Chapter 8

"what the hell took you so long to get here" Jason asked as we walked into the house. he was really here, standing in front of me, my husband and the father of my child.

I'm not gonna lie there was a part of me hoping she was lying, a part of me that thought if he really did come back he wouldn't tell me like this, but then I guess I was wrong in the end.

but as sadness, anger, and happiness that he came back entered my mind, it became less fuzzy, like she lost her control over me. I decided at that moment I would still act, so I could see how far they were going to go.

"hello Vanessa how have you been" he said as I just stared at him blankly. "don't bother my love, she will only respond to me" she said walking around me and leaning her head on his shoulder. "didn't you say you overheard her doctor tell her to stay on bed rest" Jason said looking at her. "that's what he said" she replied standing up straight "but she didn't say she wanted to be she said" with a smile then punched me in the face causing me to fall to the floor.

"what the hell Melissa" Jason yelled. "she somehow broke the hypnosis" she told him "you may be new at this but soon you'll be able to tell" she said kneeling down. "I'm gonna kill you" I said "not possible" Melissa replied.

"since you broke out of my control I'll just tell you what's gonna happen" she said. "you will give birth to the child and Jason and I will raise him together, then he will help us take over this god forsaken world" she told me standing up. "what the hell are you talking about?" I asked confused "oh you don't know" she said "your child will be blessed with the power of the moon goddess and he will have the power to take control of the world" she said with a smug smile


I was angry, she was my mate yet she throws in my face how the baby isn't mine constantly. but at the same time I knew she didn't mean it. after a few minutes of calming down I decided to head back over to her and apologize, but when I got back to her yard, she was gone, and mia her friend. was just standing there staring off into space.

"mia" I said walking over to her "mia" I said again as I stood in front of her "what the hells wrong with you?" I asked. "mia wake up!" I snapped shaking her and she snapped out of it "jarred?" she said putting her hand on her forehead.

"Where's Vanessa?" I asked with a bad feeling starting to form in my gut. her eyes went wide "She took her" Mia said putting her hands on my shoulder. "who?" I asked. "the vampire from the party, Melissa Vanderport, my brother supposedly dead mate" she said worriedly.

"Fuck" I said turning around. I quickly shifted into my wolf form and began to sniff the air. her scent was weak but there so I followed it.


it had now been 24 hours since I left the hospital, and 6 since I was kidnapped. they had me in a seemingly comfortable room and Jason barley said anything to me. I had so many questions for him. but at the same time I didn't want to know the answers.

my husband who I not only grew up with but was also married to for a year, who was murdered in front of me and who I saw get buried, was once standing in front of me as a what I could only assume was a vampire.

I was currently alone in the locked room and sitting on the bed when Jason came in. at first I was silent as he just started at me then he spoke "what did you do it he asked "do what?" I replied back "DON'T ACT STUPID VANESSA DO YOU REALLY THINK I DON'T KNOW YOU TRIDE TO HAVE ME KILLED!" he yelled.

"Is that what she told you?" I asked him standing up he didn't reply. "Jason what reason would I have to get you killed?" I asked "you wanted to be Alpha and look at you now" he said. "Jason I never wanted to be Alpha, you and I we needed each other to run the pack as well as we did. the only reason I'm alpha is because we were married and we didn't yet" I replied.

"Jason I'm sorry but Melissa did this to you" I said "How dare you lie about my mate" he said "JASON SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD 5 YEARS AGO AND YOU ONLY JUST FOUND OUT SHE WAS A VAMPIRE WHEN YOU DIED" I yelled at him. "USE YOUR GODDAMN HEAD!" I continued. "do you really want to use our child to take over the world like she wants?" I asked. "what do you mean our child?" he asked back.

"oh my God she didn't tell you" I said taking a step closer to him. "tell me what?" he asked "she didn't tell you that this child is yours" I said "no it's yours and your new mates" he replied "no.... it's ours I found out I was pregnant at your funeral" I said. "why would she lie to me?" he asked. "because even though you two were once found by the moon goddess as mates your vampires now it doesn't apply anymore which means she knew something and she wanted to use you" I said looking down in thought.

"Jason I can't stay here, if she's right if there is this weird prophecy thing and if this baby really is blessed by the moon goddess she can't have it, Jason it's our child we have to protect it" I said attempting to plead with him. "I don't know" he said unsure.

"Ahhhh" I yelled as a sudden Sharp pain crept through my stomach causing me to grab it. "what is it what's wrong" Jason said concerned.

"I think I just went into labor... for real this time" I replied.