Chapter 7

"well I can definitely say your not in labor" Dr. Garret said "so your telling me my water didn't break then what the hell was that?" I asked slightly annoyed "severe Braxton Hicks along with you peeing yourself" he said as jarred suddenly rushed in "baby yet!" he said catching his breath "nope no labor" I said still annoyed. "yes there is no baby yet but I do want you on bed rest until it comes" Dr. Garret said.

"what I can't do that I have to much work" I said turning to face Dr. Garret. "I'm sorry Alpha but we've discovered that you have an extremely high blood pressure caused by the pregnancy, if it gets any higher it can risk not only your health but the babys, so unless you want to risk complications during the birth, you are going to have to stay on bed rest, and relax" Dr. Garret said.

so I was sent home, and put on bed rest.

"you know I really don't know how that quack of a doctor expects me to stay on bed rest and relax especially with what happened at the baby shower" I said as jarred put pillows behind my back. "I really wouldn't know" he said finishing fluffing a pillow "Seriously?" I said he sighed "listen after the whole vampire thing at the shower I understand why your stressed..." he said "stressed... jarred my Husbands mate who was supposed to be dead came back as a vampire. claimed that she was the cause for Jason's death and said he was now a vampire without saying he was a vampire and I'm pretty sure she's also planning to somehow take my child. stressed is an understatement" I said slightly angry

"and that is why I'm not leaving your side" he said standing up "now I'm gonna go help clean up from the party" he said walking to the doorway "you just said you weren't leaving my side" I argued and he chuckled "I will be by your side from the yard until we're done cleaning" he said with a smile. and I sighed.

he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"guess it's just you and me now" I said rubbing my stomach up and down. "I wonder what you'll be" I said talking to myself "a boy? or a girl? I wonder who you'll become. I wonder how you'll lead this pack, I wonder if I'll be a good mother to you" I continued.

I then looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes. "Ahhh this is so annoying!" I yelled slamming my hands on the bed and opening my eyes. then suddenly a strange feeling came over me. it was the feeling that something bad was about to happen. like something was wrong.

I quickly took the blanket off me and got up from the bed. I opened the door and made my way to the stairs carefully Walking down them and eventually made it to the backyard, where jarred, Mia, Venus and Tyler were cleaning up.

after a minute of standing on the porch, jarred looked up and saw me, then suddenly dropped what he was holding and came running to me. "what are you doing out of bed, he said looking me over. "I have a bad feeling" I said to him. "that's why you got out of bed" he said concerned "what do you mean that's why?" I said annoyed "Vanessa your supposed to be on bed rest not just for your health but the babys" he argued.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EVEN CARE ITS NOT LIKE IT'S YOURS" I yelled at him then immediately regretted. "I-I didn't mean that" I said sadly he nodded biting his lip. "your right it's not mine" he said "so why am I even here?" he asked "Jarred..." I said apologetically.

"I think I'm just gonna go I'm obviously not wanted" he said beginning to walk away "JARRED IM SORRY!" I yelled as tears began to fall.

~wow would you look at that~ a voice popped in my head ~pushing away your own mate how horrid~ the voice continued "get the fuck out of my head Melissa"

I said as jarred disappeared from view ~Why should I I'm just stating the obvious, first your selfishness gets your husband killed, then your selfishness begins to push away your mate who was waiting so long for you and not just that was going to help you raise the child of another wolf~ the said spitefully.

~but your very own self pushed him away, your an even worse monster then me~ she Continued as my head began to feel fuzzy "your right" I said aloud not meaning to, as if the words came out all on its own. ~of course I'm right, but don't worry NES... I have a solution to fix all your problems~ she said the suddenly she appeared Infront of me. "how?" I asked without wanting to. like I was being controlled.

"it's so simple" she said rubbing her hand on my cheek. "All you have to do is come with me" she said and my body nodded on its own. was this the hypnosis power that vampires held, I didn't understand.

I didn't want to go with her, but yet I did almost like I had to. she grabbed my hand and carefully pulled me along with her, "your so much quieter like this Jason was right about you, strong willed but weak minded" she said helping me into her car.

she then got into the driver's seat and began to drive, I began to think about mia, what happened to her she was in the yard and I don't even remember her leaving, it made me slightly worried, but then Melissa started to speak.

"you know he really doesn't care about you any more" she said focusing on the road. "no comment?" she said "oh wait you can't" she laughed. she continued to talk nonsense for 5 more minutes before we arrived where she was taking us.

she helped me out of the car and walked me into what looked like an abandoned house "what took you so long to get here" Jason asked as we walked into the house.