him completely forgot about watching the film"

Laguzzi was walking all alone, when suddenly, he saw a portal, and with it, an RV came out of it.

The next day, McGavin was driving his yellow convertible car with his porcelain skinned, middle aged hands to see the witness of the incident.

McGavin opened up the door, and grabbed his straw fedora and put it on his brown, short hair.

He walked and knocked on the door.

"Who is this?" asked Laguzzi.

"Carl McGavin, SNI" he replied.

Then Laguzzi opened up the door and greeted McGavin.

"Hello, Mr McGavin, how are you doing?"

"I am fine, thank you for asking"

"Do you want me to get you something to drink?"

"Oh no, thanks I'm goo-"

McGavin almost tripped on the carpet.

"Please be careful, the carpet is there"

"Thanks… I didn't realised… So, what's this thing regarding the vehicle you saw?"

"It was… It was crazy, a portal of sorts opened up, and out of nowhere… An RV showed up"

"An RV, huh? Please keep going"

"I know you are taking me for some mad man, but believe me"

"As someone who is deemed a mad man by some people, I do"


"Well… I gained a reputation for being… Quite linked with supernatural beings. Not that my boss believes me… So… an RV came out from a portal, right?"


An hour later, McGavin arrived at the SNI newspaper building, where he was going to write the story.

"Good morning Carl!" said Ms Ruth to McGavin.

"Good morning, Ms Ruth, how are you doing?" he asked.

"Well, I am doing quite fine, Carl"

Then their boss opened the door of his office with his porcelain skinned hands and left his overweight body out of it.

"Hello, Carl" said Mr Oakland, while he was eating a sandwich.

"Hello, Tony, how are you doing?" replied McGavin.

"I'm doing quite well. These sandwiches are just delicious, Carl, you got to taste them"

"Thanks, but I am full"

"So… How's the story of that Tennis player going out?"

"The tennis pla… Oh! It is doing quite well, it is a very interesting backstory, Tony"

"Good to hear. Even with uninteresting stuff you always manage to make it interesting, Carl, keep it up"

"Thanks Tony!"

Then McGavin sat down and started typing down in his handwriter the news… Just not the one Tony Oakland told him to. A co-worker of Carl notices this, and McGavin looks at him.

"Hello, Grinnage…"

"Hello, McGavin. Shouldn't you be writing about Tennis?"

"Shouldn't you be writing your own stuff?"

Then Grinnage walks fast towards Oakland's office, with McGavin chasing him.

"Uh, Mr Oakland?" asks Grinnage while McGavin makes a misstep making both of them fall into the office.

"Oh my god, now what is it?!" asked Oakland while trying to help both of them get up.

"Turns out McGavin here was writing about some dimensional portal and an RV"

"Grinnage, shut up!" said McGavin.

"Again with all of this, McGavin?!" said Oakland with his mouth full "You were assigned to talk about Tennis! Not some… Science fiction movie that no one heard about!"

"This isn't a science fiction movie, Tony! This actually happened!"

"Oh, yeah? Where's the PROOF, McGavin? We need PROOF!"

"I will be working on it, Oakland, geez!"

Grinnage and Ruth were watching both of them argue… Needless to say it wasn't the first time. Not by a long shot.

Carl McGavin walked out of the office saying "You want proof, Tony? Well, I will go to search for them right now!"

Oakland was chasing his employee and screaming "Yes! Do your research, RESEARCH FOR THE TENNIS PLAYER THAT YOU WERE ASSIGNED TO! Let Grinnage take care of the story you were writing, McGavin! I am talking to you! MCGAVIN, COME BACK HERE!" he stopped to chase him.

Oakland sighed. Then he looked at Ruth and Grinnage "Oh, don't worry, keep working. Also, Grinnage… You probably heard-"

"Yes, sir. I did"

According to McGavin's narration: "May 25. A lady by the name of Rebecca Hopper was walking in the streets after she gave gym classes. But even those classes couldn't be of much use to avoid her fate"

The woman was walking until she stopped to see a blue worm with huge teeth and blue energy around it, making her scream and run away. The worm chased after her, and she got eaten by it.

During the crime scene, McGavin arrived, while the cops were watching him arrive.

A cop asked him "Let me guess, you're that reporter that is investigating the death of your wife?"

"What? No, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, no, nevermind, I confused you with someone else"

"You are new here?"

"Here. But I was a cop before"

"Oh, I am-"

"MCGAVIN!!!" screamed the police officer nicknamed Mad Bull.

"Hello Mad Bull, how are you doing?"


"Ok, ok…" said McGavin while taking a photograph discreetly, and then leaving until he saw a guy with a fedora and a trenchcoat.

"You're with the police?" asked McGavin.

"No. But did I hear correctly that that woman was eaten?" asked the guy.

"That is indeed the case, yes"

"Hurm… Are there any relatives of her's near us right now?"

"I am not sure, I mean, I could ask, I get along with the police"

"... That doesn't seem to be the case"

"Ok, yeah… You got me"

"If you excuse me, I must be returning"

"Ok, goodbye!"

McGavin's narration indicated "After the very gruesome scene took place, I decided to visit a friend of mine over what kind of animal would be capable of doing such a thing. I hope it is an animal we know how to handle"

"Ok, McGavin… You know the drill by now"

"Right… Of course… Let's say she was eaten by a… By a lion" says McGavin after later putting money on the table. "Very well, let's see it"

His friend showed him the body after adjusting his glasses.

"As you can see, McGavin-"

"Yeah, I am looking… Horrifying…"

"Yes, she was indeed eaten. Eaten by a huge animal… Or so it seems. However… Those marks are not from a lion"

"Wait, they aren't?"

"No, McGavin. All of the teeth were pointy"

"Ok… Thanks for the help"

"Wait, remember what you promised me?"

"Oh, right"

He then leaves his money to his friend, and then leaves.

He returned to the SNI, where Oakland was eating some hot dogs.

"Hello, Tony!" said McGavin

"Now you have the whole story, McGavin?" said Oakland.

"Actually… I've been working very hard at it… While also I was investigating-"

"Oh, boy, here we go"

"This brand new murder. According to a friend of mine who works at the morgue, she was eaten… But not by a lion… But by something else. Something… With exclusively pointy teeth"

Oakland couldn't eat because he was listening to McGavin. "So, that's the proof?"

"Yes! Actually, I took some photos of the body and they were truly horrifying to look at, as you can s-"

"You know we can't publish these photos, right, Carl?"

"Well… Yeah!"

"Come on, it was only some sort of wild animal, not one of those supernatural beings like some headless biker, some energy eating spirit bear, some… Doppelganger who also has pyrokinesis or anything like that!"

"But Tony! No animal was capable of this! It has to be a-"

"Would you SPARE ME WITH THOSE EXPLANATIONS, MCGAVIN? I WAS TRYING TO EAT AND YOU TALK TO ME ABOUT A… Oh dear, excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom"

Then Oakland went to the bathroom. McGavin sighed.

McGavin then was walking around the streets, until he crashed into Howard.

"Oh, sorry!"

"It's alright. Just remember to always look on the ground while you are walking"

Then they went their separate ways, with Howard entering the RV.

McGavin walked backwards and saw the RV. He knocked on it.

There was a bit of silence, until Synthwave attended the door with his usual sunglasses.


McGavin screamed. Synthwave then realised he had his sunglasses.

"Wait, I didn't mean to scare you… You're that reporter?"

"And you are that guy with the fedora?"

Five seconds of silence reigned between them.

"Can I ask you some questions? It's for my job"

"Hurm… You may"

McGavin entered the RV. He noticed it was…

"Let me guess, fatter on the inside than on the outside?" asked Synthwave

"... I was going to say bigger"

"Fair enough"

McGavin looked around, took photos of the place, and was shocked to see a robot.

"Wow, kid, you were right. This dimension is not used to see stuff like me everyday" said Farshtey.

"Is that a robot?" asked McGavin.

"Yes, yes he is" replied Synthwave.

Howard then came to the main room. "Wait, what is he doing here? I just crashed into this guy moments ago"

"Well… It is something that I need to do" said McGavin "You see, I have a reason to believe someone saw your vehicle… Mothership, Enterprise… whatever you want to call it, enter through a portal"

"Of course… That's something this vehicle can't control" replied Synthwave "This dimension is just like mine, but with the main difference that this kind of stuff… Aren't public knowledge"

"And that is my job is to make them public. People are dying because of it. Some of your worms have eaten a woman and-"

Howard then interrupted "Wait, "Your worms"?''

"Kid, we don't have worms… Right?" Asked Farshtey.

Synthwave "Of course not. We aren't responsible here, Mr…"

"McGavin. SNI"

"As I was saying Mr McGavin, our job here is to go from dimension to dimension to see if they need our help. And regarding those worms… We need to get rid of them"

"Let me help you out. I have experience with these kinds of stuff"

"... Ok"

The four of them heard a scream. They got out of the RV and they saw a man running from the glowing worm. Synthwave ran towards him, and tackled him before the worm ate him.

"Are you alright?" asked Synthwave

"Yes, thanks!" replied the man.

The worm then dug up and was seeing Synthwave. He noticed how he was glowing… And a glowing liquid.


Vaporwave was running towards the worm so he could attack him, but Synthwave told him "Wait! Farshtey, try to shoot him"

"Got it, kid!" and then he decided to shoot the worm. Harming him only a bit. The worm then went towards the robot, but McGavin tackled him and ran… But his camara got destroyed.

"Thanks, McGavin"

"... You're welcome"

McGavin saw what's left of the camera, and sighed. The worm then escaped through a hole.

Synthwave then said "It's not enough" and then he looked at the liquid. "Ectoplasm… Of course"

"As in the ghost substance?" asked Vaporwave.


"Let me see what I can do against it," said McGavin.

"Thanks a lot, McGavin, but I got it all under control" said Synthwave before entering the RV, going to a dimension, and returning with a glowing blue cross.

"What's… That?"

"This, is a Ghost Hunting Cross. It absorbs any… Well, guess"

"Ghosts, obviously"

"... You said this wasn't your first time dealing with supernatural things, right?"


"You may help. All you need to do is to make him touch the cross… However, please leave the distractions to us"

"Why? It's clear it's a ghost"

"It isn't. It just has ectoplasmic energy of some kind, and the rest isn't spiritual" Synthwave then points at the hole.

"Oh, I understand what you mean… For some reason I noticed, is that it attacks places where it doesn't have a lot of people"

"Guys, let's get in the RV, and find this worm"

After they entered the RV, they found the worm in the air, went down, and the four individuals got out, with Synthwave teleporting the RV to somewhere else.


The worm listened, and then the robot and the two humans from another dimension started to run away, while the worm was chasing them.

McGavin then evaded the worm, and managed to place the cross in his body, managing to suck the ectoplasm out of it, making it scream in agony.

Now, he doesn't have the ectoplasm energy, but it's pretty furious at the reporter for doing that. Synthwave then jumped and punched its face, with Vaporwave also striking it with his sword, and Farshtey shooting at it.

The worm tried to escape, but Synthwave gave a diving kick, knocking it down. McGavin was the only witness of this.

His narration closes with the following words: "After the monster was defeated, those three, strange men from another dimension decided to take it away to… Some sort of Zoo, where it would be given proper attention and care. Turns out, it was a wild animal. A wild animal that isn't from our dimension, that is. Fortunately, one of them, even if he injured it with his glowing sword, the worm had regenerative powers… Well, fortunate in a relative way.

Meanwhile, the camera I managed to take pictures of the RV, was destroyed in the process. Leaving me, yet again, with no evidence of what happened.

The only thing I've got left to say is, I hope the trio of interdimensional men take care of themselves… Continue to help out others… And, that's pretty much it"

Meanwhile, in another dimension, a person comes to visit the grave of his dead father. He leaves a flower.

"I'll continue it. The hunting. Don't worry"

V2 then walks away.