

Somewhere, in another dimension, V2 is walking to meet with someone.

"Jarre?" asked V2.

Jarre turned his head, seeing him. "Well, well, well… If it isn't V2 Schneider… What can I do for you?"

"Men Machines. Do you have them?"

"Oh yes, I do. How many do you need?"

"Two" said V2 after he put the money on the table.

"Very well, how is the hunting going?" asked Jarre while searching for the Men Machines.


"I am sure your dad would be very proud of you, Bangalter… Still preferring 1v1?"

"Equal v Equal. That's more exact. Recording functions. Do they have them?"

"Oh yes… May I ask why you need them?"

Meanwhile Synthwave, Farshtey, and Howard arrived in a dimension. They could only see black, and neon lights. They looked down and they saw they were in midair. Of sorts.

Howard said "Well, this dimension is going to be easy to navigate" while Farshtey was feeling kind of dizzy. "Woah, are you alright?"

"I… I don't… Know for sure" said Farshtey.

"This has Nazareth's name all over it" said Synthwave.

"This has who?" asked a confused, dizzy Farshtey.

Howard told him "Nazareth. An evil overlord responsible for the destruction of many dimensions. He… Was probably a greater threat than anyone you and Steve have fought"

"What happened to him?"

"Laurie put a stop to all of it. It took multiple tries until finally it all stopped. Don't worry, he's no longer around" replied Synthwave.

"Oh, great"

They continued to walk, with Farshtey not realising which things he is able to pass through due to the confusing layout of the Neon Light dimension.

Synthwave then sees a shopping centre and asks "I wonder what kind of stuff this dimension has in store" and the three of them approach the place.

"I will go to see if there are any interesting movies here instead of what we currently have in our dimension" said Howard.

"Got it"

Howard then went his own way and walked towards the place.

Meanwhile V2 was observing a yellow neon lighted gunslinger with a cowboy hat. "Hurm. Analysis complete. Result? Worthy prey" Then he saw Howard walking, and tilted his head.

Howard was walking normally until a portal showed up in front of him, and V2 walked from it.

"Let me guess, a dimension resident who's a fan of electronic music?" asked Howard.

"Your fight. Against that robot bird. Well done"

"... What?"

"That sword. Worthy. I will take it. As a reward. For killing you"

"... Oh! So you want to kill me, huh? This plasma sword… I am going to assume that you are a robot… Made of something stronger than titanium… But let's see if this sword is still able to cut through it" said Vaporwave while he transformed. "Just be warned, I may damage that 70s electronic-esque suit and tie you have there"

Vaporwave then charged towards V2 trying to slash him, but V2 stopped him by grabbing his hand, and punching him to a neon fountain.

V2 was walking towards him, when suddenly, Vaporwave summoned vapour around him… But V2 shoots his homing laser with his helmet's visor, making the former's attack completely useless.

"Even without it. I would end up guessing. Correctly"

Vaporwave then got up and tried to attack him with his laser sword, but V2 managed to dodge every single slash thrown at him, and he responded with a kick.

V2 was about to make the finishing blow, until Synthwave and Farshtey showed up.

Synthwave's face showed a surprised reaction.

"We meet again…" said V2 to Synthwave.

Synthwave then runs towards V2 trying to attack him, but V2 escapes by jumping to a portal. After he landed on his ship, he was looking at the Men Machines he bought.

"Today is the day"

Meanwhile, the three dimension travellers were discussing what just happened.

"Wait, he was the one who killed her?!" asked Howard.

"Yes" replied Synthwave.

"How come you never told me this, kid?" asked Farshtey.

"I wasn't in the mood"

"Now that I think of it, he must be some powerful outlaw, considering he gave you, and Vaporwave a beating"

"Almost as if he knew every move I was going to do. Like Spader… Hurm"

Howard then replies "... Actually… Back when we were in that green dimension, Steve… I thought I saw something golden on a rooftop"

"Wait, really? You mean-?" asked Synthwave.

"Probably. And, as it turns out, V2 kicked my butt just recently. Maybe it's-"

"The fact that he planned it all. He knows our every single move"

"Unsurprisingly, we have to come up with a plan to defeat him. But how?"

Synthwave then placed his black gloved hand on his chin.

Meanwhile, V2 teleports with his Men Machines to the mall again, looking for the gunslinger he was studying for sometime.

"Don't intervene. Wait for my orders" commanded V2.

He then walks towards him, and the gunslinger asks him "Who… Who are you?"

"Your last foe. You're a good gunslinger"


"But this is it for you"

"Wait one second. I know he sent you to get my head"

"No one sent me. I am not interested in your head. Your gun, or your hat. That's what I'll claim"

The gunslinger then finishes his glass of water. "Alright… Let's do this"

The gunslinger shoots through his pocket, but V2 dodges the attack, with a portal showing up on his side, then attacking him on the front with a punch.

V2 says "Long distance. Masterful. Close distance…"

The gunslinger tried to punch him, but V2 held his punch, breaking his hand, making him scream.

"Needed a lot of work"

The Dimension Trio heard the scream, and quickly went towards the place they heard it. Just before V2 delivered the killing blow, Synthwave shot his grappling gun at him, making his hated enemy's head flinch. V2 slowly looked at him.

"I am your opponent now" said Synthwave.

"Hurm. Figured this would happen. Men Machines, begin combat mode"

The Men Machines then striked a brawling pose, with V2 elaborating "One of you. Take care of the neon gunslinger. Do not kill him. The one with the sunglasses. Is mine"

Then Farshtey, Vaporwave, and the gunslinger started to brawl against V2's robots, while in the middle of the fight, Synthwave and V2 were staring at each other. Synthwave's eyebrows were angry.

"I remembered you. Small multiverse" said V2.

"We might get a risk of our allies hurting either you or me. I suggest one of us only walks out alive… But not here" replied Synthwave.

"Hurm. Deal. Follow me"

V2 then opened a portal, and both of them walked towards it, teleporting them to a somewhat far place from all the action, to start anew.

"Shall we?" asked V2.

"Yes… We shall" replied Synthwave, later he ran towards V2, who later teleported to Synthwave's back and kicked him. Synthwave tried to reply with another kick, but V2 held it, and threw him to the air. Synthwave then grabbed his grappling gun to go to another upper floor of the mall, and stayed out of his sight for a few moments.

"Surprise attack… That actually worked earlier" said Synthwave to himself. But V2 was behind him, and he shot a laser from his helmet, Synthwave noticed, tried to fall down to avoid the laser, but it still struck him. Making him fall to the ground with his chest instead of his legs.

V2 then teleported to the floor where Synthwave currently was, and said to his fallen adversary:

"Well done. You will see her soon"

Synthwave then got back up, and said to him "Those attacks… Show them to me once again"

V2 then stood for three seconds there and said: "Very well"

Then he shoots him with his helmet's visor. Synthwave then keeps running first to avoid the attack, and then to jump above his arch enemy, with V2 looking at Synthwave, and later he gets struck down by his very own laser.

Synthwave then gives him a series of punches, and later he kicks him, throwing him to the other side.

Synthwave then walks slowly towards him, but he teleports using another one of his portals. A portal appears behind Synthwave, and V2 tries to punch him, but his opponent instead held his fist and said to him:

"You're not the only one good at this"

He then tossed him to the ground, kicked him, and afterwards he used his grappling gun to make V2 come to him in mid air, and sent him a downward punch towards him to his back.

V2 then asks him "What is your name?"


"Synthwave… Well done" V2 later looked at one of his robots, or rather, what they were left of that specific robot "Men Machines. Retreat to WDPK"

While V2 was getting up, Synthwave was prepared to punch him, but his hated opponent teleported to his ship.

Synthwave was left staring in the ground until a few seconds later he decided to check out on the gunslinger after the fight.

"Are you alright?" asked Synthwave.

"... I will live" replied the gunslinger, then he ran away.

The dimension trio then returned to the RV. Howard asked "Why didn't you kill him?"

"I tried… But… I never got to kill someone" replied Synthwave.

Farshtey then replied "Kill him only if you are about to get killed, kid"

Howard tried to say something, but he didn't. Synthwave then asks "Is there something you want to do right now? Some place? Some activity?"

"It's best if we do that, Steve" replied Howard.

Meanwhile V2 was sitting down in his ship, looking at pictures of his father with a plasma shotgun nicknamed Electroma, and a photo of him and his father smiling, with his father holding him as a side-hug.

"Good memories. Hope we got more of them"

Then he put the photo aside, and watched the footage of the fights between the Men Machines and Farshtey and Vaporwave. Staring blankly through his visor.

Meanwhile, in another dimension, there were twins, one was preparing his gun, and the other, his axe.