Chapter 12

"Vanessa, I'm sorry I haven't told you anything but everything you need to know right now, is in this note. the baby that this note was attached to... my baby, is 3 weeks old, her name Is Everly and I am currently unsure if she is born as a witch or a wolf. her father is a very dangerous wolf one who I met thanks to a one night stand. I was able to hide from him for the duration of my pregnancy but he found me recently, as of right now he doesn't know about Everly. so I leave her in your hands to raise as your daughter. if I never come back, if I'm killed, I don't want her knowing about me it won't be safe for her. this may be the last words I ever say to you as I have no doubt that he will kill me, I love you Nes you'll always be my best friend, please for your safety don't look for me, and keep my baby safe


the note said, I carefully picked up the baby "you look just like your mother" I said looking down at her green eyes and auburn hair. I then packed some baby supplies and drove back to the pack house where Jarred's office was currently was. "thank God Nes your finally..." he said stopping mid sentence. tears filled my eyes as I looked down at the baby and looked back up at him. "She was pregnant" I said as tears began to fall from my face. I handed him the note and he carefully read it over "what do we do?" I asked. "we take care of her" jarred replied in a serious tone.

"are we even able to. we already have Alison and mark, can we really raise 3 kids and run a pack?" I asked. "I don't know" he said taking a step closer to me "but what I do know is that Cynthia trusted you... trusted us.... enough to take care of her baby" he continued. "mommy who's that?" I heard Ally say from behind me and I quickly turned around. I looked down at the baby then back to Ally and knelt to her level.

"This is Everly" I said with a light yet unsure smile "your new baby sister" I continued. "but I don't want one?" she said in a pouty tone "I know sweety but..." "I SAID I DON'T WANT ONE!" she screamed at the top of her lungs interrupting me. it was so loud for a moment it felt like the earth shook.

"now Ally that's enough" Jarred said walking over to us "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOUR NOT MY DADDY!" she yelled then ran off. I stood up "why did she say that?" I said in a loud whisper. "I don't know" he replied his voice sounding slightly broken. I turned to him. "She didn't mean that" I said, "didn't she" he replied. I threw the baby in his arms "no she didn't... I'll talk to her" I said kissing his lips.

I then turned and walked off in attempt to find my daughter. after a few minutes of looking I found her sitting outside under a tree crying. I walked over to her and sat against the tree and let the breeze fill the silence between us until I finally opened my mouth. "why did you say that?" I asked "because it's true" she replied quickly. "you know Ally" I said taking a deep breath in "just because he didn't help create you doesn't mean he's not your father" I continued "says who?" she asked with a slight attitude "everyone" I said.

"you see a parent or sibling isn't always formed by the bonds of blood but instead by time together. and although your birth father will always be your father daddy is the one who raised you with me... that makes him your dad to" I explained.

"I still don't want it" she said "mark is already to much" she said crossing her arms in a pout. I chuckled "can you please go apologize to daddy... you really hurt his feelings" I said and she slowly nodded. then she walked back out to where her father was. I stood and and sighed then walked to the doorway where I watched Ally apologize and hug jarred.

"Luna" I heard a voice from behind me it was obviously one of Jarred's pack members with how he referred to me "yes?" I said turning around to face him. "it seems that there is someone here to visit you" he said nervously. "send them away I don't have time to meet with any one" I said then turned back around to continue to watch my mate and my daughter.

"I tried, my Luna" he said nervously "but they were very insistent of meeting you now" he continued. 'how annoying' I thought to myself and turned back around. "fine give me a minute" I said then walked up to jarred and whispered in his ear "it seems I have a guest" I said "I'll be back soon" I continued. I then walked off following the pack member whom I have never seen.

after a minute we arrived in the living room. there stood my father. alpha of them red stone pack. "what are you doing here" I asked crossing my arms annoyed. "Am I not aloud to visit my own daughter and grandchildren" he said in a condescending voice"no actually your not" I replied. "now what the hell do you want" I snapped, he smiled, then took a step closer to me.

"I think I have a right to see my grandchildren" he he said "Is that why your here, because I never let MY children Near you" I said "DID YOU EVER STOP FOR ONE SECOND... ONE FUCKING SECOND TO THINK WHY I DIDN'T LET YOU NEAR THEM" I yelled "I AM AN ALPHA AND YOUR FATHER AND YOU WILL RESPECT ME" he said yelling at me in his alpha voice. "You may be an alpha but you will never be my father not after what you did" I said