
Will Of Spades

"Pfft… Hehehehehehe… Hehehehehehe… HAHAHAHAHAHA, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Finally I got a new body!" said Will while looking at his new metallic, grey body, his arm cannons similar to his younger brother's with the sole exception that it radiates orange energy.

He then starts humming "Da Funk" while the not so innocent people of Neon Oir City were looking down at him.

A man in a dark red jacket, and a hat with horns was walking until he finally found Will. He then gave him a sign of "Stop" while he swallowed a pill.

"Stop? Ok, I'll just keep walking" said Will, but as soon as he was going to walk away, the man pulled out a picture of Synthwave and Farshtey.

"Wait a second, that's my brother! Did he by any chance bother you?"

The man nodded.

"Don't worry. I'll bother him for you, hehehehehe…"

Spader grinned.

Meanwhile the dimension trio were playing a game of Poker. Farshtey already lost it all.


"Looks like I won. Again" said Synthwave.

"Well played" said both Farshtey and Howard at the same time.

"Thanks. I have to wonder how Spader would play poker if he has problems with a crowd of people"

"Who's Spader? You mentioned that name more than once" asked Howard.

"He… Is some sort of thief. And one big challenge to fight against"

"Oh, right, him" said Farshtey.

"I want to return back to that casino dimension"

"Sounds like a great plan, Steve" replied Howard.

"Ok, let's go there, and see if they have another outlaw to deal or not"

Two revisit the dimension while another one visits it for the first time. Not much has really changed.

Will then reads the sheet of paper that Spader wrote.

"So, you are a thief… Who had to deal with Farshtey and his human friend… And now you want revenge, right?"

Spader nodded, giving Will a thumbs up.

"But… That was in another dimension! How did you get here?"

Spader wrote something in another sheet of paper that said "I can travel through dimensions. But I can only summon a portal after 52 days… This is Day 52 after last time I used my portal"

"Oh, I see! So you want me to deal with my brother and become your new buddy?"

Spader wrote another note "Please only deal with your brother"

"Got it" Will then turned around and grabbed a couple of cards, laughing quietly. Spader grinned and moved his head horizontally.

"So… Have you ever played 52 Card Pick Up?" said Will after turning around with a deck of cards.

Spader kept his grin, closed his eyes, nodded, and snapped his fingers, pointing at his new partner in crime.

"What. A. Shame. Well, shall we go to your dimension?"

Spader nodded.

"This is going to be fun"

The mute thief then tipped his top hat.

Meanwhile the dimension trio were walking around the dimension, looking at the sky.

"Fellas… Wanna try to play some of those… Pinballs?" asked Farshtey.

"Sure thing" replied Synthwave

"I can actually see you doing well here, Farshtey!" said Howard.

"Is that sarcasm?"

"Actually, no. It's less about thinking and more about the reflex… "Is a lonely child…" Sorry, I got carried away"

"What was he singing?"

"A Duran Duran theme song" replied Synthwave.

"What's a Duran Duran?" asked Farshtey.

Then the dark portal opens up, and both Will and Spader come from it, Will sees his brother below him and screams "FARSH!"

Farshtey and his two allies then looked up, and saw his brother and his new partner.

"Spader?! …WILL?!"

Will then does the epilepsy dance to taunt his younger brother, making him try to get up. Howard then asked: "I have two questions, first… Why does that robot look similar to Farshtey? And second… Is he mocking who I think he's mocking?!"

Synthwave replied "That's… Farshtey's evil older brother. With a new body, it seems, and the other one is Spader"

"Wow. A villain team up. Never saw that one coming"

"And regarding the second question… Yes. I think that is the case"

Farshtey tries to jump to the rooftop, but to no avail. So Synthwave grabs him, and uses his grappling gun to get up while Vaporwave runs to the rooftop. The three of them land.

"Will… It's my pleasure to meet you" said Vaporwave while taking off his top hat. "So is mine to you, Spader"

Spader proceeds to take off his hat again, and puts it back on his head. He then tries to focus on someone's head, making him do a silent chuckle.

"Why are YOU here? And why do you look like me but naked?!" asked Farshtey.

"Don't you remember that you took off my head, little brudda?" replied Will.

"Wait a second, did I?"

"Yes! Anyway, I am supposed to help this gentleman to make people like us not bother him while he steals"

Spader is trying to contain his laughter.

"Of course, so you can get the money all by yourself. COME ON!" exclaimed Farshtey.

Will replied "I have no idea what you're talking about. Anyway, why don't we- FARSHTEY LOOK, AN OUTLAW!"


Vaporwave also turned his head, Synthwave saw that Will was running towards Farshtey and kicked him to prevent the attack.

Will screamed and fell to the ground. Spader had his hands on his pockets the whole time.

"I can't believe I actually fell for that trick" said Vaporwave while facepalming himself.

"Wait, I can't see any outlaws" said Farshtey.

"I can. But one is in front of me and the other fell to the ground" said Synthwave.

"Oh, thanks kid! Wait a second, where's Will?" asked Farshtey

"I am down here, Farsh! Jump head down!"

"Got it!"

Synthwave then screamed "Wait, Farshtey try to land-!"

Farshtey fell down on his head.

"... On your feet"

Spader looked at the fall and whistled. Synthwave then looked at him, while he was patting his opponent's shoulder, and kicked him on the chest. Vaporwave was about to stab him, but Spader already realised this and dodged the attack, with a nervous expression.

Synthwave hurmed.

Meanwhile, Will was laughing at his younger brother's recent fall. Farshtey finally got his head out of the ground, with a very angry expression. His brother was holding him at gunpoint. Then he decided to aim at his feet.

"Oh, son of a gu-"

Will was making his brother dance with his shots, this making Farshtey finally use his guns against him. Will's face expression changed artificially from glee to worry, and dodged the shots.

Then the brothers interchange a couple of shots, while dodging, taking cover… Until Will sees a mirror, and decides to shoot at it, making him hit Farshtey.

Spader knew he couldn't throw his card at Synthwave's chest, so he tried to aim for his head, making Synthwave dodge the attack, while Vaporwave summoned vapour around him. Spader tried to focus, he noticed his white and green opponent was about to strike him down with the sword, but he jumped and did a dive kick… Although he didn't notice that Synthwave used his grappling gun to pull him to the crowded streets, making Spader fall.

His head was hurting, in more ways than one, so he decided to grab a pill, and escaped in the middle of the crowd before Synthwave could find him.

Will is sitting on his brother's back. Farshtey has his hand holding his chin, with a grumpy face expression.

"Let's see how you can handle one hour of good ol' me, brother!" said Will.

"There is something I learned from the kid, Will" replied Farshtey.

"And what may that be?"

"This Spader outlaw can read minds… Organ… Something minds. And the kid knows how treacherous you are"

"The point being?"

"He's already aware that you are going to betray him, keep all the money for yourself, and-"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Will ran away screaming.

"HEY, COME BACK HERE!" screamed Farshtey.

But he already managed to blend in the crowd, and no matter how much Farshtey tried, he couldn't find him.

The dimension trio reunited in the RV.

"Incredible… They got away" said Farshtey.

"But at least they are no longer a threat, right?" asked Howard.

"Yeah… We should get going to another dimension" said Synthwave

"KID, WE NEED TO CATCH THEM!" screamed Farshtey

"The authorities have them handled"

"But this is my own brother we are talking about! I think I know him, and-"

"There are other problems in other dimensions that need our help"


"Wait… I think I've got a solution" Howard intervened.

"What is it?" asked both Synthwave and Farshtey. Synthwave then continued with "Oh, now that I think of it…"

"We should leave Farshtey here and a phone in case he needs our help" said both Synthwave and Howard.

"That… Sounds like a good plan"

Moments later, Farshtey exits the RV.

"Are you sure about this, Farsh?" asked Synthwave.

"It is time that I put him behind bars once and for all… And Spader"

"Very well. Good luck, and don't forget, if you need us, call us"

"Got it. Take care, kid!"

"The same goes for you"

Then the RV leaves, and Farshtey starts walking to find his brother.