
Heavy Metal

Somewhere, in another dimension, a Synthwave lookalike with a darker brown and black outfit and purple dots as pupils in his sunglasses, is walking, doing short hops, kicking down houses… All while singing the 1997 song "Come To Daddy"

He then sees a group of thirteen coloured knights trying to bring him down, he sees them, and pulls a portable piano out of nowhere, in which they shoot energy ducks, knocking down with ease everyone but the red, black, gold, silver, white, and darker blue members.

"Wow! That reputation of yours that you can't handle fighting one single bad guy (aside from the usual mob, of course) seems to be true!" says the Synthwave lookalike.

Then the red one, who's the leader, starts crying and screaming "I AM DOING THIS FOR MY BROTHER. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-AH-AH-AH!"

Then the lookalike mocks his crying "Oh, isn't it because he was just plain evil and deep down he hates you very much?"


Then "Synthwave" laughed. "Oh my former metallic overlord… When water comes out of your eyes… It is indeed priceless" and he proceeded to play six notes, knocking down everyone. Then he walked towards the red guy and said: "I heard you and the pink one were dating… I wonder how you would react if I killed her first?"

Then the red one started to cry and scream as if he was a baby.

"You know what? I am bored of this piano" says the Synthwave lookalike and he throws it aside "Let's see what other things I can create"

While he was walking, he saw a dog, he kicked him, although it didn't land in the trash can, and ran away scared.

"Eh, the dog whimper sound was worth it… Well, time to leave here!"

Meanwhile, the dimension trio were playing a game.

"OH, SON OF A GUN!" screamed Farshtey.

"Bravo, Steve" said Howard.

"Thanks," replied Synthwave.

The three of them stood up, and walked towards the centre of the RV.

"Where to now?" asked Synthwave.

They arrived in a dimension… And they were mid air. Repeatedly. Synthwave had to make the RV float.

Farshtey then asked while leaving the door "What's going oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-!" And the Farshtey crashed to the purple ground, and bounced twice, until Synthwave grabbed him by the leg.

"In case you were living underneath a rock Farshtey, the RV is floating" replied Howard.

"I am currently living in an RV! Are you dumb?!" screamed Farshtey.

Howard then closed his eyes for a second and later he half opened them.

"Oh. Sarcasm. Right" Farshtey replied.

Then someone on the yellow ground with a spring head looked at Synthwave and screamed "HE'S THERE! GET HIM!"

Synthwave then looked in front of him and asked "Huh?"

Then a couple of spring headed people were trying to launch torches and flames towards the RV, but it managed to escape.

"What's happening now?" Synthwave asked.

"Have you ever visited this dimension?" Ask both Farshtey and Howard.

"No, this is my first time!"

He then saw that they were still chasing him using the bouncing purple grounds.

"Let's go somewhere higher"

Then the RV went higher to a point they couldn't reach them.

"Let me guess, you have a doppelganger like… Mechagodzilla or something?" asked Howard.

Synthwave almost grinned.

"A what?" asked Farshtey.

"Someone who looks exactly like someone else. Not necessarily a twin, but that's the main aspect" replied Howard.

"I see"

"Let's try to find this… Probable impostor" says Synthwave while taking off his fedora, his coat, and his sunglasses.

They landed on the yellow platform and decided to walk, looking aimlessly for the doppelganger. Synthwave looked at a woman that's typical from this dimension, he decided to look away. Howard notices this and asks "Even the weird looking ladies, Steve?"

"Yes, even them"

"What are you going to do if… I don't know, a hot woman that has pyrokinesis talks to you? And if you can handle her being flirty, Steve"

"Uh… Pyro what?" asked Farshtey.

"Oh, it would be the stuff of my dreams, but the sunglasses stay on" replied Synthwave to Howard.

"Pyro what?"

Howard said "Good luck if she wants to compliment your eyes-"

"PYRO WHAT?!" screamed Farshtey.

"Pyrokinesis! Someone who has fire powers!" exclaimed Howard.

"Thanks, Vaporwave"

Meanwhile, the doppelganger is walking while reading a book, whistling a 1974 rock song called "Love Hurts"

Later he decided to talk all alone "I want to see that happening! … But then again, I want to put dynamite in someone's pants, just like that clown… Oh! But there's also destroying half of the moon! So much stuff… So little time…"

He then laughed quietly, and then he saw the dimension trio. And later they saw him, putting the book inside of his metallic fedora.

"Looks like you were right this whole time, Howard" replied Synthwave.

"If it isn't the original…" said the doppelganger.

"I am-"

"Synthwave, oh, believe me, I am aware of that. I go by…"

He spins around and strikes a pose, extending his arms horizontally and his leg forward.


"Alright… Metalwave, Where do you come from?" asked Synthwave.

"Does it really matter in the long run?"

"Of course it-"

"EEEEE, wrong answer pal! The truth is, it doesn't. Not. One. Bit"

"True, it doesn't matter one bit at all," replied Howard.

Farshtey says "We need to find your… Well, creator, and see if he had bad intentions or not, kid, much like your twin over-"

"I am not his twin, he's my doppelganger" replied Synthwave.

"I…" Farshtey sighs. "It seems I need to get used to it…"

"Try it! You will never get used to it!" replied Metalwave

"Hey, I will try to, you son of a gun!"

"You are a freaking moron, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A FREAKING MORON!"

"SHUT UP!" and then Farshtey shoots Metalwave, evading the attack.

Howard says "Transform" and then he changes into Vaporwave.

Synthwave clenches his fist, and says "Heh"

Metalwave laughs maniacally and charges forward towards the dimension trio who were also running towards him, colliding his punch against Synthwave's. Vaporwave tries to cut his arm, and Farshtey tries to shoot him, but Metalwave realises this, grabs Synthwave by the arm, and uses him to hit Farshtey and Vaporwave, and then slams Synthwave to the ground.

"Sorry… I just want to fight against the original" said a grinning Metalwave "But get your usual clothing for this fight"

Synthwave grinned, and kicked him in the chest. He then got back up, and moments later, he already had his usual clothing.

The combat has begun.

He tried to punch Metalwave two times. And then he pulled a grappling gun, and shot him in the head, but it did little to no damage.

"I've been told you were… Quite the thrill loving guy" said Metalwave.

"I am doing this for someone I love" replied Synthwave.

"Loosen up, Synthwave! You already remember her! Have fun! Do what you want to do… Because in the end it doesn't matter…" Metalwave said the last seven words in an evil tone.

Synthwave then kicked him, making Metalwave land on his back, hard. Synthwave was about to give the finishing blow, when all of a sudden he notices orange energy on the crack. He then decides to go to a bouncy platform, the same one where Farshtey was on.

"Kid! I can't turn around!" said Farshtey while bouncing.

"Here, I got you" Synthwave replied.

"This is making my head hurt"

Metalwave then sat down scratching his head, when he noticed the crack on the floor, making a lava geyser form from below him, burning him.

"THE LAVA! IT BURNS!" screamed Metalwave "OH, HELP ME! PLEASE HELP ME!"

"That's what it does, genius," replied Vaporwave quietly.

Then Metalwave's burning body is falling… Until he stops mid air, and lands softly on his feet.

"What?" asked the dimension trio.

Metalwave then smiled, and the fire around him disappeared alongside its flesh. Revealing the metallic grey body, completely black eyes with purple dots, and even his hat was metallic grey with a purple band around it, much like Synthwave's fedora.

Metalwave then looked at his hands and said "Oh well. It was nice while it lasted"

Then he flew upwards slowly, started to extend his finger and said "Eenie meenie miney… YOU"

He flew towards Vaporwave, and the latter tried to slash him, but Metalwave used a force field around him to protect himself from the attack, and to use its shield to attack him, making him land on the ground hard. Cracking it, although Vaporwave was still able to dodge the lava geyser.

Synthwave and Farshtey were going in their direction, with the latter trying to shoot him, only to have his shots being ineffective against Metalwave's force field. Synthwave then tried to land a punch trying to break the shield, but it only disappeared after Metalwave turned it off and kicked him in the chest. Synthwave layed down on the floor, with his hand on his chin.

Fortunately, while he was distracted, Farshtey managed to shoot him, doing some damage to him. Vaporwave used vapour, with Metalwave saying:

"Like that's ever going to help you out, sir!" with him later activating the shield and Vaporwave attacking repeatedly.

"Keep attacking him!" said Synthwave.

Metalwave then floats with his force field to the point Vaporwave can't harm him.

"HAH! You know, I was wondering if I should get a sword… Maybe a… Sword with the shape of a goat? Perhaps?" said Metalwave.

Synthwave grinned at him.

"What?" asked Metalwave and then he saw that the person he was based off moved his finger forward and retracted it three times.

Farshtey was still shooting him at the shield.

"Oh, dear"

The shield later deactivated and he received a couple of shots, making him fall to the ground with Synthwave punching him. Metalwave then floated and said "Ok… Ok… I'll give up, take me with you"

"Wait, you're giving up this easily?" asked Synthwave.

"Yes! You see, I've never gone to prison, so… How fun is it?"

Some moments later, after clarifying the whole dimension that Synthwave is not the bad guy, Metalwave ended up in the usual prison Synthwave puts his enemies in.

"If you escape, and you want a rematch, let me know" said Synthwave.

"Oh, there WILL be a rematch, Synthwave" replied Metalwave.

"Looking forward to it… But no more killing"

Synthwave closed the door of his RV and left.

"Pfft, yeah… No more killing. See you next time, wherever that is, BUDDY"

While the dimension trio were travelling, Farshtey asked him "Should be concerned with the origins of this… Outlaw?"

Synthwave replied "I am not sure… Maybe… Or maybe it should be him who we should be concerned about"

Howard asks him "What do you mean?"

"Out of all enemies I've encountered so far, he stands out as a sore thumb due to one reason"

Metalwave then walks inside the extended jail where he sees a lot of prisoners from dimensions. He then sees a criminal couple, saying in a quiet tone: "Who should I kill first out of the two of you? Eh, it can wait" He then takes the book out of his hat, which was made out of a material extremely resistant to heat, and starts reading it, with a special attention to the "Crystal Prison he was put inside of"

An hour later, he found the crystal prison, and went inside it. Walking past the warning signs regarding the prison that said "DO NOT FREE AT ALL COSTS" and sees a completely black, tall being with a yellow glowing staff, horns, and yellow dots for eyes encased in crystal.

He was put in a separate crystal unlike the other prisoners.

Metalwave then cracked his metallic knuckles and said "Alright… The real fun begins now"

The crystal guard looked at him and said "I wouldn't do that if I were you!"

"Does it really matter in the long run?" asked Metalwave. Later he spins his arm charging up his punch.

The crystal guard then points his crystal spear at him "Look, no! You can't do this, you have no idea who you're going to release, no! NO-!"