Chapter 9

"I think I just went into labor... for real this time" I replied. "Jason please I know your not a bad person, our child it can't be born like this" I pleaded "I-I don't know" he said turning away from me. "JASON I HAVE A SURPRISE!" I heard Melissa yell as she slammed open a door. "it's to late" I whispered as Jason left the room, and I sat down on the bed.

"What is it Mel" I heard him say. "I brought a witch to help with the birthing process" she said happily "just in time I think she just went into labor" he said. "I'll go see her where is she?" an unknown womens voice said. "follow me" Melissa said as I heard them come up the stairs.

"Hello Vanessa, miss me much" Melissa said entering the room with a women. "Fuck off bitch" I replied "I'll leave you to it Cynthia" Melissa said with an annoyed look. then left closing and locking the door behind her.

"why are you helping her?" I asked as she came closer to me. "I have no choice now lay down" she said and I did as she said. "do you really believe that this child will help her?" I asked as she felt around my belly. "of course not she replied, but she forced me into a magic contract, if I break it both my family and I die" she replied. "wow" I said "yeah" she replied. "what are the conditions of the contract?" I asked "what does it matter she said as she pulled me up so I could sit normally.

"what's it to you?" she asked "oh I don't Know maybe because it has to do with not only me but my child" I replied. she rolled her eyes "the contract states it is my job to help you safely give birth to the baby and confirm that the child was blessed by Selene" she said "that's it?" I asked "that's it" she said.

"mmmmm" I said clutching my stomach as another pain came across it "time it" I said "already on it" she replied starting a timer, then sat on the bed with me. "man I really hope jarred hurries" I said "who's jarred?" she asked. "my mate"I replied. "I thought, Alpha Jason was your mate" she said "that is a long story" I sighed.

"we got time" she said, "not enough" I replied. then I stood up "we have to get out of here" I said "how, your in labor I have to help with said labor and the doors locked from the outside" she said, "the window" I said walking over to it. it was locked. "if we smash it then they'll come running" she said. "I know" I replied trying to think. "don't you have some sort of spell to unlock it" I said turning to face her "it doesn't exactly work like that" she said standing up "it's a spell yes but it takes a lot of focus, and time" she said walking over to me. "well I'd do it myself Cynthia but I'm not exactly a witch" I replied.

"are you sure?" she asked "what do you mean?" I asked back. "I'm not sure if it's you or the baby but I'm just getting this powerful witch energy" she said "that doesn't make any sense" I said "I'm a wolf not a witch and as far as I know I have no witch blood in me" I continued.

"you know what none of that even matters right now, we need to get out of here while we still have the chance and your our only way out" I said seriously. "I can try" she said nervously. she then took a deep breath and closed her eyes while holding her hands on the window. "detorquere et convertam reserare ostium" she began to say "detorquere et convertam reserare ostium" she began to repeat over and over again in what sounded like a whisper.

"mmmmm" I sounded grabbing my stomach again. then I looked at the clock '1 hour apart' I thought to my self as Cynthia continued repeating her spell in the background "detorquere et convertam reserare ostium" she continued to say.

then suddenly she stopped, and it was silent for a minute"why did you stop?" I asked slightly concerned "I did it" she said turning to me with a smile "I actually did it" she said "oh my goddess really" I said happily when we heard the door being unlocked then opened "why don't I hear screaming yet?" Melissa asked entering the room with Jason only a few steps behind her "probably because I haven't gotten to try killing you yet" I replied and she chuckled a little. "you wish" said then looked at Cynthia. "how far apart are the contractions?" she asked "1 hour" Cynthia replied looking at the floor. "good before we know it the baby will come" she said. "let's go jason she said turning around.

"you were an alpha, an amazing alpha who was loved by those who was in his pack and now look at you Jason, allowing yourself to be a slave to your own mate that's not love and you know it" I said to him as he also had his back turned to me. "I said let's go Jason" Melissa said again and he followed her out and they locked the door behind them once more.

"let's go" I said quietly opening the window. "what about him?" Cynthia asked "I'll save him some way some how, but right now I have to focus on protecting my child" I said beginning to carefully climb out the window onto the roof. we were on the second floor of the house. "I'm gonna jump down then I'm gonna use a spell to float you down" she said and I nodded and she did exactly that. when I got to the ground we began to run for it even though I really couldn't move very fast we ran, we ran like our live depended on it.